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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Visually one of the most amazing displays I've ever seen.
  2. So? Kelsey is our starting DE, is it better if he gets pancaked every play? There really is no win here.
  3. There are people that still listen to WGR?
  4. My sister-in-law lives in Green Bay and she was in town for a visit this weekend. I asked her about the whole Favre mess and here's what she told me: They recently did a survey can called every single phone number in the Green Bay area. They asked if Favre should be: 1. Brought back to the team an made the starter 2. Brought back but only as a backup 3. Be traded. She told me the results were almost evenly split. She also mentioned that they're going after Minnesota hard because apparently there was a lot of back and forth travel from the coach of the Vikings that Favre knows to his home in GB. One final point, she said that the general consensus in Green Bay is that Brett could have gone down as a legend but his arrogance and apparent unwillingness to hang up the cleats is really starting to piss people off.
  5. I can't shake the feeling that Steve Johnson is going to rise up from obscurity and fight for the #3 WR position.
  6. I won't go so far as to say she's not attractive but I will say that there are thousands of women in the US that are FAR more attractive than her. I'd bet there are 100 in the New England area that would give her a run for their money.
  7. Congratulations on acting like a dick. It always amazes me when some "fan" doesn't realize that there are real people playing and coaching these games and they have relatives that actually care about them. I'm sure you're family is overflowing with people that can say they were NFL head coaches. If you want to act like an !@#$ please take off your Bills gear so you don't embarrass the rest of us. The story would have been funnier if he beat the sh-- out of you with a toaster.
  8. Well, when compared to that I guess we don't have it so bad after all.....sheeesh.
  9. Is it just me or does that guy look a bit like Will Ferrell?
  10. Yes, and it just gets fresher every time I hear it. And you're right, I wasn't there to hear it for the Dallas game but I was there to hear it in 1990 for the Raiders/Bills playoff game when it was a bazillion below zero. I've also heard it a few hundred times since then. I stand by my opinion that the song is worn out. Maybe they could mix it up a bit and add in something really edgy like "Celebration". Thanks for confirming my fandom though, it's always good to have an e-thug patrolling the boards for us less loyal Bills fans.
  11. Isn't the Miami song basically a ripped off version of the old Oilers song?
  12. Shh, don't tell my wife, she"ll be very upset!
  13. At least Washington took the initiative to craft their own song.
  14. I knew my comment would draw the anger of my fellow Bills fans but sorry, it's the truth. Seriously, is there any other team that has a touchdown song that's 30+ years old.
  15. Shout is old, worn out, tired and way way past its time. God forbid they actually change it to something decent. Not that the above song represents something decent
  16. That would be a QB sneak of titanic proportions.
  17. I can one up that one: Tim Russert Stadium No disrespect to intended to Ralph but how cool would it be if he said "we're renaming the stadium this year".
  18. The most telling quote of that entire article "we don't have to come up with little schemes or tricks to try to get in the end zone."
  19. So if the Bills had ignored all their needs and gone right down Kiper's board do any of you believe we'd have gotten a better rating? I'm fairly sure we would have gotten blasted regardless of what we did.
  20. Mike Rockwood Leif Larson Rob Johnson The list is endless....
  21. You ate a lot of lead paint as a kid didn't you?
  22. To the best of my knowledge we don't practice against the Jets or the Jags in RWS in front of 60,000 fans. I could be wrong.
  23. Don't they still have a QB with the arm of an 86 year old woman?
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