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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Someone needs to explain to Tebow that God and Jesus don't give a **** about football. Either that or Jesus is a Tide fan!
  2. Is there a QB in the college ranks that has more time to throw than Tebow? Jesus I could complete passes with 10 seconds to throw. Florida is getting a beat down!
  3. And if we had used that pick on yet another CB this place would have gone batshit crazy. The reality of the scenario is that we have a couple of pretty good corners that are either on IR or playing hurt right now. I don't think McKelvin is near Revis yet but McGee's a pretty damn talented corner. The Jets finally got a pick right, they don't exactly have the most stellar draft record either.
  4. If you can't run the ball consistently then it's going to be much harder for your WR's to get open. We can't run the ball. We can't stop the run either. We're pretty much awful in all respects.
  5. Watching this game being played in Toronto makes me feel dirty.
  6. I was think this early in the quarter. This looks like a Tampa Bay Rays game, just lots of empty seats. If this were a night game in Buffalo it would be deafening. What a HUGE mistake this was.........
  7. How old is Buddy Ryan? He's got to be in his 70's or 80's? He's a veritable spring chicken as far as Ralph and Marv are concerned.
  8. Parcells didn't win a Super Bowl with New England although he did get there. He didn't even make the playoffs in Dallas and he's not doing a whole lot to make Miami look good. Not to mention, there's absolutely no chance he would come to Buffalo, there aren't any horse tracks around!
  9. I switch to Fios last week and saved $60 a month and got the NFL network! Love me some Fios!
  10. What difference does it make? No matter who we draft they'll be on IR by week 4 with a broken (insert bone here).
  11. Put me on record as saying I like that the Bills are finally showing some attitude. I think every offensive line should get one unnecessary roughness penalty per game.
  12. You might trying wining on the road first. No chance you even sniff Miami. Go back to licking taint you cheating choad. Your team is a bunch of quitting pussies, I see why they're so endearing to you.
  13. On Sunday we got to watch the Bills hammer the Phins and on Monday we get to watch the Saints dismember the cheating Patriots. Christmas has come early this year. Is there anything better that watching repeated shots of Brady, Moss, Welker, and Hoody look stunned and dismayed on the sideline!
  14. Weiss in Buffalo would be an absolute disaster. Not because he's a bad coach but between the wings and beef on weck he'd likely eat himself to death.
  15. Bellyache doesn't look like much a a "genius" tonight. Amazing what not having tape does to you. The key to beating the Patriots is to hit Brady in the mouth. He's got happy feet right now and he's just flinging it all over the place. I hope Fox scores as many points as time will allow. If they can hang 75 on the Pats I hope they do!
  16. The very same team that completely mugged every Colts receiver in a playoff game a few years ago is whining about not getting PI or holding calls. These cheating dirtbags push absolutely every rule and have the audacity to cry about not getting calls.
  17. Git'er done Russ. Sorry I couldn't resist. Then again, Weiss is big enough to play OL!
  18. What's the difference between a sperm cell and a Patriots fan? At least a sperm cell has a one in a million chance of turning into a a human being. Go tape someone's practice you cheating troll. PS: You're going to get hammered tonight on national television and it's going to be UGLY!
  19. Here's a better question, what is Thurman doing dragging his son into a locker room full of naked men? Per his spot on WGR, one of the "dis's" included someone not acknowledging him. Oh the humanity.
  20. All the people screaming for a "name" head coach are the same people that run players out of town then look on in amazement as they play well for other teams. Bringing in Shanahan and asking him to do everything is not going to work. It hasn't worked with Parcells, it hasn't worked with Holmgren, it likely won't work here. There have been a grand total of ONE coach that has won the Super Bowl with two different teams and that was 40 years ago. If Fewell manages to get this rag tag group of misfits to finish at or above .500 (for his games as HC) then he not only deserves consideration for the HC spot he deserves a bust in the freaking Hall of Fame. The armchair geniuses here continue to overlook the fact that our personnel isn't just young and inexperienced, they're downright awful at many positions. There are guys taking snaps on the offensive line that probably don't even belong in the league. In a normal year they wouldn't even make the team. Fewell might just be the next great coach but we'll probably never know because the mouth breathers will demand that we get somebody they've heard of. The intelligent approach would be to see how this thing plays out. If Fewell continues to coach well then give him the job, bring in a competent GM and spend the money you'd throw at Shanahan on real players.
  21. Marshawn's problem is that he thinks he's on dancing with the stars. He needs to hit the !@#$ing hole not prance around. If he'd just take that damn handoff and run straight ahead he'd gain twice as many yards. Perhaps if he ran smack into the back of the OL once in a while they'd be incentivised to open up some holes. I'm starting to think that they should beef him up in the offseason and turn him into a FB.
  22. I think I speak for many when I say that you being done with this team is not a negative. Not in any way, shape or form. But by all means, keep throwing up the same meat headed muscle flexing bull ****.
  23. On a somewhat related line, why are old retired players handing around the locker room? Is this a common thing in the NFL? Other than Chuck Lester, there isn't anyone on this team or staff that they'd even know. Does Steve Grogan hang out in the Patriots locker room? Does Joe Namath pop into the Jets? It just seems kind of odd to me.
  24. Kelly, Thomas, Reed and Talley have been calling out players for the last three weeks. They've called people quitters and accused players of taking plays off. WTF did the expect, hugs and kisses from everyone?
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