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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Did she drop her order when they handed it to her? That's the only real way to verify that it was her!
  2. That is an INSANE amount of money for a mid level linebacker who isn't known as a blitzer. If anything it's a VERY expensive downgrade compared to Porter.
  3. I think Greg Paulus is realizing that he made a bad financial decision. By all accounts he's a great kid and his teammates loved him. There aren't a lot of people in sports talented enough to be a 3 year starter in one of the best basketball teams in the nation. Then a year later he starts for a D1 school after not having played for 4 years. Don't forget, as a high school senior he was one of the most highly recruited QB's in the nation. He made the decision to go to Duke because it was his lifelong dream. Unfortunately for him it isn't the best way to a huge paycheck. I think his train has left the station but if Trent Edwards had Greg Paulus's leadership and charisma he'd already be an all-pro.
  4. Perhaps because he said he didn't want to be here and said he would sit out if we tendered him. Just guessing.............
  5. The bigger question is "what team will Whitner get traded to that wins a Super Bowl in the next 5 years". This way our pattern of "DUMP HIM HE SUCKS" and "OH GOD WHY DO WE LET ALL THE GOOD PLAYERS GO" can continue.
  6. It's a perfect spot for him to go and disappear. Cutler will throw 17 picks by the third game and the team will implode again.
  7. All he needs to do is eat like a madman for three months, gain 40 pounds and he's basically a proven version of Terrance Cody. He's just as athletic, he's just no where near as fat. Apparently all you need to move from DT to NT is about 45 pounds of pure whale blubber on your mid-section and breasts like mudflaps.
  8. We can tender him but he doesn't have to sign it. We retain his rights BUT if he chooses not to sign the tender he can not only miss voluntary work, but also miss mandatory minicamps and even training camp without being subject to fines. If he didn't want to be in Buffalo we couldn't force him to sign.
  9. You're right. For some reason I completely forgot about Hangartner and was thinking that Wood played was playing his college postion.
  10. So is Brett Favre, would you like to add him to our roster? Yes Mawae is old but he's as good as anyone we have on our roster right now and would be cheap.
  11. Interesting idea but it would be a useless stat. The TTT is predicated on the pattern and usually the pre-read. ATT on a quick slat that goes for 2 yards would look great but the ATT on a 60yd bomb that's completed for a TD would be a big number.
  12. I was watching NFL Live last night (admittedly I was half asleep) but I could have sworn I heard them say that Mawae is going to be a free agent. I realize the guy is as old as Ralph but he's not injury prone and he's a damn good center. If Wood comes back he could move to guard. That would allow Levitre to move to tackle which was his college postion. Resign Incognito, draft an OT and at least we'd have a starting OL again. Thoughts?
  13. This! There are dozens of former Bills enjoying great success playing for other teams. Players that the moron minority couldn't wait to get out of here yet they stand around baffled when the player succeeds elsewhere. Most of these "run'em out of town" guys couldn't tell the difference between a cover 2 and a nickle yet they're self professed experts on evaluating talent. They're a bunch of !@#$ing lemmings who've never had an original thought. Ellison will never be Ray Lewis but he is a seasoned starter. Letting him walk for nothing would be idiotic.
  14. The only reason Mike Williams quit the team at Syracuse is because he was about to be thrown off. He didn't want to leave and he has a $0.05 head. Giving him a ten cent head is giving him too much credit.
  15. It was reported that Cowher endorsed Gailey to be his successor at Pittsburgh. I didn't say we have gotten anything right yet, I'm just saying I feel better about this crew than the last one. Only time will tell.
