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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. "In the second half we couldn't block anybody," coach Chan Gailey said. "They're strong on the defensive front. First, second, however many groups they've got, they're strong. But it was an awful display by our offensive line at times out there. We've got to shore that up in every respect." I'm fairly certain that statement would put Jauron in a coma! http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article180185.ece
  2. Leif Larson has a lot of strength. Didn't mean much though.....
  3. When you have a RB that's as fast as Spiller misdirection is a crucial part of the offense. It isn't some gimmick that you use to trick the defense, it's the result of having a back that scares the **** out of them.
  4. Die Hard, I know I probably won't change your mind but I'd like to give you something to consider. Internet message boards are like football games. Every time you go to one you inevitably run into some people that you have something in common with and you like to hang around with. Then there's a group that you'd rather not be in the same county with. The fact that people can hide behind anonymity means that the lesser posters would rather flame, opine and in the word's of O'Reilly "bloviate". Don't let the idiot minority ruin your enjoyment of TBD. The vast majority of the smacktard crowd is just trying to impress everyone with their Lombardian football knowledge in an effort to somehow validate their own miserable existence. Most of them have pitifully low self esteem and if you get to meet them in person (some I have) you realize how dreadful their existence really is. Anonymously coming to a message board to rip people who are ACTUALLY PLAYING professional football is the lowest forth of self loathing. Please reconsider, contributions from posters like you are invaluable.
  5. It may have changed but the last time I was at the American side of Niagara Falls is an absolute disgrace. One of the most amazing sites in North America and you had to drive through a wasteland to get to it. The only thing that would save that size of the falls would be a fleet of bulldozers and about 300 years of natural evolution.
  6. Did you really just ask us if we want someone to cook us awesome ribs and chicken? I'm not sure what the question is!
  7. In my opinion, Marv Levy bears most of the responsibility for the Bills being 0-4 in Super Bowls. His failure to control a team that was clearly more talented is the primary reason they played like ass when it came to the big game. It's no secret that the team ran around Fredonia like a bunch of drunk frat boys. What they lacked in discipline they made up for in raw talent. A bit more discipline and focus and we might have won 3 of the 4. I won't even go into the debacle that Marv Levy the GM was.
  8. That's the best article I've read on the Bills in a long time. Not because it's generally positive in nature but because the guy writing it actually did some research. We may not make it to the playoffs this year but we will be a better football team and Gailey is going to go down in the books as a GREAT football coach. Mark it down. Yeah I said it......
  9. "Chandemonium" I love it The dumbstruck look on their faces is priceless.
  10. http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext/?nxd_id=201175 I think it's hysterical that the punks that are being admonished are standing their holding gear for the players to sign. They look absolutely stunned! Good on you Chan!
  11. Why do you keep acting like a blown coverage isn't part of a regular football game? It really doesn't matter that it was a blown coverage, I don't understand why you keep harping on it, the QB saw it and made the play. In the NFL no one cares how you score your points. Fumbles, interceptions, great plays, broken plays, blown coverages, missed tackles etc. are all part of the game and all contribute to the final score. Your logic seems to state that unless it's a well designed play that's executed perfectly then you can dismiss the outcome. That's just absurd logic. I don't care how the Bills score their points this year as long as they score more than the other team. If Spiller breaks a tackle and runs for 60 yards and a TD we still get to count the score. We don't get 3 points because it was a missed tackle. Insisting that a "blown coverage" somehow counts less is pretty bizarre.
  12. What I think Maybin is missing, perhaps the team is missing as well, is a vocal leader on the defensive side. I like Poz but I've never seen him confront another player and take him to task for missing an assignment. I think if this team had a defensive leader that teaches ala Ray Lewis that Maybin would be much farther along in his development.
  13. There is no right to free speech at a private football practice for a team owned by a private individual. Yes, the practice was open to the public but that does not give license for your average idiot to yell anything he or she feels like. Frankly, I think the failure here is by Bills and SJF security. If you want to yell and be disruptive, you should be escorted from the facility.
  14. This moronic behavior was at it's peak when that idiot Dickerson was on the radio. How many players did this guy rip mercilessly day after day until the fans started parroting his nonsense? I seem to remember him basically running Jerry Crafts out of town. I agree with Graham, half of these idiots wouldn't dare say anything to a players face.
  15. You apparently missed Ice 101, here's a synopsis for you: You pick a subject, any subject really, preferably something about a player. Then you form an opinion, it doesn't need to be grounded in fact or rationality, any opinion will do. Then you post over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until hopefully someone acknowledges your position. It's much like watching a 4 year old scream until his or her parents finally acknowledge them.
  16. The oddity of this offseason is that the Jet's have acted like they have an 10 year vet at QB who throw for 5000 yards last year. They traded away their best running back and failed to realize that LT has nothing left in the tank. If Sanchez has a sophomore slump they are in BIG trouble. Although considering how little Sanchez did passing last year it'll be hard to figure out what a slump looks like.
  17. That's a HORRIBLE idea. Now when I reply with profanity and personal insults I only have 30 minutes to decide that it was excessive. I'm going to have to be more thoughtful now! It looks great, thanks for all the hard work.
  18. Of all the issues surrounding this team, the last thing they needed was to start the 2010 pre-season with 2 straight away games. In a way I almost feel sorry for the players because they go from being boo'd to the veritable ghost town that is the Rogers Center. What a sad abomination that place is. I can't make it to the game next week but I'm hoping they get a nice home welcome. They're going to need the 12th man more than ever this year.
  19. Celebrating or gloating about the failure of a first round draft choice seems a bit counter productive don't you think? Are you really happy that we spent a low pick on a guy who is clearly struggling and may never live up to his draft position? I'm not a Maybin defender but I do keep hoping that he figures it out and actually finds a way to be successful. Him washing out doesn't help him or us so what's the point. I'd like every player the Bills draft to become and all pro. It's not likely that will happen but that doesn't mean I want anyone on our current roster to fail no matter how big a douche bag he may be on Twitter. Maybin's biggest problem seems to be that he's still to light for his frame. That WILL change with time, the question is how much time? Personally, if I were the staff of the Bills I'd fatten him up and fatten him up fast. An extra 20 lbs on his frame would be HUGE and he'd still be plenty fast enough. I'd force him to eat lunch and dinner every day Nick Tahoe's!
  20. Basically just some words of encouragement, talking to him about how he did something. It was coachspeak 101 but it's easy to see why players would like him.
  21. That was AWESOME. Every day I find another reason to be happy with the Gailey choice. I sincerely believe he is going to get this team back to the dance. Not this year but soon...... His comments to Roscoe were great, that my friends is called "coaching"!
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