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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. 3rd and 6 and you're 10 yards off the line of scrimmage. !@#$ing brilliant. 2-18 against NE in the last 10 years!
  2. I can't blame Incognito for playing poorly. The guy has been on the team for 3 days. Fitzpatrick is putrid, there's no way Brohm could be worse Watching this team play is bordering on a human rights violation.
  3. If Schobel can get to Brady early and hit him hard there is a chance, albeit a small one, that we could sneak out a victory. I hope the bills run the **** out of the left side. That said, we'll probably lose by 30.
  4. Everything Chad Johnson does is about one thing, drawing attention to Chad Johnson. If I really wanted to pay a tribute he should show up, play and not doing anything during the game that gives anyone any reason to say anything about him. Allowing people to talk about the game and Chris Henry is far more tribute then the Johnson sideshow.
  5. The only "upset" on Sunday is going to be your stomach about 12 minutes into the game.
  6. A great addition right before the Pat's game. Hopefully he gets to play, I'd LOVE to see him head butt a Patriot player.
  7. I don't know, Tomlin looked very Jauronish last night.
  8. You know we've hit rock bottom when we're discussing whether OJ has a bigger dong than Santonio.
  9. If the Heisman was anything other than a popularity contest he would win hands down. No single player dominated the competition or excelled at their position the way Suh did.
  10. I think the Peyton Manning experiment in Indy is clearly over. Polian's just looking for his franchise quarterback!
  11. Rob Johnson has a Super Bowl ring
  12. Who own da Cheifs? Ooooooooowwnnnnz.....Oooooooooownz!
  13. Stay in school, live in a dorm and eat food that looks like soylent green or get drafted, sign a contract for $45 million and eat sushi off the backs of naked women......hmmmmmm.........tough choice.
  14. A more realistic version would have him being helped off the field. Actually, I take that back, it is realistic because he's not making a tackle.
  15. This entire "cold weather tested" argument is IDIOTIC! By this logic we should draft Eskimos to play in Buffalo. How about we draft a QB that can read a defense, throw the ball and actually lead a team?
  16. I don't think Urban Meyer gives a crap about preparing Tebow for the next level. Meyer's goal is to put as many rings on his fingers as he possibly can. Whether or not his players succeed on the next level is immaterial to him. There is nothing about Tebow's skill set or experience that shows me that he can be an NFL quarterback. Leadership is nice but if that were the key factor Jack Welsh would be taking snaps in the NFL.
  17. MARTY SHOTTENHIEMER IS NOT COMING BACK INTO THE NFL FOR US OR ANY OTHER TEAM!!! How many times does the guy have to say this before people will stop writing this? Marty has said repeatedly that he's retired, he's happy to be retired and that he's not coming back.
  18. Keep sharing the TV revenue and keep a salary cap in place and I think the league will be in good shape. What the league desperately needs though is a pre-determined rookie pay scale. The fact that teams are forced to pay millions to kids that have never taken a snap is ridiculous.
  19. Bob Mathews is to journalism what Rich Kotite is to coaching. There's a reason that Bob Mathews writes for the D&C. There's a reason that's all he'll ever write for. I wouldn't get to upset over anything he says. He's a bit of a hack
  20. Poz's problem is that he can't get off blocks. He's an outstanding LB if he doesn't have anyone in his face. As soon as an OL gets a hand on him he's usually taken completely out of the picture.
  21. The guy has been in the league for three years and he's broken his arm twice. Not exactly the pinnacle of toughness. Unless I'm wrong, hasn't Poz missed more time on IR than he's played?
  22. WHAT?? WHAT?? The are only two similarities between Kelly and Tebow. One is size and the other is leadership. Coming out of college Kelly was a throwing machine. He had a huge arm, was fairly accurate and was unanimously viewed and a 1st round draft choice. Tebow is a great kid and an undisputed leader. The fact that Tebow's throwing ability is questioned should scare the crap out of every team in the league. I've seen a lot of his play since my father in law lives in Gainesville and I just haven't seen the throwing consistency I'd like. The kid has all day to throw, and by all day I mean > 5 seconds and he still makes some terrible throws. I just think it's too big a risk. Frankly, if you put Fitzpatrick behind that Gators OL he'd look like Brett freaking Favre
  23. I'm not so sure that Wilfork would never leave New England. Wilfork and Seymour were best friends. When he saw that Hoodyboy was willing to trade Seymour away he must have realized that he is nothing more than a commodity to that team. He may very well be willing to leave. Hell maybe he wants to leave.
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