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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Your arrogance is simply unbelievable. The Dean has been around here since day one and you have the audacity to call him out? You must feel pretty confident in your ignorance. IMO you're just one of the dozens of know it all e-trolls that seem to have infected this site in the last year or so.
  2. I'm just directing you to some people of like mind and presumably like intellect that might be of interest to you. Then again, someone witty enough to name themselves "BLZFAN4LIFE" might be incapable of actually searching a forum. Please, by all means, don't let me distract you from your mission of acting like a douche bag. Carry on.......
  3. There's some racists hanging out in another thread, perhaps you should join them?
  4. By all means, lets just keep running them out of town as fast as we can. Then again, we could just keep the ones we had like Gilbride. I'm sure every morning when he puts on his Super Bowl ring he chuckles thinking about the teams that have fired him.
  5. Wow, just when I thought Bucky was the biggest idiot you come along and 1 up him. This is truly one of the most ignorant things I've ever read.
  6. If Tebow goes before the 4th round I'll be absolutely SHOCKED. Unless someone drafts him for his name, there's no pro scouts that are picking him for his passing ability. Half of Tebow's game is a combo of the option/qb draw. That sh-- just won't work in the NFL. You can either make the read and throw the pass in the flat or you can't. At this point Tebow hasnt' shown anything that would indicate that he can perform those duties. Fraser, Crouch, White, Smith et all all were QB's in the mold of Tebow although some were admittedly smaller. They didn't even get a look as NFL QB's. He'll play TE or he won't be in the NFL.
  7. Wrongo...that would be USC. USC would tear up Florida and Tebow.
  8. Please link me a draft site that has Tebow going anywhere in the first round.
  9. Tebow will not be a starting QB in the NFL. He lacks too many of the skills necessary to play QB at that level. He's no different from an option QB that has to make the transition. If he's going to make it in the NFL then it'll be as a TE. Any team that drafts him prior to the 4th round to play QB is making a HUGE mistake. As a QB, lowering your shoulder and running works in college, in the NFL that will earn him a trip to the hospital.
  10. Cowher made it to the Superbowl with QB's like Bubby Brister and Neal Freaking O'Donnell. Despite having QB's that didn't belong in the NFL he consistently made it to the playoffs. Yeah, I'd take him in a heartbeat.
  11. If you've got the wind at your back there is no reason NOT to throw a long pass play when it's 3rd and 7. The Bills are out of the playoffs, they've lost every game in the division and you want them to keep doing the same predictable bull sh--? You're not smart enough to wear that username.
  12. Here's what I don't get: Buffalo has nothing to play for other than playing the spoiler. They should be throwing lopsided formations, trick plays, hail marys and everything under the sun just to make the Pat's as miserable as possible. Instead we see the same predictable, overly conservative bull sh-- we've seen for the last 2 years.
  13. Two words, three actually: Rob Freaking Johnson And Cassel has shown much more than Johnson did. The kids gonna get paid!
  14. Ironically that's how most Bills fans feel as well.
  15. What this team needs is the same thing it's needed for at least a decade. It needs an OC that realizes that the team plays in BUFFALO. An OC that realizes that we're looking at 6 maybe 8 weeks up acceptable weather then it will turn to crap. The last quarter of the season will likely be played in horrid conditions. We need an OC that knows how to establish a running game. An OC that understands the nuances of an effective running game and one that doesn't implement and offense that opposing defenses can immediately decode. I want someone to gather the offensive line together and make them understand that they're going actually going to have to run block and that they'd better learn to drive people into the ground.
  16. This whole situation is a bit fishy. You want me to believe that for the first time in two seasons Dick Jauron gets involved in the play calling on the last play of the game and on a play that clearly shouldn't have been called and that cost us the game??? I'm not buying that for a second, DJ stepped up way to quick to take the blame for that decision. Either he's protecting his OC or he wants to get fired.
  17. Yeah I agree, cause our history of running players and coaches out of town has worked so well. Especially when it comes to Offensive Coordinators like Kevin Gilbride. I mean he's done nothing since he left Buffalo....oh wait...nevermind.
  18. Actually, I would prefer that someone spend their time beating the snot out of posters like you but that's just me. And OBTW, 1984 called and it would like it's homophobic slur back.
  19. And yet you paid Kelsay and Denney millions of dollars along with the meaningless sackmaster Schoebel and you wonder why. Instead of three solid DE's you've got a 1 and he's not exactly stellar. And who's fault is that you doddering old fool?? When opposing teams are saying they know exactly what you're running an all Madden team couldn't score. It's over for this team and franchise folks. Stick a fork in them and get on with your lives.
  20. Something makes me think that if Parrish were on the Patriots he'd be our worst nightmare.
  21. After watching Kelsay get absolutely swallowed up by the Dolphins RT I'd say drafting another CB is perfect for this trainwreck of a franchise.
  22. I'm so sick of all this "character" bull sh-- it makes me want to puke. At this point I don't care if the starting offense comes straight from cell block A in Attica. WIN A GOD DAMN SUPERBOWL!
  23. Does anyone know what the net revenue of the Buffalo Bills is? I'm talking after ticket sales, merchandise sales, revenue sharing etc. There's been a lot of speculation that Wilson won't fire Jauron because he doesn't want to "eat" the rest of Jauron's contract because it's millions of dollars. I'm think that as a line item for the Bill's it's really a nominal fee. Especially when considering what plummeting ticket and merchandise sales mean for your bottom line. Personally would you spend $1,000 of your own cash to bring a real coach in? I certainly would!
  24. So does Eric Crouch, how's his career working out?
  25. I don't really care a lot about Joe D. or his opinions but this post did remind me of something. At the end of the San Francisco game they showed a shot of a Bills player and a Niners players standing at midfield talking and laughing. I'm not advocating that the players hate each other but I found it a bit odd that Bills player would be laughing less than a minute after one of the worst performances of the 2008 season. Joe is right on one thing, a lot of players don't care about anything but the paycheck.
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