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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. If the Bills had a legitimate NT in the 90's they'd probably have at least 2 rings. There was no way Jeff Wright was ever going to command a double team and that was tragic considering you had Hansen and Smith on the ends.
  2. It's not a swagger, it's more of a stumble.
  3. I was wonder if Walker is getting an interest anywhere else? I haven't heard a peep.
  4. Ya know what I don't get. Walker is 6'8" and weighs 366lbs. How is it possible at that size to not just bury everyone you play against. ESPECIALLY LB's. I outweigh my 10 year old son by 100lbs. I'm fairly certain I could block him with relative ease and my days as an athlete are long gone.
  5. Does anyone doubt that Eric Wood is going to step up and lead this young group?
  6. SEE! I told you we should have drafted Bryant McKinnie! On a serious note, people screamed that McKinnie was over rated and that they Bills shouldn't draft him. Last I checked McKinnie is still in the league and Mike Williams is barely hanging on.
  7. I think I may have been rooting for the wrong team when I was at Lambeau.
  8. I know this is offensive but I just watched Tropic Thunder last night. It's pretty clear the Bills have gone "FULL RETARD". I'm changing my avatar in homage to the idiocy that pervades this team.
  9. What's sad is that this idiot is getting a free "education".
  10. I agree, if only we could get someone like Kevin Gilbride. Look at the job he's doing with the Giants offense.
  11. The more Peter's talks the happier I am. Not because trading him was absolutely the right choice but because it get to watch him underperform this season and the Eagles fans will eat him alive. OBTW, the Eagles open the season at Caroline. That means Mr. Peter's gets to play against Mr. Peppers. I'm guessing he gives up at least 2 sacks. His implosion will be fun to watch.
  12. I guess we now know the answer to the question "Is Shawne Merriman gonna have to choke a B word"? Sorry, I couldn't resist. The good news for Merriman is that Goodell will probably just tell him he shouldn't do that and suspend him for a game.
  13. Typically if a player is still available 1 week before the season begins there's not much left to him as a "player".
  14. You're quoting yourself? I know this whole football thing is big and confusing but let me try to help you sort it out. It doesn't matter what anyone is paying a player, the only thing that matters is what some other team is willing to pay. After Schoebel had his double digit sack year we might have gotten a first rounder for him but that ship has sailed.
  15. LOL, internet tough guy calls a multi-millionaire, HOF inductee a "douche". Dude, you're a nobody... might as well get used to it. You just keep up that intarweb awesomeness though. Maybe you can tell your friends how you "PWND" someone online. Better yet, tell your co-workers at Wegmans. What a tool.
  16. I don't disagree but this move could backfire. Remember how the Pat's reacted the last time Bellichek dumped one of their favorites right before the opener? Lets hope it happens again. Also, if the Raiders suck as much this year as everyone believes they will then this could very well mean the Pat's have the #1 pick next year. There's no way they'll keep that pick because signing the #1 will cost more than both Wilfork and Seymour. Lets hope this starts a long slow downward spiral
  17. Did you see ANY of the practices or preseason games. Rhodes looked down right pedestrian.
  18. This place has become a Mecca for idiocy. They're not going to cut Walker, Whitner or Reed.
  19. Not sure what station he was listening to but I'm assuming it was the same one I was when I was listening to the Cuse game. There was never any mention of Jackson or a trade.
  20. Wade is an AMAZING defensive coordinator but he mediocre head coach. I positive if he was here our defense would be better.
  21. There you go again Lori, inserting facts into a thread of insanity and idiocy. Don't you understand, this is the intarweb where everyone with a keyboard and an ISP is an instant "insider" and automatic experts. Those of us who aren't struggling with MASSIVE self esteem issues and aren't self appointed experts sincerely appreciate the input from folks like Tim and John. I just hope troll nation (which this place has become a haven for lately) don't drive them away. As an old schooler going back to the days of Hyper-Bills, I'd fully support you breaking out the ban hammer and sending some of these smacktards on a permanent vacation.
  22. No, it doesn't make him an expert but it makes him 250 times more informed than some fat loser who has absolutely ZERO sources or insight. But by all means, keep typing and validating the stupidity.
  23. Let's just hope that Van Pelt knows what a quick slant is. If he can come up with a solution for the "they took Lee away from us" dilemma he'll have already surpassed Turk.
  24. If what Lori heard is true then kudos to Jauron for being a stand up guy. Taking bullets for Turk's idiocy is not a easy thing to go. We're pretty quick to hammer the guy but none of us knows what goes on behind the scenes. A "screaming" match doesn't sound like Jauron but the guy did play in the NFL so maybe there's more fire than we realize. I love the AVP move and I really hope it works out.
  25. "Quarterbacks coach Alex Van Pelt will take over. Running game coordinator Eric Studesville will remain in his role." Seemed pretty clear to me, AVP is the guy.
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