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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Help me out here, you rotate your NT's more when your DE is injured why? Troupe is not a DE and I highly doubt Stroud's status affects him at all.
  2. To his credit, he's being very diplomatic and saying all the right things.
  3. Go look at the list of players that Donahoe let walk who are playing at a high level around the league. Donahoe's biggest fault was that he always wanted to be the story and make a "splash".
  4. The state would be a whole lot less broke is it was for the giant !@#$ing welfare hole called "downstate". Personally I'd like to set you adrift in the Atlantic. Enjoy your "give me $8 and you can drive across this bridge" garbage strewn region. I prefer to look at the Adirondacks instead of burned out Buicks.
  5. Lets get a few things straight. 1. The Bills aren't a great football team. Coming here and ripping them isn't all that bright considering most of our fans have said things about the team far worse than anything you'll say. 2. Last year you walked into the playoffs because two teams rolled over on you. 3. We beat you in your house last year and we're freaking TERRIBLE! 4. Coming here and making comments about the "sticks" and intelligence is hysterical considering you're Jets fan. Even more hysterical considering that the majority of the area where your fans are from smells like and overly used port-o-potty. 5. The Jets have sucked for decades. You haven't won a super bowl, nor made it to the super bowl in decades. Why don't you win a trophy before you get too excited otherwise you'll just end up despondent (that means sad) at the end of this year like every other year. 6. Thank God "Jets" only has four letters, otherwise I doubt you could spell it. Now go get in your Camaro and get your ass back in school.
  6. Have the Falcon's even made the playoffs since he got there? Hell, have the Falcon's ever even been to a Super Bowl?
  7. Because he knows the offense which puts him about 6 weeks ahead of anyone else they could have signed.
  8. There is a new three headed monster at OBD. I'm starting to see more and more evidence that Nix, Whaley & Gailey (wow that sounds like a law firm) went to Ralph and said "we can build you a winner but it's going to take time and 2010 isn't going to be pretty". Wilson and Nix both made comments during the offseason that indicated that there would be massive roster evaluations and that it would be a long year. I believe Ralph said something about the fans keeping their hopes realistic and Nix said something about not expecting miracles. I sincerely believe that Nix and Whaley know what they've got and are content with a long term plan to fix it. If 2010 is truly the first year of a massive rebuild/restructure then I'm ok with a crappy season. I'd rather come out of this year knowing that 30 of the guys on the Bills roster are legitimate starters than continue to go through ****ty season after ****ty season. Simon was talking about this earlier and Jeremy suggested that maybe the 2010 season is just one giant preseason? If that's the case, I wouldn't be surprised to see more dramatic changes. Obscure players who didn't see the field like Roscoe get elevated and "names" like Hardy, Edwards and others get shown the door. One thing is certain, it's going to be an interesting year.
  9. Most billionaires got really rich by being really stupid. True story Up up up goes the roller coaster!
  10. The dude is a Stanford grad. He's already earned more than 80% of roller coaster contingent here ever will. It's safe to say he'll be fine. Love him or hate him, the guy was a starting QB for the Buffalo Bills. That's a job that 99.99% can only dream of.
  11. Todd Collins has made a whole lot of money without getting the snot kicked out of him. He's had a career that outlasted a LOT of #1 draft choices. I'm sure he's ok with that.
  12. The coaches evaluated Trent the practice player properly. What they couldn't have forseen was him going into a complete shell when the bullets started flying. To their credit they didn't take long to pull the plug once they saw him live.
  13. You don't need a hall of fame QB to win a Super Bowl but it helps. Dilfer was an average qb that rode an insane defense to a SB win. Pittsburgh is playing guys from the stands and DOMINATING people. If you don't have an elite QB you better be elite everywhere else. What you do need is a QB that doesn't hurt your team.
  14. You celebrate when you beat them. Not before. It's the endzone, act like you've been there before.
  15. I'm not defending Maybin but I've yet to see him line up in an LB position. Every time I see him he's down on all fours in a DE position. The kid has enough speed to rush from a traditional OLB set yet they seem afraid to try?
  16. There's your answer as to why CJ isn't the "starter" anymore
  17. Cowherd just called him a "loser" on ESPN and said that ESPN is responsible for making this guy think he's important.
  18. This guy's "15 minutes" has gone on WAAAAY to long. This is clearly more about him being the center of attention than his team. That said, I didn't see him do anything wrong.
  19. Articles like this serve as a reminder to me that their are people behind the facemasks. I know that sounds idiotic but in professional sports it's easy to dehumanize the player and forget that they are real people with wives, kids, parents, grandparent's etc. Yeah maybe Whitner hasn't lived up to the spot he was picked in the draft and maybe he isn't an all world safety but he has been loyal to Buffalo and their fans the entire time he's been here. He keeps himself out of trouble and out of the news and is the type of player we should be proud to have on our team. That said, there is only one way I know of to get others to stop laughing at you. You don't even have to win to do it. Certainly winning would stop the laughing but if you're not going to win you only have one option. When they laugh at you, you punch them in the mouth. You hit them so hard that the last thing they want to do is play you again. Sure they may beat you and you may lose the war but you can at least win a battle or two. If we're going to lose to the Pat's I'd much rather have the Bills beat the **** of the them rather than play doormat! If they're going to complete the pass Donte, knock them the !@#$ out and they won't be laughing.
  20. Sorry, TBD is my world. I'm a lot like Sarah Palin, I refuse to believe in a world outside of this cozy comfortable box!
  21. I realize we don't have any QB's with the talent of Vick but I can't help noticing the similarity and irony in the Kolb/Vick scenario. Reid has 2 years of info on Kolb, trades away a franchise QB who isn't on the bottom of the societal gene pool and flip flops after only two games? Why isn't anyone in the media beating up Reid for not giving Kolb more of a shot? Smells to me of owner intervention!!
  22. I'm sorry but if you read the accounts of what actually went on it was much more than just "dog fighting". Witnesses have stated that Vick drowned dogs, shot others to death and some were beaten to death with a shovel. These are acts of outright cruelty not some misguided sporting event. The type of stuff usually reserved for Hollywood "B" movies. What type of individual drowns a dog? He may have apologized and served his time but the fact remains that he eagerly participated in that cruelty and I believe that he'd still be doing it if he wasn't caught. No thanks, I don't want to win that badly.
  23. The guy is a piece of human garbage. I don't care how good of a QB he might be. I'd rather the Bills lose every game then start signing the bottom of the human barrel.
  24. I've seen a lot of Trent's on the range at golf tournaments. If any of you watch or play competitive golf you see "Trent's" on the range all the time. Basically they're good guys who hit the ball extremely well. Every shot is well struck and straight. They can spend all day raking and swinging and rarely do they look bad. The trouble starts when they get to the firs tee. For whatever reason they just can't repeat the swing that serves them so well on the range. Inevitably their first drive is either pull hooked into the woods or pushed OB and their round is over before it started. Oh sure, they'll hit a great shot now and then, maybe even string a few good holes together but in the end, the collapse is only moments away. I wish Trent well, I just don't want him to be our QB ever again.
  25. It's even more hysterical when you consider that Schopp spent all of his on air time yesterday bitching about the fact that Trent won't throw the ball downfield.
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