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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. That's cold, really cold
  2. Here was an interesting comment that I thought was an indictment of the previous administration: "Letting Pat Williams get away is an eye blinker to me". Marv seems committed to building out from the offensive and defensive line. Perhaps the future is brighter?
  3. "Either that or the last coaching staff was a bunch of idiots". Considering that the head coach was a former tight end and couldn't figure out a way to involve ours in the gameplan??? I thought we'd reached consensus on this issue
  4. In retrospect, there has been a large number of players that were shown the door without a whole lot of fanfare. Most of them have not come back to bite us in the butt. The idea of releasing older or non-productive players isn't new. The difference is that most clubs wait until they have replacements to do so, Donahoe didn't seem to care. Perhaps he was more concerned about his draft picks getting playing time? You know, those second round gems Denney and Kelsay!
  5. The statement is a whole lot easier to understand and a lot less damning when taken in context. From Rodney McKissik's article in the Buffalo News: "Butler recalls a time when Jauron was in Green Bay, and a free agent rookie defensive back didn't receive his check on time and a huge child care bill needed to be paid. The player's thoughts were on his family, and not the upcoming game, until Jauron pulled him aside. "He told him that when he's on the field, that's the only way he can pay for those things," Butler said. "Just go out and make plays. He told them to tell the people whenever he gets paid, that's when they'll get their money. A lot of coaches wouldn't get involved in anything like that. He's a special guy." Here's the full article: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060...?tbd1036301.asp
  6. 90% of them could also write their thesis on the posters at TBD.
  7. Wow, that's an amazing conclusion you jumped to. Did you even bother to watch the PC?
  8. Did you and your "friend" talk about how Steeler fans wanted Cohwer run out of town after their last playoff loss? I distinctly remember hearing that he: "Couldn't win the big game" "Had been with the team too long" "Had lost the respect of his players" I guess the Pitt fans were a bit premature?
  9. Sherman coached the Packers in the worst division in football and managed to win the division. Wow that's a HUGE accomplishment. I wonder what his record would have been if he'd had something less than Brett Favre as QB? Somebody remind me what his playoff record is again? I'm not saying Jauron is a good choice, hell I don't know, this might be the worst choice in Bills history. I do know this, I'm gonna give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I guess you forgot that he got his start was a Bills assistant and was named Coach of the Year in 2001? If he comes in and does well I'll be happy and most of you will look like idiots yet again. If he fails then we're right back where we started.
  10. Did you think the nickname "Retard Rollercoaster" came out of thin air. The only way the horde would be satisfied would be with a reanimated Vince Lombardi on the sidelines and Ralph paying $15million a year in salary. Just be careful, if you read to much it makes you stupid.
  11. RT, Sorry I prematurely deleted your post. I didn't connect the quote with the movie. I just saw the text and whacked it. My apologies!
  12. This post is simply pathetic. Are you really that jealous and petty that you can't admit that Brady is a great QB? The guy stares downs blitzes and hits his recievers over and over in perfect stride with passes thrown in virtually perfect postion to be caught...yeah he sucks. If he was a Bill we'd be debating whether or not he's better than Kelly. He virtually carried his team to the playoffs this year....what a loser. If you're going to post this crap you should at least have some shred of evidence to substantiate your point. I agree the media goes a bit overboard at times but for God sakes man try to look at it objectively.
  13. So he who spends the most wins? That logic is simply baffling.
  14. There's been a lot of claims that the Bills won't hire a big name coach because Ralph is cheap and won't pay big time bucks. In today's press conference Ralph stated that he doesn't even know what the coaches salaries are nor is that a consideration. So is he lying? If his statement about not having an agenda is true, they you're all wrong yet again.
  15. Trying being a moderator at this zoo!
  16. No matches but I've got an extra pitchfork if you need it!
  17. The best quote from that movie: "I had Sunny side up, I had Sunny side down, I had Sunny side all the way around".
  18. Good point, i hadn't thought of that aspect. Although as long as the ILB's know where he's going it's easy enough to cover the gaps. I'd have to believe that Adam's running free in the backfield is a bigger issue for teams than an uncovered LB.
  19. Moreso than your arrogance? Ya think you could have toned this down a bit?
  20. Not if they switch to a 3-4. If Gray is in fact gone then we have no idea what kind of defense we'll see on the field. I'd take Adams in the middle with Schoebel on one side and a legitimate DE on the other side. The question is, which DE is available in free agency to fill the roll? Kelsay just hasn't impressed me with his ability to shed blocks or put pressure on the QB.
  21. George Bush and Saddam Hussein
  22. Two words: "retard rollercoaster". Nuff said.
  23. Keep Mularkey as HC. Sure he's made some mistakes and some goober calls but what HC in the NFL hasn't. He appears to have the support of his players and I think dumping him causes more problems than it solves. I could stomach giving him one more year. Modrak moves to GM and What's his name handles the PR and Marketing duties as previously speculated. Sam Whyche moves to OC and we get someone with a clue to be DC. I'm not sure Krumrie is the guy but I wouldn't be opposed to giving him a shot. The only question in WTF is Levy going to be doing??
  24. I'm sure that Adam's probably told Donahoe that he wouldn't know a good draft pick if it kicked him in the head. I'm guessing it was right around the time Donahoe said he wanted to draft Ryan Denney.
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