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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. There's a pretty massive difference between making mistakes and electrocuting dogs don't you think? Sure, I shot out a window with a BB gun as a kid but I didn't drown my neighbors dog. I got a ticket once for passing on a double yellow but I haven't beaten any animals to death with a baseball bat. Somehow, oddly enough, I've managed to never get arrested! You're correct, he served the punishment that was given to him as required by law and yes, religions do provide forgiveness for those who repent. Personally, I don't believe Vick is sorry at all for what he did. I believe he's sorry that he lost all the fame and money but I don't believe for a second that he's sorry. Ask yourself this, if Vick hadn't been caught would he still be running his dog fighting ring? Ironic how losing 100 million dollars makes you see the error of your way. What Vick took part in suggests to me something much darker. You've got to be a special kind of sick !@#$ to electrocute a dog. I truly hope he has changed but somehow I doubt it. If you're fine with the new and improved Mike Vic then that's your choice, I'm not willing to forget that easily.
  2. There was a lot of angst around here when Shanahan basically snubbed the Bills. Anyone here seeing the "genious" in him this season? Weren't they 0 for 12 on 3rd down last night?
  3. Call me when Cargill and Tyson start electrocuting the animals. The don't systematically go out of their way to kill the animals in the most painful way possible way. This board is overflowing with stupid today.
  4. Really? A "bad choice"? Dogs were shot, hung from trees and electrocuted. Puppies were held underwater until they died. This went on for months if not years. A bad choice? Some of you need to do a bit more research on what actually went on as part of Vick's dogfighting ring. It wasn't as simple as "he shot a few dogs". Bad choice my ass....
  5. Perhaps it wasn't clear enough so let me try again. The statement "he did his time" does not absolve someone of their prior actions. There are a LOT (as you well know) of truly horrific sub-humans that have "done their time" and been set free. That doesn't erase what they did nor does it compel me to forgive them. What Vick did was not on the level of a rapist or a pedophile. It was however deeply disturbing and evident of what kind of person Vick is.
  6. Wow that's pretty ignorant? There's probably hundred's of other convicted felons out there that we could sign. Sure, maybe they're not as talented as Vick but I'm sure there are a couple of convicted rapists and maybe some pedophiles that could play. As long as you serve your prison sentence it's a clean slate right? Try getting a job in the real world with a felony and prison time on your resume. Let me know how that works out for you.
  7. I don't care if Vick throws for 20,000 yards and 40 touchdowns. The guy is a piece of human garbage and I'd rather not have him anywhere near my team. Do a little research and find out what was done to some of those dogs. No thanks! The guy did his time, he'll make tens of millions in the NFL and he'll probably be running another dog fighting ring in 10 years. He's garbage.
  8. How can you not love this guy? Wood added: "Had it not been raining we would have been able to air it out and Fitzy [quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick] would have lit them up. But this is Buffalo weather. We've got to pound out those victories." We did run the ball well." Here's the full article: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article253263.ece
  9. There is no way any of this years QB's are going to come in and play any better that Fitz has s the last few weeks. Sure he makes mistakes and throws bad passes but so does every other NFL QB. Fits is not the reason this team is losing. This defense is beyond bad. It's setting records for futility.
  10. So even though the Bills look poised to suffer their eighth loss, take some solace in the fact that the Jets and Patriots will also lose today. Any day that that Jets lose is a GREAT day in my book because the NY media abuses them mercilessly for an entire week!
  11. Fitz has balls of iron. Screw drafting a QB. I've seen enough of Fitzy to know that he can be good enough to win games. Give him a real TE and another OT and we're fine!
