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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Mularkey should bench Clement's for his abysmal playcalling. Absolutely astounding just how bad this team has become. I'm starting to think the Hollywood may be right.
  2. If this is true it's an absolute admission that the Bills braintrust doesn't have a clue. They made the decision that Losman would be the guy. Their convictions we're so strong they gave Drew his walking papers and named JP the starter. They've given him a total of FOUR games to prove his worth. So for all you nitwits clamoring for Holcomb tell me what we've accomplished when he goes out and loses the next football game? This organization continues to wallow in mediocrity and confusion and like morons we step up and give them our money and support. We ARE the Arizona Cardinals....
  3. If the decision is made to start Holcomb on Sunday then I will completely lose faith in the Bills as an organization. The vacuum of leadership is simply astounding.
  4. When the most rational post on TBD comes from HD, we are truly peering over the abyss.
  5. Win or lose you can be sure of one thing at TBD: The board will have the same tone as the cafeteria at an asylum 12 hours after the Thorazine runs out.
  6. You can B word all you want, I don' think there's a chance in hell old Ralphy would fire him.
  7. Wasn't that Sam Cowart's injury as well? How sad if true
  8. It appears that the Bills and Bills management want to wear the unis permanently but the league won't let them.
  9. Perhaps I was lucky because I didn't get to see today's game but when I went to the chatroom I knew TBD would be Suicide Central. I have weeded through most of the posts here, and blatantly ignored the drivel and what I get is a picture of an underperforming defense and an invisible offense which started me pondering. What was on the minds of the Bills management back during April's draft. Apparently there was a concensus that this team lacked talent at the WR level. So much so that it was worthy of their first pick. Just how much was Parrish going to figure into this opening day offense?
  10. How dare you interject a reasonable observation in our time of panic. Don't you understand? Now is the time to write off the season, to declare JP a bust and to jump off the wagon. Damn you and your infernal optimism, damn you!!
  11. Maybe one of these days you'll sit next to me so I won't have to shout it over 7 rows!
  12. No, to the best of my knowledge no one wore a beer. See, unlike a message board where you can be a tough guy and say virtually anything you want, if you do it in person you might get punched in the mouth. I think that's one of the most interesting parts of the tailgate. The most vocal and most outrageous people become amazingly docile.
  13. I'm not sure I could watch the game without valuable observations like "that Dunn is a football player". Seriously, where do you get that kind of insight outside of Madden? I heard that comment last night and turned off the audio.
  14. There were an awful lot of people screaming when the Bills let fat Pat walk. I guess the front office knows more than you after all.
  15. Lindell's kicking % is exponentially higher than the accuracy of a lot of posters here.
  16. I thought some of the drunks calling in were more entertaining then Schoop and Bulldog. I find it hysterical because they were cautiously backpeddling after nothing but incessant crticism for the last 5 months. If the Bills had lost, they would have been in their element. Anyone catch the comment about the "stain on Gorbachev's head"?
  17. Rich actually made me some without sauce last year. Oddly enough, I like them that way.
  18. And half of Holcomb's passes were completed against CB's that got cut, what's your point?
  19. Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this is actually a football related board. It's a brand new head coach, brand new offense and Pasqualoni's players. Did you really think they were going to light it up?
  20. Comparing what happened on 9/11 and Giuliani's response to the situation in New Orleans is just ignorant. Giuliani didn't have to evacuate NY, there was no damage to the infrastructure so supplies and personell could come and go freely and there was no loss of power except for in the immediate area. The "response" was limited to about an 8 block area. The other harsh reality was that there were very few victims left alive. When the towers came down, you were either dead or alive. I'll never forget the response we got when we contacted our hospitals in the NYC area. Whe were attempting to get them an overstock of medical supplies and the response we got was "thanks but we don't have any influx of patients".
  21. I don't think race or political affiliation had anything to do with the response or lack of response. I think the "response" was sympotmatic of a government that become beauracratically paralyzed. The challenge now is to dismantle the current structure and get it fixed.
  22. Well it appears that there is a standard "we're having a hurricane and need help" form letter. It's really unfortunate that our gov't has turned tragedy into routine. To me, it appearred a lot more sinister at first glace.....I was wrong. I will delete my original post.
  23. I realize this belongs on PPP but I'm cross posting this here because it's just too important. http://gov.louisiana.gov/Disaster%20Relief%20Request.pdf
  24. And all you hear from the left is blind apologies and excuses, neither side is helping the situation. The response has been delayed, confused and generally pathetic regardless of the circumstances. Who's to blame can be determined later. Bush, like every previous president is guilty of appointing cronies to positions rather than qualified individuals. In a perfect world New Orleans would have become a military operation rather than a civilian cluster fugg. There in NO organization in the world more capable of rescuing, securing and protecting the citizens of the U.S. Unfortunately there still exists a terror of the "military taking over". Give New Orleans to the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines and this situation is a fraction of what it is today. At least they can freaking communicate with each other. Shocking that Bahgdad is a safer place than New Orleans right now.
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