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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. You forgot to mention: 1. Run over people with his car then leave the seen. 2. Be arrested for weapon possession The dude is ONE STRIKE away from being out of the league and I see nothing that shows me that it won't be the inevitable conclusion to his career.
  2. Wow, two games into the season with a new head coach and new GM and we're ready to fire them already. That might be a new record! So after spending the last 24 hours talking about how bad Edwards and the Bills are Sully now calls the change "desperation." Life in his world must be fascinating, I wonder what color the sky is? Up goes the roller coaster.....
  3. Some guys just can't get it done when the real bullets start flying. Edwards is by all accounts a nice guy, he's just not an NFL QB.
  4. The fundamental difference I see between Fitzpatrick and Edwards is that Fitz isn't afraid to chuck the rock to a WR so the WR can make a play. Edwards is absolutely paralyzed with fear of throwing a pick and won't let go of the ball unless the WR is standing by himself with no defenders in sight. Fitz also understand how to throw a WR open. Maybe Edwards did outperform Fitz in camp but when it comes to live game day performance it's clear that Trent can't get it done.
  5. This is a shining example of what a complete tool you are. Congratulations, you're the very first person to ever be added to my ignore list. There have been some interesting characters on this forum over the last 12 years but none of them has annoyed me as much as you do.
  6. I didn't say I was smart, I just said I was heavily skooled!
  7. I'm curious Joe, how many semesters of college do you have under your belt? Did you actually have professors that bombarded you with "humanist-marxist-socialist blather" or is this just you repeating the standard talking points? I feel cheated! I've got two bachelor's degrees and 1/2 of my MBA and I've never got my education in Marxism. Maybe I should write my former schools and complain! I also find the demonization of education to be particularly interesting. What exactly is so evil or so wrong about being educated? I don't think that higher education automatically turns you into a far left winger any more than dropping out of school makes you a right winger. I'm not sure ignorance is something you should cherish or strive for. I don't know if Palin is dangerous but she is dumber than a box of !@#$in rocks. Anyone that klings to the idea that the earth is 6000 years old is either retarded or delusional. Both conditions probably mean you shouldn't be President.
  8. I don't think it's fair to say they were "ignored". Our top two picks for those positions weren't used but they did draft Wang, Easley, Howard and Brown. They had to get a NT so they grabbed Troupe with the 2nd pick and that gets to my biggest issue with the "rebuilding" project. The Bills lost games last season because they couldn't score any freaking points. The switch to the 3-4 should have been a long term plan and I question the timing on that change.
  9. Gailey made a VERY interesting comment yesterday during his press conferences. He said it was his job to figure out why things weren't working and make any necessary changes. Maybe I'm over reading this but if you listed to the audio it sounds to me as though he might be contemplating a QB change. Go listen to it and tell me what you think: http://www.buffalobills.com/media-center/videos/Chan-Gailey-Postgame-Press-Conference/c17ba53e-a9b7-4cbd-8cb1-32c86d2a8a0e
  10. You simply can't miss on your top draft picks for a decade and expect to be competitive. "That's why it was so distressing watching Matthews run wild against the Bills. The consequence of bad drafting isn't restricted to the Bills' sideline. It's everywhere you look around the NFL. They're playing linebacker in Washington, wide receiver in Philadelphia, offensive tackle in Baltimore. Miss on enough high draft picks and eventually you sink to the bottom. If you believe the Bills needed to bottom out, take heart. This team appears to be doing that. They actually played well in the second quarter and seemed capable of an upset. The fact that they wound up losing by 27 shows you just how bad it is." http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article195294.ece If you go back and watch some of Nix's comments earlier this year, he says the same things.
  11. I am puzzled at their decision to not retain Incognito. He played well last year, maybe he just told the team that he wasn't interested in signing with them?? Bulaga wouldn't have be a massive upgrade over Merideth or Bell. The bigger issue was that he wasn't worthy of the 9th pick. He's just not that good. Adams would have been a one year stop gap at best but he alone wasn't going to be the difference between going to the playoffs and another 8-8 season. This team needs to stop looking for leak pluggers and focus on long term solutions. They've got a solid inner core but they can't ignore the tackle positions any longer. If Bell or Merideth develop into quality starting tackles you can bet your ass that Nix is not going to let them walk. It's going to be a long bumpy road but I'm still confident that they will rebuild this team. The problem is there are just WAY too many holes to fix in one season. The team is talent poor and both Ralph Wilson and Buddy Nix said that back in the spring.
  12. Aren't you the same genius who suggested that Bills fans wear paper bags over their heads? Find a post where I said this team was going to the playoffs. Find a post where I said this team would be VASTLY improved. Find anything anywhere where I said that Gailey was going to turn this team around immediately. The only thing I've said is that the talent level this year is about the same as last year and better coaching should translate to more wins. I'm fairly certain I've been a Bills fan longer than you've been alive. The difference is, I'm not part of the give it to me now generation. I've been through worse and haven't left the team. I'm a Bills fan, good bad or otherwise. The difference between you and me is that I enjoy being optimistic whereas you're just another "I told you so" douche bag. As for what you have to say, it's the same miserable **** that you and 100 other smacktards post here every day. There's nothing new, nothing different, nothing insightful. Just the same old we suck, fire cut or trade player X blah blah blah blah blah. Frankly, it's all a bunch of low IQ noise at this point. Why don't you actually go back, watch the game and look at where the breakdowns occur. THAT will give you some insight as to where things are going wrong and allow you to post something useful that elevates you above the average internet forum lemming. And the retard rollercoaster goes up up up..
