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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. He must have been in the coverage where you bite hard on the run fake then let the guy get behind you when the last thing you want to do is let the guy get behind you. Also known as the Dumbshit Defense!
  2. The often maligned Colin Cowherd just said he's picking the Bills as his upset special of the week! He just finished an interview with Fitz and says "don't be shocked if the Bills win that game". Then followed with "you know what, I'm betting on them with the points, I may bet on them to win outright".
  3. I think I can get that production out of a 4th rounder! Hell we get better production out of undrafted guys.
  4. He clearly reads the D because he's caught a couple of quick slants off of blitzes.
  5. David Nelson basically contradicted this in his radio interview today on Sirius. I'm stealing this from another forum but here's what he said: What a great interview from DN. They asked what was said in the locker room at halftime and did anyone give a speech? He replied "No, we broke into our groups, and discussed the halftime adjustments." "Once we were done, Coach told all of us this was gut check time, and the second half will show what this team was really made of." The hosts asked about all of the no name players....as the host put it "no disrepect but if anyone other then momma Nelson or the Nelson family or Bills fans have heard of you before yesterday, I would be shocked." DN replied "I agree, we have to earn that respect." "We look at ourselves as the island of misfit toys, players no other team wanted, but we founf a home in Buffalo and a front office and coach who believes in us." I agree that they make adjustments all game long but halftime is basically a 15 minute timeout and I'd have to think that some major changes can and are made.
  6. That needs to be a mainstream media pre-game show!
  7. Props to Fitz for having the accumen to run the offense but the true genius is Gailey. He's building an offense that can run a dozen plays out of the identical formation. The freaking defense has no idea what's coming their way because everything starts the same way. The Raiders were absolutely powerless to stop the Bills in the 2nd half and the more this group plays together the better they'll get.
  8. I always love -er l me loathe it -- when some forum troll tells us what he cares about. Seriously dude, what's the point of being a fan again? What's the point in posting on a forum? Why are you here? Are we supposed to watch the game in some kind of emotionless, un-opinionated vacuum? I don't say this often but you're an idiot.
  9. It's really a risk vs reward calculation. If we can rattle him early it might be the difference. Maybe we should let Merriman do an impression of Cornelius Bennett's first few years with the Bills. Line him up all over the place and tell him to go get you 5 sacks. My other thought revolved around whether or not Troupe is healthy. If he is I wouldn't hesistate to go with a Dareus, Troupe, Williams line and used Edwards, Heard, Johnson for relief.
  10. Look, it's widely known that the Ugg's wearing princess doesn't like to get hit. His accuracy, timing and more importantly, demeanor changes dramatically when he's getting popped in the mouth. So here's what I want to see against the Patriots this weekend. Blitzes, blitzes and more blitzes. Just when you think they can't blitz any more blitz some more. The Bills simply can't play soft and let Brady stand back there and pick us apart. If we blitz he's going to burn us but if we don't blitz he's peck us to death. If we're going to lose this game next weekend I want princess Tom to take the beating of his life!
  11. You have got to hit him and you have got to jam his WR's. Brady is deadly accurate when he's not getting hit and his timing is not thrown off. However, if you can get to him early and rough him up a bit his accuracy really suffers. The Bills have got to blitz early and often. Doing so with the full realization that he is going to burn us several times. If you let him stand there he will absolutely eat us alive. If you look at what Detriot did to him in the pre-season you'll see that Brady's accuracy was abysmal in that game. The reason being is that they Lions beat the **** out of him. Brady's a princess and doesn't like to get hit. If he gets leveled a couple of times on their first few possessions he's going to start getting twitchy. The other major component of beating the Pats is jamming their WR's and TE's at the line. You simply can't let them run their timing patterns. I'll just remind everyone, this team has come close to beating the Patriots the last couple of years and had a LOT less talent than our current team. If they bleed, they can be beat and Tom Brady definitely will bleed.
  12. I'm hoping the Bills throw CJ into the slot. He's bigger, just as fast and just as difficult to cover in the slot. He could really be an amazing weapon and cause defenses fits!
  13. Martin was basically thrown into the game cold on Sunday. I'd say we give him a few weeks and see what he turns into. He's big, gets open and is great on special teams. Let's see what he turns into. On another note, I wouldn't be shocked if we start to see a lot more of CJ in the slot this week. He's as fast, if not faster than Roscoe, a hell of a lot bigger and has really good hands. CJ also presents an absolute nightmare for opposing defenses because you can't cover him with a LB and its tough to cover him with a nickle back. We also still have Roosevelt and Aiken waiting in the wings. Both of them look like they might be able to play some ball.
  14. This team has about a half dozen, maybe more, guys who are flat our "ballers". They may not have gone to the big name colleges, they may not have had amazing combine numbers but the boys can flat out play. The play Jones made in the endzone is an example of a guy who doesn't have the "numbers" but can flat out play the game!
  15. I lost count of the number of times I watched a Bills player slip on either a running play, special teams play or in coverage. I don't know what these guys are wearing but if they're slipping on that field on a beautiful September day, they're going to be lying on their backs once it starts snowing.
  16. Chan is a freaking witch with the half time adjustments.
  17. Great game Chronic! Props to you coming back. Not much trash talk here though, that was a hell of a game. Both teams are young and hungry, you've got a good team yourself! west. No go kick some Jet ass!
  18. Brady and the New England offense is all about timing. Jam their WR's and you absolutely MUST hit Brady. Even if you don't get to him in time to stop the play, you have to hit him. Sure you'll give up some yards but he'll eat you alive if you don't hit him. He gets very jumpy if he's getting hit. Princess Tom does not like getting popped!
  19. Merriman has been lining up a ton with his hand on the ground in a DE position. He's not "explosive" because he's basically playing against guys that are 50lbs heavier than him and he's playing a pure contain. I would expect that next week he'll be turned loose.
  20. Good thing the Raiders have McFadden cause they've got NOTHING else
  21. Who's that "awesome" LT that Chronic was talking about? He's getting owned by Kelsay
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