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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Maybe the Ravens can hang 51 on the Pats! The downside is: if the Ravens gag this one away we will NEVER hear the end of it.
  2. MAGNIFICENT! The Pat's OL is being exposed as a bunch of frauds.
  3. This my friends is the perfect example of how shallow and ****ty your average Pat's fan is. Down by 14 in the 1st quarter and they're throwing their team under the bus. I love it. Please please please let this be an absolutely humilating loss for the Patsies.
  4. Buhahaha, this is beautiful!
  5. I don't just want to see a blowout, I want the Raven's to run up the score and spit on the Pats.
  6. Simon, Just curious, what is it that you see in Zimmer that makes you want the Bills to interview him?
  7. I think the title of you post is perfect. You clearly aren't the smartest person in any room.
  8. Barrett, This is not an insult so please don't take it as one. When you're in your 40's, as many of us are, you're going to think back to the time when you were 21 and do you know what you're going to think??? You're going to think something along the lines of "When I was 21 I thought I knew everything. In fact, I didn't know anything and it's amazing that I was able to leave my house without killing myself." And just as an FYI, I've been a Bills fan longer than you've been alive.
  9. My wife rented Boogie Nights. I thought it was a movie about dancing. I was WRONG!
  10. OMG how did i forget Slapshot. I'm sooooo ashamed. Who own da Cheif...........................oooowwwwnzzzzz........ooooooooowwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnz zzzzzzzzzzz. I
  11. Congratulations, those are some impressive numbers. However, if you're in college and you haven't seen Animal House you're putting yourself at great risk for a bad case of severe social retardation. I'd suggest you go out and rent: Animal House Caddyshack The Blues Brothers Revenge of the Nerds Dumb and Dumber The Big Lebowski Big Trouble in Little China Predator Aliens and probably about 30 other movies that I haven't listed. Failure to do so will likely lead to you getting the **** kicked out of you for being a complete and utter nerd.
  12. At least Rams and Raiders fans can say that they've won a championship. Lions fans, well.....even I feel bad for them.
  13. By your prior post I guessed you were pretty young. This post proved it. I'm not saying that I don't still love the Bills and I'm moving to another team. My point was that my love for this team just produces year after year after year of frustration. No sane person would ever put themselves through perennial suffering with no end in sight. Maybe being a Bills fan requires you be a little insane? And please save me the nonsense of "you're not a true fan". I've been rooting for this mess of a team for over 30 years. It's the only profession sports team I give a **** about. Save me the lectures on fandom.
  14. I got into a conversation last night with one of my neighbors who is also a Bills fan. We were talking about this year's disaster and the futility of the last 10 years. We discussed the coaching search and I told him my biggest fear is that we get another hot coordinator and it turns into another one of these 3 year disaster stints. We also discussed why someone like Cowher might not want to coach the Bills. We love this team and we think that it should be a great job for every coach. As fans of the team we have trouble seeing through our own bias but when you stand back and look at the last 15 years it's not hard to understand. After an amazing SB run everyone responsible for that team is either fired or leaves prematurely. The only one that stuck around was Levy. Our owner is regarded as meddlesome and our management structure is laughable. Added to that pile of issues is the fact that our owner is 90+ years old and we have no idea what will happen to the team when he passes. Every year I put myself through the emotional roller coaster of hope-reality-despair. Why do we continue to punish ourselves? In the end, we both agreed that life would be simpler if we could just cut ties and jump to another team. The problem is that being a Bills fan isn't something you decide, it's something you are. Rooting for another team might give me hope but it just feels dirty. So how to cope when your team is in disarray........................
  15. Let's not forget the amazing (cough) coaching job Barry Switzer did!
  16. If Wilson isn't being coy and Cowher isn't interested then it is indeed time to move one. Do you really want a coach here that doesn't really want to be here. Clearly if the almighty Cowher wanted to be here he would be. I'd rather have a coach with a burning fire to prove something and a desire to want to bring a championship to the City of Buffalo.
  17. You are my Obi Wan! A beacon of light in a sea of idiocy.
  18. AND if Gregg Williams had be allowed to draft Drew Brees (who he was absolutely convinced was the guy to draft) he might still be coaching here. Thank you Tom Donahoe! Then again, I'm sure we would have easily determined that Brees was a complete bust by at least the 3rd game of his career.
  19. In terms of the shape of the football team they're almost identical however Seattle is an amazing city. Has an uber wealthy owner and HUGE corporate dollars. But you can't get farther from NC than Seattle!
  20. Could you make at least a small effort to not be a douche bag with every post?
  21. Is it my imagination or does McCoy look like he's about 5'10" and weighs about 185lbs. Not a great idea running an option against guys that outweigh you by 100lbs. Ingram is going to make whomever drafts him VERY happy.
  22. Brandon's a pretty good marketing guy but I don't know if he's this good. Breaking the news right before the start of the UT/Bama game would be freaking BRILLIANT!
  23. Just because he didn't say anything about it doesn't mean old Ralphie didn't tell him.
  24. Considering some of the OL he had, who we even discarded as garbage, I'm not surprised he was unsuccessful!
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