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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Scout's are talented people with opinions. Unfortunately, those opinions have been proven to be wrong as often as they are right. I do agree with his assessment of Bradford however. He may have all the potential in the world but he makes Rob Johnson look like freaking Iron Man. The harsh reality is that every draft has "names" that fail miserably and unknowns that will have 15 year careers and be superstars.
  2. McKelvin's fumble and Maybin's offsides penalty cost us 2 games last year. That puts us at 9-7 and MAYBE in the playoffs last season. There is talent on this team. It's just been used idiotically for 10 years.
  3. I know the Trent haters are going to have a field day with this but this is EXACTLY the type of attitude I want my QB to have. Enough of the Jauron "it's tough to win" bull ****. I want EVERY player on the Bills to believe in himself, the coaches, the process and the team. It's also the first point I've seen Trent say anything even remotely negative about the former administration. We've got QB's on the roster, let them compete and let the best man win.
  4. There's a rumor out there that Rusty Jones trained Chuck Norris just once. Norris begged for mercy and left crying.
  5. It may be uncalled for but it's absolutely true. When I saw the AO injury I thought he'd blew out his knee. When I found out it was his quad I knew he was done. They guy was writhing in agony on the floor and couldn't walk. He didn't just pull that muscle he must have tore it badly. There was NO WAY he was playing in this tournament and Jimmy B played poker and bluffed his way to a number 1 seed. I'm not blaming him for doing that but it was very Bellichekian in nature.
  6. Maybe he went to the Harris and Devendorph school of "stay out all night and play like ****"?
  7. Of the 24 3 pointers they attempted last night at least 10 were ill advised, almost desperation style shots. Rautins was blanketed all night and at the end seemed to be forcing his shot. Lets be clear though, the zone isn't the reason they lost. They lost because they didn't take care of the basketball. My comment was directed at the team overall, I just don't like one defense an entire season because you played m2m poorly against LeMoyne.
  8. The zone is fine but you NEED to be able to play m2m as well. The lack of AO isn't the reason they kept throwing the ball into the stands.
  9. They played really poorly last night but "playing down to their opponents" is just silly. They CRUSHED Vermont and could have beaten them by 50. They stomped a good Gonzaga team. They just played awful last night. I still don't think there's any way they beat Kentucky without AO and there was no way he'd be back.
  10. I've watched every Syracuse game this year and I even got to attend a closed practice. Last nights game was a picture perfect example of what happens when you lose your poise in a tournament. I knew 3 minutes in that they were probably going to lose. They were extremely tight and seemed focused on not making mistakes instead of playing basketball. Yes the loss of AO hurt but that wasn't the reason they lost the game. Their 1st two games gave them a sense of overconfidence and they panicked when the game was close. They lost because they lack discipline. Ricky Jackson went full retard last night and couldn't seem to stop throwing the ball out of bounds. Rautins has been amazing this year but took a couple of really bad shots and Scoop Jardine tried to win by himself. My biggest criticism though is the fact that this team was unable to play man 2 man defense this year. They lived and died by the zone and teams have learned how to exploit it. When you can only do one thing teams will find your weakness and hammer you to death. Petino gave everyone a roadmap, Butler followed it. It's a shame because this was one of the more talented teams Boeheim's had in a while. That said, JB looked tired last night. I'm wondering how long before Hopkins takes over?
  11. Sometimes it's better to not post stuff like this and let people wonder if you're an idiot. This was one of those times. I'm just sayin .................
  12. This is the area where I expect the biggest improvement this year. I think our strength and conditioning program the last few years has been absolute trash.
  13. As long as he's not forced to fight through a double team every play Stroud will be an absolute BEAST as a DE.
  14. I trust these guys. I don't know why but I feel like I can believe in in Gailey, Nix & Whaley. Damn, they sound like a law firm!
  15. Well I guess if you're going for the biggest reach in NFL history you might as well pick the guy who you know will work like a possessed man to prove everyone wrong !@#$ it, pick Tebow and we can pray with him that he spends the next 15 beating the **** out of the rest of the AFC East.
  16. Last year we had the head coaching staff equivalent of a cage full of monkeys. If it weren't for an idiotic fumble late in the opener against New England we would have split with every team in the AFC east. INCLUDING the team that every fell on their knees for, the NY Jets. AND had a turnstile OL and enough guys on IR to fill a bus. !@#$ these pinheads and their opinion that the "Bills can't compete".
  17. Call me crazy but I think the Bills are setting us up for the pick of Tebow in the first round. I think they may trade down to and hope to still get him but I think they are willing to select him at #9 if need be. If you go to the Bills website the first freaking media story is about Tebow's combine interview. I can't believe that's an accident. They raved about him at the combine and they're bringing him in in for a workout. Buddy already has stated that he's going on a players "body of work". Love him or hate him, there's no one in this draft with a better body of work than Tim Tebow. And lets not forget that Chan's an SEC guy so he saw two years worth of Tebow mania. Oh holy ****...........
  18. You can't spell, punctuate or form proper paragraphs either. I'm guessing the closest you ever got to college was to watch a football game? I actually feel bad for you. You took the time to post that long editorial but you only did half the job. You can post some pretty crazy stuff here, it happens every day. What you failed to do was to obey the common rules of English. If you don't at least take the time to check your spelling, grammar, punctuation and paragraph structure then no one is going to take you seriously. That wall of text you threw up makes you like an ADD riddled 12 year old with too little time spent in the classroom. No one is going to take you seriously if you don't put in a little more effort.
  19. NFL | Ferguson suspended eight games Comment (0) Tweet me! Sat, 06 Mar 2010 22:06:39 -0800 Howard Balzer, of The St. Louis Globe-Democrat, reports free-agent NT Jason Ferguson (Dolphins) has been suspended the first eight games of the 2010 season. It is believed he violated the league's policy on performance enhancing drugs. Read more: http://www.kffl.com/hotw/nfl#ixzz0hVYR8CGj
  20. Regarded by WHO? Where have you ever seen another GM or coach talk about what an amazing slot receiver Josh Reed is? If he's so good why doesn't have have more catches? If he can't get open with Evans and T.O on the team then when can he get open?
  21. The management of this team (outside of Ralph) has a long history or building through the draft. Whaley is a Pitt guy, you never hear of them going crazy signing people in FA. Even SD is usually muted when it comes to signing free agents. Why does everything think they're going to change and go out and overpay for mediocre talent?
  22. I think that's also the time you might see some of our "named" players being dealt for picks. Players like Whitner and Lynch.....
  23. If Buddy really wants to build this team through the draft he's going to need a lot of picks. Could they be considering moving out of the 9 spot to pick up multiple later round picks? Seems to me that the FA pool is pretty shallow so this might be their plan.
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