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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. THE COACHES ARE UNDER CONTRACT. IF RALPH FIRES THEM HE STILL HAS TO PAY THEM!!! Sorry about the caps but damn, some of you people are thick. Firing a coach isn't a cost cutting move. Schonert is going to get paid to sit home and watch games this season. This saves Ralph NOTHING!
  2. So much for the "Ralph doesn't care, he just wants to line his pockets" crowd.
  3. Actually, I wasn't. I'm a stupid head. I still like AVP better
  4. Maybe this is over simplifying the issue but I've always been more comfortable with OC's that have actually taken a snap in something other than high school football. Van Pelt was never the most talented QB in the league but the guy got every ounce out of the talent he had. It seems to be a natural progression for him to go from QB coach to OC. I'm sure Trent came off the field after more than a few 3 and outs and said to Alex "Dude, wtf was that play call"? Maybe now we'll get some life injected into what has been a putrid offense. Go dougboy!
  5. Yeah, if only we had a great receiver on our team. The Bills should go out and sign someone like Johnson. Too bad Terrell Owens isn't available.
  6. Watching that tape made me come to 2 conclusions: 1. Roscoe Parrish is a punt returner, that's it. For all the hype about his speed the guy just can't get any separation. 2. Steve Johnson should be the 4th WR if not the 3rd. Hardy was a wasted pick, Johnson has more natural ability and reminds me a bit of Moulds.
  7. And if I remember correctly had blonde hair.
  8. As much as I hate him and his team, Belliache is no idiot. He will have his team prepared for absolutely anything short of the Bills opening up in the wishbone or some option offense.
  9. That was BRILLIANT! It reminded me of a conversation I had when I was at the Bills/Packers game. My wife and I were talking to another couple and I was lamenting the state of the current Bills. The guy asked me "Why don't you root for the Jets?" Without pause I responded "Have you ever met a Jets fan? They're barely human!" I love this headline re: Cutler's return to Denver. "They're Not Saying "Boo!" They're Saying "I Hope You Die In A House Fire, You Pansy" BUT.....the best by far is Marvin Lewis commentary on his injured players. Can you imagine Jauron walking around OBD saying sh-- like this! http://deadspin.com/5347189/this-is-why-nf...g?autoplay=true
  10. I agree with you. Here's the problem though. If you do that stuff in the pre-season there's a chance it will care over to the regular season. For example, go back and look at Hines Ward on the TD pass attempt in the endzone. I believe he was being double covered and he completely lays out.
  11. Reed has a responsibility to go fight for the ball regardless of where it's thrown of how hard he's going to get hit. If he can't live up to that responsibility then he doesn't belong on the team.
  12. Here's the problem we have as Bills fans. We all love this team and we all want them to succeed. It causes severe anxiety and emotional distress. We also only know what we see on the field or what we read/hear in the media. When the team plays poorly, as they did against Pittsburgh, we all go Henny Penny because we've seen this act before. BUT....we only know what we see. We don't know who missed what assignment or what the hot read was on any particular play. It's entirely possible that based on a pre-snap read that Josh Reed was supposed to sit on the route and Trent threw the ball exactly where he was supposed to. Similarly, we don't know if it wasn't Trent that screwed up the initial read or even the play in his head. My hope (prayer) is that they sort this out before we play the Patriots. If not, they're going to get B word slapped on national TV and it'll be a loooooooong season.
  13. I'm not defending Trent but could you please point out any play in the pre-season where any of our receivers were as wide open as Moss was on Saturday night? Don't overlook the HUGE advantage Brady has because his pass protection is infinitely better. I've never seen Kaczur thrown into the backfield. Moss helps immensely but Welker helps himself more than anyone. He's crazy fast AND he knows where to run. He finds seams and gaps and gets to them. Parrish never seems to remember where he's supposed to go.
  14. Who gives a flying !@#$ is a pass is 7 yards or 17 yards if it still nets you 50 yards. As long as it's getting us closer to the goal line I don't give a sh-- if Edwards tosses the ball underhand to receivers standing at the LoS. Some of you idiots apparently haven't watched a whole lot of Bills games because Wes Welker absolutely eats us alive catching 7 yards passes. The difference is we have the Wes Welker wannabee in Parrish who seems to get knocked down by a slight breeze.
  15. With Wilfork and Seymour up front Whitner would look like Ed freaking Reed on the Patriots. Instead he's force to play 6 yards from the LoS because our front 3 of our front 4 are craptastic!
  16. If they cut Jesus Bruschi then I say we sign him IMMEDIATELY. Wouldn't be awesome to see him in game screaming out all the Patriots audibles.
  17. We had Kevin Gilbride here as OC and the roller coasters couldn't wait to send him packing. Anyone know what he's doing now? Oh that's right, polishing his SB ring.
  18. I'm not defending Trent Edwards by any means but I did notice something tonight and it's something I picked up on when I was at the Green Bay game. I'm not sure if this is an indictment of our defense or our QB but it tells me something is VERY wrong. At the GB game I watched Rogers throw passes to WR's that were WIDE open. When I say open I mean no Bills defenders within 3 -5 yards of the receiver. When ever I see Edwards throw a pass there always seems to be a defender right on top of our WR. The only time this doesn't happen is when Evans is running a streak down the sidelines and Edwards/Losman just heaved it. Doesn't it strike anyone else as odd that our WR's are never wide open and there are never any gaping holes for our RB's to run through?
  19. The Packers are a VERY good team and they have a added advantage of depth at all positions. If they don't go deep into the playoffs this year I will be shocked.
  20. Promo, I'm not sure what you're looking at that makes you feel comfortable but I'm going to have to disagree. I was at the Green Bay game and outside of one 4th down stand our defense was awful. The first TD pass was walked in because our DB's like to play 5 yards off the WR even when the offense is on the 2 yard line. I haven't seen a cushion like that since Kelso (aka Dark Helmet) was playing center field 60 yards from the line of scrimmage. We gave up an absurdly easy rushing TD because neither one of our craptastic LDE's is capable of containing anything. One one play one of the craptastic duo ran right past the ball carrier on his way to the QB. The rest of the time he was in the game Rogers had his way with our secondary. On one of the completed passes to the TE we got lucky because they had a WR running down the left sideline completely uncovered. I thought it was going to be a TD but a little pressure forced Rogers to go with the 20 yard gain instead of the TD. On a positive note, it's still the pre-season and I'm not drawing any conclusions about this team. If they get absolutely stomped by NE on Monday night we'll know for sure where we stand.
  21. I was in Green Bay for the game and on the local pregame show they were talking about how long the starters were going to play for and how they SPECIFICALLY wanted to treat this like a regular season game INCLUDING set packages and game planning. So...uh...yeah!
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