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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Lynch's running style depends a lot more on him getting past the initial line of scrimmage. If he breaks into the LB level or the secondary he is an absolute beast. He's not as elusive, nor does he see the hole as well as Jackson appears to. It also seems that Jackson is a bit more patient with his blocks. If we can ever solidify our OL the tandem will be nasty.
  2. In defense of Marshawn, this offensive line is truly offensive!
  3. Hardy has spent more time on the injured/inactive/IR list than he has on the field. What a wasted pick.
  4. Two things: 1. I have tremendous respect for Jim Kelly for what he's accomplished both on the field and off with his Hunter's Hope efforts. Howevery, Kelly doesn't appear to be anywhere as close to Mr. Wilson as he'd like people to believe. For all his chatter he hasn't even spoken with RW but yet he feels confident in reassuring everyone? His statements about wanting to be part of any future ownership group really contradict prior statements he's made about his group of investors. Sound like a whole lot of hot air to me. 2. This "we need to get a QB from a cold weather state" is idiotic. Brett Favre is from freaking Mississippi and he's excelled in some of the worst weather anywhere.
  5. Fixed that for you.
  6. Matt Leinart looked pretty amazing too. It's easy to look great when you're surrounded by some of the best players in the nation. Tim Tebow is Eric Crouch with a bigger fanbase. He'll fail miserably in the NFL as a QB. If he converts to another position he might have a career but he is NOT an NFL QB.
  7. I don't think Green Bay is a smaller market than Buffalo. The city of GB is smaller in population but the Packers pull heavily from Milwaukee and the rest of Wisconsin. They're basically a statewide franchise and Packer nation descends on the frozen tundra from all over the country. I was at Lambeau for the Bills preseason game there were cheese heads from all over the US. I sat next to a couple from Colorado that had driven in for the game. There's also a bajillion year waiting list for season tickets.
  8. I wonder if Coughlin will get fired
  9. This just in...good players make mediocre coaches look GREAT. Even Lombardi can't win championships with scrubs. You need a certain level of talent to be competitive. No "name" is going to change that.
  10. No one knows what was discussed in the meeting between Brandon and Shanahan. No one knows what Shanahan's hot buttons are or what he's looking for. No one knows just how much Ralph is willing to give up to take one last shot. But............we do know that if you spend 7 hours meeting with someone over the course of 2 days that you have 2 parties that are very interested in what the other has to say. I really really want to feel good about this.
  11. Only if they bring in an outstanding GM, some fantastic free agents and some fantastic coordinators. I think you need to assemble a winning team and not just a winning coach. The problem is, where does Fewell get a list of outstanding assistants to hire.
  12. All this tough guys practice outdoors stuff is nice right up until the point that Jackson, Lynch, Owens or Evans slips on the wet turf an pulls a groin. Then the masses scream "WTF were they practicing outdoors for when we have an indoor practice facility?"
  13. Anyone want to take bets that Sully's source is Chuck Dickerson?
  14. Welcome to two days ago
  15. If Shanahan does come here and through some biblically catastrophic event manages to win a Super Bowl the man will not just be a coach, he will be A GOD! The people of Buffalo and Bills fans everywhere will throw themselves at his feet and beg to be touched by the hand of God. All the other cities that are being discussed; Washington, Dallas, Chicago etc all have other **** going on. In Buffalo there is breathing air and the Bills. I'm not even sure if that order is correct, it might be the Bills then breathing. Buffalo is the Bills and a Super Bowl victory is the emotional equivalent of the rapture. Can you imagine the parade................
  16. Why don't we just let this play out before we start looking for the four horsemen.
  17. I wish I had the time to go back a year and look up every worthless prediction that choad has made.
  18. You'd have to be out of your mind to play for Snyder and his nitwit sidekick GM.
  19. Jesus Christ himself could be named head coach of the Bills and within a month you'd be crying about something.
  20. Funny thing happens when you start reading stories of old Ralphy spending ten mill on a coach. It'll make you rethink your retirement! Marty: "Sorry, I'm retired". Russ: "We're willing to pay you 8-10 million per" Marty: "Yah know, I was thinking that maybe it's time for a comeback."
  21. I couldn't help but find the picture on the front of the Bills website ironic. I don't think even TO is shallow enough to use this as a photo op. http://www.buffalobills.com/
  22. If we sign Shanahan I hope he takes Sully to the woodshed during one of his press conferences. I'd love to see an exchange like: Sully: Coach Shanahan, why didn't you do X, Y or Z? Shanahan: Who the !@#$ are you? Are you new to sports reporting?
  23. Actually, from what we've learned the "board" isn't the only thing that sucks! Enjoy your new home, you won't be missed. PS: Take your avatar of you, or your dad or your boyfriend, whoever the drunk tard is with you!
  24. At the risk of sounding like a Fitz apologist, that might be why some of his throws were so off. It may have been the first time they ever were running some of those plays during game conditions. How sad!
  25. This just in....Dr's are actually people..... Unfortunately for you, stupid is usually untreatable.
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