  12. Listening to the crowd it sounds like a freaking Bears home game!
  13. I guarantee you Merriman could get on the field today and outplay Kelsay without any reps or practice.
  14. I thought this was worth updating since it finally hit the mainstream news: "The Pentagon did not mince words in dismissing as “absolutely absurd” and “comical” media reports from Indian news outlets that the US Navy was sending 34 warships off the coast of Mumbai as part of the security preparations for President Obama’s upcoming trip to India." http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2010/11/pentagon-dismisses-reports-of-34-warships-for-obama-trip-security.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
  15. I had forgotten about the "the fundamentals are good" gaffe. That certainly didn't help his chances but I still believe his choice of running mate was his biggest mistake. I think that choice was so polarizing it pushed a lot of moderates and independents to Obama. If McCain could have gotten someone like Romney as his VP he'd be President right now. I would have voted for him if he stayed true to his values and didn't turn into a pandering idiot. I really like McCain the candidate that ran against Bush. I even considered switching parties so I could vote for him in the primary. Looking back, we could have avoided eight years of the horror that was Bush/Cheney.
  16. I disagree. He got elected because McCain was 1000 years old and he picked and unqualified idiot cheerleader for a running mate. Had he been smart and teamed up with someone even remotely qualified and "presidential" looking he might well have won. The economy is not what got Obama elected although it is ironic that the right wants to give Obama all the credit for the economic mess. How quickly Ron Paulson is forgotten.
  17. Not to mention that the US Navy isn't exactly open to telling foreign "journalists" their travel plans! There's a few hundred people that have first hand experience with the capabilities of the MQ-9 that would disagree with you. Well, they would if they were still alive.........
  18. Interesting read but if the current administration hadn't walked into an economic meltdown then you wouldn't have seen half the turnover you saw on Tuesday. If the economy continues to rebound and the job outlook is good then Obama will have a cake walk into his second term. "It's the economy stupid"
  19. A typical carrier strike group is 8-10 ships so that's 1/3 of the group. There's also a number of smaller patrol type, fast attack boats to prevent a Yemen type incident. We're still actively engaged in two wars and there's a whole lot of people on that side of the world who'd like nothing more than to try and kill a U.S. President. They really don't care if he's a Democrat or a Republican, they'd just like to kill him. I have a close friend in naval intelligence. All those ships aren't there for the President's visit and almost half were already on station "in the vicinity"
  20. I'm not a huge fan on Schumer but the undeniable fact is that the guy is a money train for New York State. When we lost Senator D'Amato we lost a lot of the "member item" appropriations that went all over NY. The system sucks but I'd rather have a guy that can bring the money here than some unknown. More importantly, WHY HAVEN'T THE REPUBLICANS FIXED THE ECONOMY YET? WHERE'S MY TAX CUT?
  21. I liked the old machines from a pure nostalgia perspective. They're what I watched my parents vote on, they're what I voted on and there was something wonderful about the tactile feel of pulling that lever. BUT, for God sakes you'd have to be retarded to not understand the ballot you were given today. We used the exact same system in Onondaga County and it took me about 1 minute from start to finish. If you were able to graduate from high school you've taken a dozen tests that were no different than what you saw today. Is filling in a circle with a freaking pen really that hard? The advantage these machines have is that there actually IS a paper trail. The fact that we're all not voting online is a freaking travesty. But you have to get past the fact that this isn't 1965 anymore. Most of those machines are ancient, no one wants to make the parts anymore and it's time to move on.
  22. Denver has a MASSIVE home field advantage playing in Mile High. Combine that with the fact that Denver's division is absolutely abysmal and you have the a perfect scenario for a head coach. Elway was a great QB and was famous for his 4th quarter comebacks. I'd contend that half of those comebacks wouldn't have happened if the opposing team's defense could breath.
  23. I can't help but wonder, all the people that are advocating that the Bills pick up Moss, have you watched the effort this guy has put in this year? He's taking half the plays off and has an attitude that makes TO look like the ultimate team guy.
  24. New England was !@#$ing abysmal for almost 20 years. We used to beat them mercilessly . They have become a model franchise lately but lets not act like they've always been well run and managed.
  25. There was a play yesterday where PI was called. Moss completely gave up on the throw. It actually fell to the turn about 3 feet from him and he totally quit on the play.
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