  13. Forming a conclusion on anything related to the Bills after two games is at best premature, at worst ignorant. The two teams they Bills have played so far have been solid, playoff caliber teams. Could the Bills have looked better, sure. They're learning an entirely new system and it's clear that they're struggling. Heaping all the blame on Edwards or Gailey s is the easy thing to do if you want to be a lemming. The reality is Edwards hasn't performed well but the OL has performed even WORSE. Even the guys that were solid last year seem to be struggling a bit. When you're in a max protect scheme and the defense rushes three and still gets to the QB then your problems are much greater than just the QB. At this point, it won't matter what players or plays Gailey uses if they won't execute. Clearly you do enjoy being "right". Congratulations! The Bills suck and you win NOTHING.
  14. I'm giving Nix/Gailey three years. I was hoping they'd be more enjoyable to watch this year but it's clear that they won't. Last spring, Ralph and Nix hinted at the fact that this team was talent poor. If they can't build something watchable in the next 3 years I might just give up on the franchise
  15. I'm willing to be there's a few dozen people on these forums that wish you were born a Pat's fan too!
  16. Alcoholic twentysomethings who work at Valvoline and get blasted at Bills games don't buy a lot of season tickets. I'm just saying.
  17. I was always partial to Dik Smub.
  18. Mostly yes! But it really depends on where you sit and who you sit with. I posted this in another thread but I think it's worth putting here: There are people that like to go to the games TO WATCH THE !@#$ING GAME? The purpose of a Bills game is not to see how much alcohol you can drink before you're unable to walk into the stadium. I've been to dozens of Bills games and every time I see guys and gals who are so unbelievably drunk that they can't sit up on the freaking seats. Here's the crux of the problem, it costs me about $175 to bring my 11 year old son to a Bills game. I'd LOVE to bring my 5 year old daughter to a game but there is NO WAY that is going to happen. I'm not going to shell that kind of money so my son can sit there and watch some drunk stupid ass shout "MOTHER !@#$ER" for 2.5 hours. The people who can't control themselves are ruining the experience for everyone. The reality of NFL ticket prices mandates that they appeal to a wider audience. Working dads with disposable income are thinking twice about buying tickets because of the atmosphere. If you want to go to a tailgate, there's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and having some drinks. It's just not necessary to get drunk at levels that would get you thrown out of any bar in the state.
  19. You do realize that there are people that like to go to the games TO WATCH THE !@#$ING GAME? The purpose of a Bills game is not to see how much alcohol you can drink before you're unable to walk into the stadium. I've been to dozens of Bills games and every time I see guys and gals who are so unbelievably drunk that they can't sit up on the freaking seats. Here's the crux of the problem, it costs me about $175 to bring my 11 year old son to a Bills game. I'd LOVE to bring my 5 year old daughter to a game but there is NO WAY that is going to happen. I'm not going to shell that kind of money so my son can sit there and watch some drunk stupid ass shout "MOTHER !@#$ER" for 2.5 hours. The people who can't control themselves are ruining the experience for everyone. The reality of NFL ticket prices mandates that they appeal to a wider audience. Working dads with disposable income are thinking twice about buying tickets because of the atmosphere. If you want to go to a tailgate, there's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself and having some drinks. It's just not necessary to get drunk at levels that would get you thrown out of any bar in the state.
  20. If you're going to turn this political you should probably get your facts straight otherwise you just look really really stupid. The vast majority of highway funding comes from the Federal government not the States. Go look at the results of highway funding under the EIGHT years of the Bush administration, four of which he could have pushed through massive highway initiatives if he wanted to. If you think bad government is the sole property of Democrats then you need to turn Rush off. Here's an insider tip: neither party really gives a **** about cutting spending. They just want to control the spending. Oh and one more tip, if you vote for an incumbent this year (regardless of party) then you're an idiot.
  21. "Pig"? Really? 1970 called it they'd like their outdated slur back. You do realize that these guys risk their lives almost every day? They also deal with the absolute bottom of the human garbage can. Sure they have some arrogant idiots in their ranks but then again, so does this forum.
  22. You can thank all the morons who think that an NFL tailgate is a place to get so drunk you can't find the !@#$ing stadium. It a tragedy when festivities like Kenny's get shut down because people insist on acting like they've never had access to alcohol before.
  23. I don't know how inflexible he is but I absolutely agree that a lot of these guys are carrying muscle mass that their tendons and ligaments can't support.
  24. If GB wants to send up a starting LT then I think we should consider it. Trading Lynch for a player that can't break the starting roster anymore isn't necessarily a good idea.
  25. Here's the dilemma, Nix trades Lynch to GB and Freddie goes down again and he'll get gutted by the media. If he trades Marshawn and he goes to GB and excels then he'll get gutted by the media. There is no win here for him. If you were paying attention was he was named the GM he said he was far more interested in retaining the players he has then playing the FA game.
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