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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Actually Cuomo screwed up the state more than Pataki but wackey Pataki just kept building up the debt. Did you figure out how your Guard leading Governor is completely unaware of whats going on in a 5 year old war yet?
  2. She made it part of her storyline. She was the one that was being lauded for carrying a baby with Downs Syndrome to full term. It's been held up as an example of her commitment to her convictions. Once you use it as part of your candidacy, it's now open for public discussion. All that aside, I doubt any of this is true. BUT, and this is a massive BUT the whole issue of an 8 hour plane ride while leaking amniotic fluid is just too insane to ignore. At best it shows horrific judgement.
  3. If she doesn't know much about the situation in Iraq then she's admitting to being grossly deficient in her duties as Governor. She's openly stated she's the head of the National Guard for the State of Alaska. There are active guardsmen from Alaska serving in Baghdad. At one point there were as many as 700 guardsmen from Alaska in Iraq. If fact, they lost a helicopter crew in January 2006. That sounds like a fairly large deployment with serious consequences. The head of the Guard for a State doesn't know much about a war that's been going on for 5 years??? That's pretty frightening. http://www.defendamerica.mil/photoessays/a.../p081905a1.html
  4. A story is now emerging that McCain really wanted to pick Lieberman as his VP but the far right wingers went nuts. There were even threats of a floor fight at the RNC to oppose him if he in fact was chosen. Now he's being lauded as a "maverick" again for caving to his party. Personally I would have loved to have seen him pick Lieberman and tell his party "FU, I'm going to win this election with or without you". That guy I would have supported.
  5. I deleted my other post because it didn't add anything to the discussion other than throwing fire onto an already inflammatory topic. Besides, I didn't even mention the fact that his wife stole drugs from a not-for-profit organization she started and never even got arrested. But you do bring up a good point though although I'm not sure if it precludes him from knowing how many homes he owns. By your string of logic, he wouldn't be allowed to stay in any of them? I disagree that it was an "honest answer". It seemed to me that it was more of an "holy crap I don't want to answer this question" answer. Personally, I don't care how many houses he or Obama owns. It's not really a relevant issue in this election. Anyone that thinks a person running for president is just like them is a fool.
  6. Nice to see the the flag waving Republican's aren't worried about silly Constitutional ideas like free speech. Only those elitist democrats that do that kind of thing right? http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/08/30/rnc...test/index.html
  7. I don't believe for a second that John McCain didn't know how many houses he and his wife owned. Seriously, if you're wealthy enough to own more that one house you sure as hell know about it unless you're dumber than a fence post. There's a certain amount of pride and ego that coincides with the wealth necessary to actually buy 7 houses. The reality is that he didn't want to say how many he owned because it's very hard to be "one of the struggling middle class" when you own seven houses and a private jet. He should have just said that it's not relevant rather than trying to appear like he didn't know. Either that or he could have said "I wish I owned as many as my wife" which would have been both funny and ended the discussion. Was the MSNBC headline unnecessary and unprofessional? Yes it was. I'm not sure it's worse than pretending to be a "fair and balanced" news organization when you're clearly a mouthpiece for the Republican and Conservative parties.
  8. Why not just pick Tina Fey, she's just as qualified.
  9. Well thanks for the in depth but misguided analysis of my post but let me clarify. She's a horrible choice because McCain desperately needed a running mate with a massive background in economics. It's the single most important issue in this election. McCain has already stated that he's no Bernanke so the logical choice was to shore up that weakness with someone with some credentials. Instead he chose someone with virtually no credentials. I don't care how much the Republican's try to rationalize and justify this pick. It was HORRIBLE And for the record, I'm a centrist that is probably more right leaning that left leaning. Unfortunately the far right has to quantify everyone that's not 100% in line with them as a "lefty". Thank you Rush Limbaugh
  10. I'm sorry but being the Mayor of Podunk doesn't make you qualified to be Vice President of the United States.
  11. You're probably right cause nobody's going to turn in to watch John McCain slog through 45 minutes of fear mongering crap while saying "my friends" 246 times.
