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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. First, half of what you call "imports" are made HERE. Second, if you don't think that Toyota and Honda aren't producing cars that are exponentially better than the sh-- the US manufacturers are making then you are clueless. Third, US auto manufacturers have been producing a sh------- product for almost 60 years. That fact combined with reality that unions have over inflated wages to absurd levels leads us to the current situation. Do I feel bad for the US workers? Yes, but I'm not buying their sh-- because it's made by my neighbor.
  2. Can I please have that 68 seconds of my life back?
  3. Fannie and Freddie were the tip of the iceberg. Both parties own this mess yet they're too busy pointing fingers and placing blame to actually !@#$ing fix it.
  4. Why does that video make me think of the Village of the Damned?
  5. It needed to fail. Putting the cost of corporate greed on the backs of the taxpayers is wrong regardless of your party affiliation.
  6. It's hard to believe but Palin actually makes Paris Hilton look like an absolute genius. The fact that she's on the ticket should be an utter embarassment to every Republican. McCain speaks often about how he puts "country first". Apparently that doesn't apply to your VP choice. Anyone that defends this misfit is a pathetic shill for the party.
  7. Everyone in the United States knows you dirtbags cheated. The fact that your coach excels at working in the grey area of rule bending is well documented. If you didn't want the label you shouldn't have cheated. You don't hear any other teams complaining about being called "cheaters" do you? I'm not sure how long you've been a Pat's fan but in the 80's and 90's you could buy a ticket a Foxboro for any Sunday game. Despite being a hour from two large cities you rarely sold out. I went to dozen games in that trash heap Foxboro because tickets were readily available and we used to enjoy thrashing you twice a year. Your team was a joke and you couldn't find a Pat's fan. All those license plates, stickers, shirts etc. started showing up 5 years ago. Most Pats fans are the epitome of bandwagoners.
  8. Are you all fuggin kidding me???? We haven't been 4-0 since 1992 and we're trying to find reasons to diminish the fact that we're 4-0 Most teams divide the season into quarters. We're perfect in the first quarter, I'm not going to B word about it.
  9. Josh Reed and Roscoe Parrish have been HUGE in the last 4 games. Many of their catches have been on 3rd and long and multiple times Reed has fought like a bastard to get the extra yards for the 1st down. Not to mention that Reed is probably the best blocking WR we have. There's a whole lot more to being a WR than just catching bombs for TD's. Don't diminish their contribution with your ignorance.
  10. Stroud was fine, Aaron Schoebel is the one that worries me. Has he made a tackle in the last two weeks or is he just content with making massive 45 yard crescents around the QB?
  11. First, anything written by Beck is so far right it's immediately not worth reading. Second, pointing out that the VP nominee is not even remotely qualified to be VP isn't exactly smearing. Keep mashing that button though.
  12. The dirtbags involved weren't political appointees. They were just Federal employees except they also happened to be dirtbags.
  13. Is that Sgt. Slaughter's son? Maybe he will pile drive Denney?
  14. He's a "rookie" not in the sense that it's his first year but in that it's his first season as a starter. He may know the offense an the playbook inside and out. That doesn't mean he's going to make the right decisions all the time. You can bet your ass that opposing defenses are going to take chances with him that they'd never take with Brady.
  15. I don't dislike the idea but there is a MASSIVE difference between blitzing Hasselbeck and blitzing Favre. I know we're supposed to hate him because he's playing for the Jets but if you get crazy stupid with your scheme Favre is far more likely to make you pay for it. Now against the rookie in NE it's a brilliant idea.
  16. Maybe Brady will lose his starting job to the rookie! Wouldn't that be poetically hysterical! All humor aside, if the rook lights it up this year I wonder if Brady goes on the trading block. That would be very Bellichekian!
  17. JP may not be Joe Montana but he arguable has one of the strongest arms in the NFL and throws a great deep ball. When you combine that arm with Randy Moss's speed you have a very very ugly combination. Trade him to New England? Are you F'in nuts?
  18. The thing that stuck out for me was the pass to Royal for a TD. It happened right after the Seahawk's fumble. On that play the Bills did what good teams do, they put the game away. I can't help but think that last year that 1st play would have been a run off left tackle.
  19. I don't disagree Tom but we're 1 Cat 5 hurricane in the gulf away from $5 per gallon again.
  20. Free fall? I'm still paying $3.60 a gallon, I'd hardly call that a free fall. The reality is our tax system isn't equitable. Warren Buffet proved that last year yet no one wants to talk about it. The wealthiest 1% are in fact in the highest bracket but because of the way the system is structured the majority don't pay anywhere near their published rate. The Republican's can't seem to stop saying that Obama will "raise your taxes" yet no one ever looks at the actual impact of the candidate proposals. After all, why actually read the reality, it's much easier to go off of talking points and sound bytes. Maybe this chart will help the lesser informed: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...8060900950.html Personally I'd like to see the entire tax system scrapped. It's so broken at this point I'm not sure it can ever be fixed. But by all means, keep cutting taxes while increasing spending at the same time. In a few more years our country will be so broke that we'll be completely owned by China so it won't matter what party you align yourself with anymore. Fiscal idiocy.........
  21. I'll try to say this in the simplest terms possible. Palin's daughter is SEVENTEEN. Barack Obama's daughter is NINE. See the difference? The prior Palin discussion involved a crazy ass rumor about her covering up for her daughter. I don't recall making any derogatory remarks about her daughter. To save you the trouble of going back, I wrote: "All that aside, I doubt any of this is true. BUT, and this is a massive BUT the whole issue of an 8 hour plane ride while leaking amniotic fluid is just too insane to ignore. At best it shows horrific judgement." I still stand by that statement and I think any rational thinking adult would wonder wtf was going through her head.
  22. Dude, his daughter is !@#$ing NINE. Even in politics some things are off limits. For Christ sakes have some god damn pride.
  23. At this point I have to believe he's either: 1. Grossly out of shape. 2. Not recovered from his surgery. Either way he's not showing up because if he does it'll kill his chances at the big payday his agent wants. What I don't get is why there has been absolutely NO contact from his side. You'd think at this point he'd have done a half dozen interviews telling everyone how badly he's being screwed.
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