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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. The only thing TO is in danger of breaking out in is a sweat. The guy hasn't done jack this year to earn his salary.
  2. At the risk of completely derailing this thread, does anyone else listen to Dilfer on Cowherd's show? The guys football analysis is fantastic and he provides a "Jaws" like insight. I'm really getting hooked on his commentary.
  3. Do they call you "Doc" because you're heavily medicated? You clearly don't know wtf you're talking about. Coming back and fighting for the ball is what PROFESSIONALS do. If he wasn't going to catch it he has a responsibility to defend against it being intercepted. I learned that in 9th grade. The guy is a professional athlete. When the balls in the air and in his direction he should be !@#$ing killing himself trying to get to it. What he did yesterday reminded me of some of the weak ass efforts we used to get from Princess Price. I'd hope that an elite NFL WR wouldn't have trouble turning around to attempt to catch an underthrown ball. Be that as it may, look at the other actions. Watch his body language on non passing plays. Watch his effort at downfield blocking. The guy is clearly packing it in, collecting his check and doing everything he can to protect his body and avoid contact. None of that matters though because in the end, the guy has stone fingers. How he got the numbers he has is absolutely beyond me. If you can't see that then I can't help you.
  4. The more snaps Fitz gets the better we'll be able to diagnose the issue. His second start at home should give us a much better read on his potential.
  5. I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  6. Who popped wood?
  7. I mentioned this during yesterday's game chat but did anyone else notice just how little effort TO has been putting out? The first throw to him he alligator'd it, he never fought or even tried to come back for the long ball that was under thrown and his effort on the reverse was questionable at best. What astounds me though is how many passes he drops. For a guy with his numbers he sure has some ****ty hands. If he caught half the passes thrown at him he'd already be in the hall of fame. What bothers me the most is his body language on running plays. He jogs to his spot and basically telegraphs the fact that it's a run. If this is the maximum effort that he can put out then I say put his ass on the bench and lets see what Steve Johnson can do.
  8. I'd take him over Delhomme
  9. Is it my imagination or does it seem like there are 4 Carolina defenders in the backfield on every play?
  10. TO is a freaking kitty. Alligator arms, no intensity...he plays with no heart.
  11. Jauron doesn't call the offensive plays and the QB audibled out of the play that was called. You should try actually watching the !@#$ing game.
  12. Audibling into a safety = awesome!
  13. I've seen enough of TO. I'd rather see Jackson get his snaps. He can barely catch and the guy won't even fight for the the ball.
  14. I'm going to get crucified for saying this but I think Jauron deserves to coach out the season. Sure he's completely devoid of emotion but this team will not quit. They unanimously support this guy and a bunch of nobody's are playing their asses off. He is not without his faults as a coach but if you look at the players currently on this roster it's a massive achievement to stay competitive. I have no problem with ousting Mondrak, Guy and moving Brandon back to marketing but Jauron is winning me over.
  15. It's not about whether your loved or hated. Both methods work, what matters more is can you produce results. Unfortunately for Jauron he hasn't been able to produce the results.
  16. You've got to be kidding me. When you have the payroll of a small country you damn well better win the championship every year. Buying championships is boring.
  17. Bellichick has always been a big advocate of intelligence in his players. It sounds terrible but Parrish is too stupid to play for the Patriots. That said, it would be entertaining to watch Brady scream at him all the time because he's in the wrong spot.
  18. It's probably better to stand on the sidelines and pretend you know something about football. This post is embarassing. Williams has played his ass off this year.
  19. I don't know a lot about him but he was all over the field on during the Jets game. Kinda shocked that they cut him.
  20. Dude no one is going to eat an uncircumcised birthday cake. That's just gross.
  21. I said to my wife during the game yesterday "Jauron looks like a man who just wandered out of a nursing home and is now trying to figure out how he wound up in the parking lot". This does sort of explain why Ralph and he get along so well.
  22. It also helps tremendously when the opposing QB throws the ball to your team on FOUR CONSECUTIVE POSSESSIONS! Are we giving Fitz credit for that too?
  23. Sacks happen, even to the best OL's. The Edward's concussion was a freak thing. For 4 rookies I'm ok with how they played.
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