  16. I'm not sure I agree with your assessment of Gailey, he did have success at Dallas and is widely regarded as a good coach. If Cowher thought he was the logical choice for an heir then there must be something to him. He was also able to pull in some solid assistant coaches. To me, college success is more a product of recruiting than it is coaching. I'm not saying coaching isn't important but I'm pretty sure that Dick Jauron could win a national championship at Florida. I can't shake the feeling that we finally have the people in place that understand wtf they are doing when it comes to building a football team. I just have this feeling that Nix was sitting upstairs last year looking down on the field and shaking his head. The departure of guys like Reed and Denney make me think that this guy understands the difference between average players and great players. I'm as optimistic this offseason as I have been in a LONG time.
  17. Just every coach, GM and scout in the NFL. 22 reps means they're now going to go back and evaluate all of his game film to see if there's an issue with his upper body strength. I don't think it takes away from his body of work but it is a legitimate thing for people to look at .
  18. I'm not really interested in getting into a national chest thumping event but lets just be clear on a few things here. 1. The "Miracle on Ice" was college kids beating paid professionals. A group of professionals who were widely regarded as one of the greatest teams of all time. 2. Canada poured $120 million dollars into your gold medal efforts. Your achievements had a MASSIVE cost. 3. In Canada, best athletes play hockey. In the U.S. our best athletes rarely ever consider playing hockey. If the best athletes in the U.S decide to play hockey instead of baseball, football or basketball your national sport would be dominated by U.S. athletes. Be thankful we don't pay more attention to your national sport or you may never see a cup or a podium again.
  19. It's all those metal screws they secretly inserted into his shoulder to hold it together. That stainless steel stuff is HEAVY
  20. Why do you assume that because some of us are tired of Whitner and all his meaningless talk that we're down on the Bills? I have a HUGE problem with 2 players on the Bills, Whitner and Mitchell. Both of them talk talk talk and tweet tweet tweet yet when the game starts their production absolutely sucks. Last year Whitner guaranteed a playoff birth and did absolutely NOTHING to back it up. It drives me nuts when he's continually misreads a play and is caught out of position. He takes bad angles to the ball carrier and he misses a LOT of tackles. Speaking of missed tackles, Mitchell is one bad tackle away from being Eddie Robinson 2.0. My point is this, shut the !@#$ up and make some plays. You don't see Poz or Schobel feeling the need to tweet their every move. I think it's great that Whitner supports the Bills but we don't need another cheerleader, we need players to make plays. I'm not down on the Bills, I'm down on these chuckleheads that talk **** then don't produce.
  21. Byrd has more interceptions in one season that Whitner has in his career. WITH THE SAME COACHING STAFF! This isn't a !@#$ing popularity contest and it isn't a boys club. It's the NFL and the only thing that matters is production and Whitner is dangerously thin in that area. His run defense is mediocre and his coverage is non-existent. He may be a great guy and may love Buffalo but that equals ZERO wins. If this were a popularity contest Coy Wire would still be playing safety. Whitner needs to tweet less and produce more. He and Mitchell are all talk and no production. The only place he's going to be a pro bowl player is the CFL.
  22. Unfortunately most of Whitner's play on the field has been "bathroom material". He needs to tweet less and make more plays.
  23. I have a lot of Canadian friends. They don't hate Americans. To say that everyone outside the US can't stand Americans is just ignorant. You apparently haven't traveled much. The US isn't perfect, in fact far from it, but it is without a doubt the most diverse, altruistic nation in the world. People may not like our policies but there's no doubt who the top dog is.
  24. Fair enough. Time will tell....he still scares me in the 1st round.
  25. The guy looks like a candidate for The Biggest Loser. You simply can't use the words "freakish athlete" and 400 lbs in the same sentence. Not when he's easily 50lbs overweight. Granted, he performed in college and I'll give him that but he scares the hell out of me if you're talking about him in round 1. Round 2 maybe..... The NFL is as much about heart and desire as it is about size and ability. That's why players like Andre Reed, Steve Tasker and Chris Speilman succeed, they want it more than the other guy. Cody looks like he wants a cheeseburger more than increasing his draft status! And...HE'S A 2 DOWN PLAYER! No thanks
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