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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. That would be an EPIC scenario. It's too good to be true so I know it won't happen!
  2. Gordio, Don't freak out, this happens to me just about every year. It's either hydraulic pressure from the groundwater or ice in the seam that pops the liner out. If your liner isn't too old they should be able to pop it back in once it warms up a bit. It may require you to actually drain the pool so they can put a vacuum in between the liner and frame and draw out any air, then they just pop it back in. This happened to me last year when about 1/4 of the deep end came out. If your liner is really old though it might be brittle and if that's the case it's another world of problems. This year it looks like I only lost a foot or so in the shallow end.
  3. This fascination with drafting a QB is getting annoying. I haven't seen a single QB in this draft that is worth the hype being thrown at them. IMO, this years class is flat out mediocre. As if that wasn't enough, here's the thing I wish people would focus on: drafting a QB gets us absolutely nowhere this year. No rookie is going to come in and outperform Fitz this year or next. It's just not going to happen. For God sakes, get an impact defensive player that can help us stop the !@#$ing run. Our run defense is as porous as a freaking colander and we're drooling over QB's.
  4. If Newton's gone I think it's Von Miller. What I found hysterical is the scouting report on him. He's pretty much the anti-Maybin: Strengths: Outstanding speed; eliminates space in a hurry <li> Elite first step <li> Very intelligent; knows how to set up an OT <li> Technically sound with footwork <li> Plethora of rush moves <li> Great motor and gives nice second effort <li> Extremely productive junior year <li> Terrific range <li> Fluid athlete and can cover a lot of ground <li> Smooth hips in coverage <li> Can turn and run with running backs/tight ends <li> Stays low and runs with the arc <li> Instinctive with natural feel for the game <li> Tenacious pass rusher <li> Excellent counter moves <li> Smooth transition to 3-4 scheme in NFL <li> Leader with good work ethic <li> Playmaker <li> Still has upside He does everything we wish Maybin could do.
  5. Isn't this basically the same issue that some states have with radar detectors? Essentially you're circumventing law enforcement. Think about it from a different perspective. If you're out for a nice drive with your family on Saturday, maybe heading out to dinner, do your really want to risk getting creamed by some hammered moron. Especially if the idiot got drunk because he had an app?
  6. It's far more opinion and conservative entertainment then it it news. The Daily Show has more "news" than most networks.
  7. I was more shocked at the projection of Von Miller to Denver at #2. Has an LB ever been the 2nd pick of the draft, especially one that is converting from DE?
  8. The Brady discussion was HILARIOUS!
  9. I wonder if Mallet could beat Rich Eisen in a race?
  10. Could this all just be a giant ruse on the part of Chan & Buddy. We all know Chan just loves Fitz. Buddy knows he needs picks so he can keep rebuilding. Could they just be setting a sucker up for picks?
  11. Here's what's being overlooked in this entire discussion. Gailey is a BIG fan of cerebral quarterbacks. It comes up in almost every discussion about the position. He needs a guy who can read the defense, see the right thing and throw the ball where it should go based on a set of defined criteria. I don't care of any of the rookie QB's have a howitzer for an arm, if they're not the brightest, they're not going to be considered.
  12. Does the change to an 18 game season mean that there will only be 2 preseason games?
  13. He might want to focus on actually getting to the Super Bowl first!
  14. It's really only a matter of time before this guy is found dead in a hotel room.
  15. That may be true but the Bills can't keep the sales tax revenue. I wonder what that amounts to?
  16. Does anyone have any statistics on how much money the County makes for a Bills home game? I'm thinking that 6-8 home games means a whole lot more than $3M!
  17. I have an insider with the Colts organization. Word is they cut him to make room for a hard run at Donte Whitner. My source told me "a healthy Donte is basically the same as an injured Sanders and we don't have a lot of tweeters so he's a perfect fit".
  18. I wonder how much input Wanny had into this decision?
  19. My God I want this guy to have a HUGE year this year. Please God, give us loyal Bills fans a break. Let Merriman turn out to be Bennett 2.0
  20. I think what needs to be differentiated here is a running qb vs. a mobile qb. A running qb is an injury waiting to happen and just isn't feasable long term in today's NFL. Cam Newton is massive and he got banged up in the BCS championship game. You don't need a qb to be a track start to run the spread. You need a qb that is able to move and avoid pressure. Running in today's NFL will get you killed. Even the almighty Tebow got injured trying to run this year.
  21. I've watched Urlacher look slow and sloppy for most of the 1st quarter. He makes Poz look all world. What's the fascination with this guy?
  22. I can't help but notice that Bart Scott isn't running his mouth about the Steelers? You want to know why? Cause if he does Harrison might just !@#$ing kill Sanchez. You only trash talk guys you're not afraid of. I think the Jests know if they talk smack to the Steelers they might just get a beat down as a response.
  23. Maybe we could get a gigantic Chinese guy? Oh wait...nm
  24. When asked if Rex Ryan could be considered a better defensive guy than Belichek Bart responded: "Why not better? Belichick is one Mo Lewis hit from being fired," Scott said. "[brady] don't come in we might be talking about him on the unemployment line." That IS freaking hysterical!
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