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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. WTF are a couple of former players who couldn't win the Super Bowl going to say to a coach who has a ring that would convince him to come here. "Hey, we have great fans". Really, so does every other team in the league.
  2. I miss the days of Tom Donahoe and Len Passthepotatoes. At least then we knew who had the inside track.
  3. No OC could have been successful with the OL and QB we had. That said, Alex is a great guy and despite my disappointment at the Bills suckitude he's still a person, he has a wife and family and now he doesn't have a job.
  4. They lived in Pittsburgh for God sakes, that's not exactly a tropical mecca.
  5. She's not bad but she's probably intimidating as hell. One another note WTF is a Wofford? Is that even a real school?
  6. Yes but reports out of OBD are that Lester is REALLY pissed and threatening to set fire to the stadium. Apparently this has something to do with a missing red stapler?
  7. Yes, My "sources" tell me Tony Little and Mr. T will be named as replacements.
  8. I honestly believe that the only reason that Lester stayed around so long was because no one actually knew he was on staff. I'm sure they all thought he was just some sort of intern.
  9. !@#$ it, lets just go get Don Shula. He's perfect, he's really old, he's got HC experience and rings. Git'er done Ralph.
  10. I'm pretty certain the Billick reports were dismissed as false yesterday.
  11. The man who endured coaching changes with the skill of a cockroach in a nuclear winter has finally been canned. Perennial TBD favorite and hobbit extraordinaire has joined the ranks of the unemployed. When Chuck Lester gets fired, Ralph Wilson is TRULY pissed off. I do feel bad for AVP though, he was thrown into a miserable situation.
  12. If this is true I now officially have a man crush on Buddy Nix. In mah best southern drawl "Let's see heah, 7-9, 7-9, 7-9, 6-10." "Folks, this dog just ain't gunna hunt. Ima gunna need ya'll ta pack up yer stuff and get the hell out of mah faciliteeees"
  13. Apologies in advance for the caps: WHICH ONE OF THESE MEDIA STOOGES HAS TALKED TO BILL COWHER THIS MORNING? I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHO HAS A "SOURCE" OR "I'M HEARING". FIND ME SOMEONE WHO HAS ACTUALLY SPOKEN TO BILL !@#$ING COWHER AND THEN LET THEM REPORT WHAT HE SAID. These guys are ALL trying to be the first to get the story so any tidbit becomes a source. Shefter just said "I'm told that Cowher is not likely to coach in 2010 but these things are fluid and change". Aka, "I'm just throwing this out there."
  14. Please explain to me how April could prevent those nitwits from fumbling or Maybin from being a tard. The BEST thing he could do was say "hang on to the god damn ball". Short of that, it was out of his control. I do think we've seen a bit of special teams regression this year but given the number of injuries we've had it's hard to pin that on April.
  15. Can't we all just admit that no one has a clue as to what's going on. Didn't all these "insiders" break the Shanahan story about a week late? Unless it's been confirmed by the Bills, it's speculation. No one in the Bills administration is running over to Carrucci to give him an inside story to break. Brandon's not an idiot. We should all just suck it up and wait to see what happens. Playing the "This might or might not have happened, here's what it may or may not mean game" is just idiotic.
  16. Yeah, he only reported the Evans extension and the Owens signing before ANYONE else. I'd say that gives him some street cred. Unlike a lot of posters who just repeat jibberish ad naseum. Instead of strutting around like male rooster with a small penis Sal actually does have insight.
  17. There is WAY too much money involved for their not to be football in 2011. This isn't the 1980's, the NFL is worth 10's of billions more. There will be pissing, moaning, complaining, crying, accusing, finger pointing and in the end it will get done.
  18. TO alligator'd that pass Can't say as though I blame him though. On another note, WTF happened to the Giants. They're down 44-0 to Minny.
  19. Our scrubs are clearly better than Indy's scrubs. That said, Incognito is simply mauling people on the Colts d-line and he really seems to be enjoying it!
  20. I didn't see much of last weeks game. Do you think it was Lynch is capable of playing FB?
  21. Welker is not a possession WR. His game is all speed and cuts. He's done cutting for this season and likely won't be the same WR ever again. If he does come back to form it won't be until late next season.
  22. It doesn't but there are a dozen or so self proclaimed experts that think they know more than everyone else.
  23. IMO Lynch tries to do way too much juking and cutting. With his size and power he should be running straight ahead. Where he got the idea he was elusive is beyond me. If I was Nix I'd send him home and tell him to put on 20lbs int he off season and come back ready to lead block and run people over. I think he could be a devastating FB.
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