  12. Half of the Republican party right now is going "WHO"? For six months we've been hearing about the "experience needed to lead". You're really going to tell me that if something unfortunate does happen to Sen. McCain that you're comfortable with a completely inexperienced unknown taking over the reigns. Maybe the Bills can start pulling players out of the stands during games when people get injured. Hell, if experience or capability don't matter we'll just pick a random fan as long as they support the team. Your candidate just threw away the election.
  13. The State of Alaska will sue to challenge the recent listing of polar bears as a threatened species, Gov. Sarah Palin said Wednesday. She and other Alaska elected officials fear a listing will cripple oil and gas development in prime polar bear habitat off the state's northern and northwestern coasts. Yeah, she's a real "maverick" On your other point: You mean that state that the Pataki drove into the toilet? My wife worked for Senator Bruno. Perhaps you've heard of him? I could stories about your revered GOP that would make you puke in revulsion. Dem's are no better or worse than Reps. It's a fact!
  14. Let's see now: She's from Alaska, the state with our largest energy reserves. Her husband works for BP She got the bill passed to allow TransCanada Alaska to build a 1,715-mile natural gas pipeline McCain's ties to big oil have been well documented. She has ZERO experience, so much for the "not experienced enough to lead argument". This was a pander pick, good luck spinning it. Edit: Did Rush and Shammity approve this pick? Better get that squared away because as stated before, "John McCain doesn't necessarily speak for the McCain campaign".
  15. We all know that going to a Muslim school automatically makes you a terrorist because ALL Muslims are terrorists. Really, is that all you got?
  16. Short of invading Canada, it would be hard for them to be worse.
  17. McCain = 4 more years of REPUBLICAN leadership. That's 4 more years I'm not willing to give them. McCain the maverick died 4 years ago......I would have voted for that guy. I don't know who this McCain is?
  18. You're probably right Tom but I know this. I gave the Republican's my last two votes. In 8 years the party of small government and fiscal conservancy has proven to me that those values are nothing but taglines and that they've lost their fuggin minds. Osama's still alive and we fought a war on gays. If J. Edgar Hoover were still alive he'd take a flamethrower to Congress, the Senate and the White House.
  19. You don't really believe that crap do you? You'd have to be stupid on the scale of a 2 on the Wonderlic to buy into that crap. That nonsense in no different from the nutjobs claiming that McCain made tapes for the Vietcong as a prisoner. Here's a tip for you, stop listening to that fat drug addict Limbaugh and Shammity and go out and do some of your own research. If you still think that McCain is the better candidate then by all means cast your vote. If you really think the last 8 years have been awesome then you're living in a different world than I am.
  20. No need to take all the blame yourself. This board was overrun with "experts" last week all telling us how much insight they were able to gain from the first preseason game. Looking like a complete idiot is difficult here because it's a very crowded field.
  21. Actually Sam, I don't claim to be a coach. I don't claim to be able to make a personnel judgment after 8 plays. I don't pretend I know more than everyone else. I come here because there are about a dozen people who really know what they're talking about. I come here to read the feedback they provide. Unfortunately that's becoming more difficult because TSW is drowning in a cesspool of stupidity and people like you keep crapping out of your mouth. But by all means, keep posting and you'll solidify your spot in the retard hall of fame.
  22. Explaining plays to your wife doesn't make you a "coach".
  23. What last night proved to me is that this board is now filled with half wits who know little or nothing about football. This place is drowning in a sea of stupid.
  24. I don't think we'll have an solid idea on Edwards at least until the end of this season. What I am trying to say is that you can't conclude anything from what you saw last night. The only thing to be concerned about is whether or not there were any injuries and it appears that we made it through unscathed.
  25. If you think you can determine anything after last night other than the fact that they played a preseason game then you're a moron. That is all, please return to your rollercoaster rants.
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