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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. I still have found memories of Hogboy's spear chucking challenge +10 points to anyone who even remembers what "Hyperbills" was!
  2. Unfortunately TBD is crawling with webtards who feel compelled to pump their miserably low self esteem at the expense of others. Unfortunately for them, hiding behind internet anonymity doesn't diminish their douche baggery!
  3. The difference this year is that the Bills have a head coach that knows what the hell he is doing. He understands football and most importantly he knows how a real NFL offense should work. He's not afraid to pull them aside and straighten them out when needed.
  4. I've been reading a lot of reports lately about how "insert name here" has been playing QB. A lot of the discussion has centered on how bad/mediocre Trent Edwards has looked. A lot of media experts have been talking about just how good our secondary should be so should we really expect our QB to be lighting it up? If Edwards starts throwing completions all over the field then we'd have to start worrying about our DB's!
  5. This will also free up some $$$ and a roster spot for Spiller. Let's face it, the guy was a career DE, making the transition to 3-4 LB at his age was iffy at best.
  6. Looks like a dog with an advanced state of sarcoptic mange!
  7. I'm not sure a 5 years old needs lessons in reproductive anatomy but this country really needs to advance past the "body parts are dirty and we shouldn't talk about them" idiocy that is so pervasive. I'm not advocating that kindergartners need to be taught classes in sex education but unfortunately a lot of parents aren't teaching their kids anything other than how to say !@#$ or how turn on an xbox.
  8. When opposing teams are openly mocking your offense that's not a player problem, that's a coach/scheme problem. Jauron is SOLELY responsible for the scheme.
  9. Here's what CJ brings to the table: A player that causes the defense to say "where the !@#$ is Spiller????" every time he's on the field. He'll create mismatches when he doesn't touch the ball. When the misdirection potential he has in INCREDIBLE. Want something to drool about, think of a reverse with Spiller reversing direction..........
  10. Here are some quick guesses: 1. Miserable personal lives 2. Low self esteem 3. Want to feel knowledgeable 4. Really really small penis There are an infinite number of incalculable variables that determine how a team will perform. Injuries probably first and foremost. If we don't lose over a dozen players to IR last year there is no way I believe we don't have 2, maybe three more wins. Perhaps if McKelvin doesn't fumble in the opener and that's means it possible we have 3 or 4 more wins. There is NO way you're going to convince me that this team isn't better personnel wise this year and exponentially improved in the coaching department. I'm not predicting playoffs but if this team doesn't win at least 7 games I'll be shocked. Considering our absolutely BRUTAL schedule 8 wins would be an epic achievement. Anyone predicting just 4 wins is an idiot.
  11. Watch the videos from the OTA's. They're installing all those crossing routes for a reason!
  12. Can we please stop the "oh we should go get (insert other teams starter name here) posts. "According to the sources who have confirmed Jackson is available, the Chargers are not amenable to dealing pro bowl tackle Marcus McNeil; who will also hold out until week 11 because of a contract stalemate." It's not going to happen so stop fantasizing! This is the Bills after all........
  13. Rob Johnson is looking at his Super Bowl championship ring and laughing while he goes to the bank to withdraw some of the millions he made. He's not angry
  14. I was reading this article and came across the following: Granted, the Bills offense line and quarterbacks did not play well last year, but the Bills were tied or led in the 4th quarter 14 games out of 16. That’s not to say the Bills could have been 14-2 last season, but what that says it that there is talent on the Bills roster. When you take into consideration the revolving door that was our OL and the number of players we had on IR this is an absolutely INSANE statistic. If you need an argument for a rapid turn around look no further. This article is definitely worth a read http://www.realfootball365.com/articles/bills/14881
  15. Before we fall all over ourselves in padless 7v7 and 12v12 drills lets see if Roscoe can get off the LoS when he's being jammed by a DB. His ability to return a kick was never in question, his ability to get off the LoS is a HUGE question.
  16. Jay, I'd take 2. Time to introduce my son to the majesty that is a Bills home opener!
  17. That's a really popular bandwagon response except it ignores some very obvious realities.
  18. Over the last couple of days there's been a lot of intel coming from players regarding Bills football under Dick Jauron and staff. Soft workouts, overly simplified schemes and the Club Med style of a player friendly coach... I'm wondering how much the Mickey Mouse schemes of the prior staff affected the mental preparation of the Bills players? Being a professional can only take you so far and players know when coach doesn't have it all together and they know when their coach is in over his head. If they lacked confidence is his abilities and schemes then it had to have a massive detrimental effect in their preparation and play. What's most refreshing is the effusive praise that the players are giving Gailey and Edwards. It won't matter if they don't win but it's a nice change and I can't help but believe that this team will be much improved. I think we're going to shock some teams.........
  19. Nope, THIS is the worst movie ever made. Horrifying in the most horrible ways: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0780622/
  20. The only comment i recall the Bills making in regards to Lynch is "he's a member of this team and we expect him to be here". The Bills didn't start the "we might trade Marshawn" story, Lynch did when he ASKED to be traded. The guy has gotten into trouble during the offseason in 2 of his 3 years and we're supposed to feel bad for him? If Marshawn were smart he'd get his ass into the offseason conditioning program and show up for camp in amazing shape. Nothing will make the coaches or fans love him more than coming out of the gates like a freight train. There's plenty of room for Lynch, Spiller and Jackson. And for you geniuses complaining about the Bills not trading him for a 3rd round pick, you're idiots. You don't trade a former 1st round draft choice with no injuries and the Lynch's potential for a 3rd round pick. Not unless the situation is completely hopeless.
  21. Aside from the masturbation innuendo, there is a valid exercise physiology benefit to the type of exercise that the "shake weight" tries to emulate. When I did my shoulder rehab (ruptured subscapularis tendon & slap lesion surgery) I used to do extensive work with something that looked like a rubber nightstick. I used to have to sit on a exercise ball with my right arm held sholuder high. I also had a theraband that was secured to the wall pulling my arm inward. The exercise was basically "wiggle the stick" for 30-45 seconds and repeat that 5 times. Sounds idiotic, bizarre and stupid looking and it was. It also kicks your ass. Twenty seconds in and your shoulder is absolutely SCREAMING. The burn and fatigue that simple motion produced was absolutely amazing and I used to HATE that part of rehab. It has something to do with how it activates the muscles but it was nasty.
  22. On the other hand, if Maybin steamrolled Spiller then today's headline would read: "Bills 1st round pick Spiller struggling with blitz pick up!"
  23. JP Losman threw a great longball. It's only one aspect of the game, don't get too excited about it.
  24. This is a no win scenario. If the defense plays well then everyone jumps on the "OMG our offense sucks" bandwagon. If the offense plays well then everyone says "OMG our defense is terrible". Pick your poison.
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