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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. I've been listening to the "chowdah" meltdown. Here's a snippet of what I've heard so far: "Belichek has lost it" "Brady is hurting the team" "Wilfork is fat and lazy" "We need to turn over the coaching staff" These tools watched their team win 14 games this season and they're complaining. It's very entertaining! http://www.weei.com/#
  2. Modrak has not lived up to his hype when he came over from Philly. That said, there is one person responsible for most of this horror...Marv Levy. Oh for four in super bowls and two of the worst drafts in history.
  3. I applaud Joe D. for doing this but I think he's got a HUGE wake up call coming. His analogy to riding a bike is absurd and climbing a 20k peak is not something to be taken lightly. I hope he's in shape!
  4. In the last 3 games the Bills defense gave up about a trillion yards yet the roller coasters can't seem to get past their Luck lust. Fitz has shown me enough this season that I'm willing to give him another year. Have we forgotten that this was yet another year of OL injury carousel? We actually played guys we signed a week earlier! Perhaps if we're not hemorrhaging points next year the offense will actually get more touches and look even better. Our time of possession differential was atrocious this year and we still managed to win some games. Ask Ditka how sacrificing your draft for one player works out.
  5. I understand that Poz I would like to stay here. I would like Poz to make tackles at the line of scrimmage, not 8 yards downfield. I'd also like Poz to show me he can cover an antique TE like Alge Crumpler. Unfortunately we all know that neither of those 2 things are likely. I wouldn't be opposed to signing Poz for to preserve some continuity but I'd be horrified if we paid him a lot of money.
  6. I'm really getting tired of watching Poz get outmuscled. outpositioned or outran on every play. The guy takes angles that a high school freshman wouldn't take.
  7. I don't care what Ryan and his wife are into. There's also NO WAY I'm watching a video of it.
  8. The Bills are playing better football than the Redskins right now and I bet they'd beat them face to face. Other than the Minnesota debacle the Bills have outplayed the Redskins most of the season. They've lost 3 games in overtime over vastly superior competition. Gailey is getting more out of less talent than Shanny and he's not making horrific decisions along the way. The Shanny/McNab situation is just idiotic and embarassing.
  9. If they know there is a MASSIVE storm coming they'll actually deflate it. They did it back in '93 because the forecast was calling for three feet of heavy snow.
  10. So let me get this straight. They built a domed stadium in Minnesota that wasn't capable of withstanding 17 inches of snow? BRILLIANT We got 58 inches of snow in Syracuse last week. Carrier Dome is still sitting pretty.
  11. Here's a tip for any NFL players that might visit: 1. Don't compare yourself to a soldier, ever! What they do on a daily basis makes you look like a total kitty. Last I checked, there aren't any whirlpools or hot tubs in Kandahar. When you drive home in your pimped out Navigator to sleep in your fluffy bed with your 1000 thread count sheets. They drive home in a hummer hoping not to get killed by an IED to sleep in the dirt. If they're lucky they have a cot. STFU with the soldier comparisons. 2. Don't make any comparisons to 9/11....EVER. Just don't.
  12. You're absolutely right and I don't believe he is a corporatist. The irony of the earnings is amusing though. There's no need to presume a hostile environment, it existed when Obama took office. Wall Street was terrified of increased taxes and the potential for more regulation. The financial outlook was miserable.
  13. I realize there is a fundamental need in here for everyone to be put in a political box so you can figure out if you should agree or disagree with them. Try to step out of your ideological hole long enough to read the article. I'm not saying anything other than what the article states. Despite the claims that Obama is the economic equivalent of the anti-christ, businesses are doing quite well. Corporations becoming leaner isn't something to be demonized, it's actually good business strategy. It's called lean process management, learn about Six Sigma if you need a better understanding of the concept. Businesses reacted to the economic environment and as a result became more efficient hence more profitable. GM's probably a great case study. They trimmed a TON of bloat and are now in the best financial position they've been in for a long time. They're actually making money on cars now.
  14. You're really not that far off: American businesses earned profits at an annual rate of $1.66 trillion in the third quarter, according to a Commerce Department report released Tuesday. That is the highest figure recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago, at least in nominal or non-inflation-adjusted terms.
  15. Just curious, does anyone think that Poz is an upgrade over Fletcher or Spikes? I don't. As to the issue of OL, Poz doesn't need to stand there and be a stationary target. If he had better anticipation he could blow up a play before the OL makes it to the second level. He's a great guy and a solid person. That doesn't mean I want him as my middle LB. Ask yourself this, how often does Poz make a play that changes a game? I can't remember the last big play he made not to mention the last time he blew up a play in the backfield.
  16. Unfortunately the majority of his tackles are 8 yards past the line of scrimmage. Dig a little deeper and see how many tackles you can find that were for no gain or a loss. I like Poz as a person but the harsh reality is that he's an average, perhaps below average LB. He's slow to react to the play and his horrendous in pass coverage. Yes Poz does have a lot of OL getting to him at the second level but so does every linebacker in the NFL. The great ones still manage to disrupt the play. Some (gasp) even take on the OL then make the tackle. There is one thing Poz has going for him that might keep him in Buffalo. The dude sells jersey's like crazy.
  17. Make Harrison play the rest of the season without a helmet. I guarantee he won't get any more fines or penalties!
  18. The Colts are 6-4 and have the best QB in the game. Winning and losing is bigger than who is taking snaps.
  19. That is a function of actual coaching and scheme. Something we haven't had for 10 years here. Remember last year when teams were telling us they new what we were going to run before the ball was snapped? Haven't heard anyone say that lately have you. I realize Cincy had a couple of rookie safties on the field yesterday but we absolutely picked them apart running and passing. They had no idea what was coming! You'd have to be delusional to think that the Bills would even consider making a QB change. Not only do we have the #1 ranked red zone percentage, we also lead the league in 3rd down conversions. That's not an accident. Fitz is going nowhere and all you Luck & Mallett screamers might as well get used to it.
  20. My memory may be off but a few games later they tore down the posts and carried them up to Ralph Wilson's box!
  21. Our long history of success with Stanford QBs? And all this time I thought the most appealing feature was the highly educated fans who are willing to proclaim someone a bust after 2 or 3 games. Who wouldn't want that?
  22. My son just turned 12, if some drunk moron tackled him after a game two things are going to happen. I'm probably going to get arrested and the drunk idiot is going to the hospital.
  23. A lot of Bills fans have forgotten that when Kelly got hurt Todd Collins came in and beat the Cowboys. There were numerous calls to replace Kelly with Collins! Pro tip: most fans aren't too bright.
  24. I still don't understand how his starting QB just signed a bajillion dollar extension two weeks after he was benched. It was fun watching Shanahan change his answer every time the question as to why was asked.
  25. Wow....um...just wow! Dude I can stand in front of the mirror, brush my teeth and be proud of who I am. There's very little in my past that I'm ashamed to admit and certainly nothing that's in the same universe as what Vick has done. If you can't look in the mirror in the morning that's a you problem, not a me problem.
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