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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. A lot of times in big games the play of the OL is lost. Between the interceptions, the passes and the big runs the play of the offense line is swallowed up. Andy Levitre is having an absolutely AMAZING season this year. Not only is he hitting is primary block but this guy is getting to the 2nd and 3rd levels and just mauling people. Apparently the coaches do know what they're looking at and this much maligned group of guys are playing their asses off. Bell has been damn solid and Pears is quietly playing some outstanding ball. Even Rhinehart is filling in well. Hats off to the OL!
  2. The way the "no names" are playing I'd consider trading all the picks in round 1-6 for 7th rounders. We could draft 40 guys next year!
  3. What's more intriging is the fact that Belichick and the Patriots were heralded as geniuses because they got Haynesworth this offseason. If the drug arrest rumors are true they didn't know if they're not as smart as advertised.
  4. Funny, I don't recall them feeling sorry for us when they rolled up over 40 points on us a few years ago when we had a dozen guys or so on IR. I wouldn't get over confident just yet but I wouldn't feel bad if we hung 50 on them.
  5. Tomorrow's gameplan just got really simple. Do NOT let Welker take more than 2 steps without him getting hit in the mouth. Brady can't throw to him if he's looking at the sky.
  6. Cameron Wake is a 240lb linebacker. Marcell weighs about 340! Connelly is a backup center, Soldner is a rookie who'll be starting at tackle.
  7. We're about to find out how good our newly revamped DL is. Per Chris Brown's blog Vollmer is now out due to his back. That means Brady's offensive line will have a rookie and a backup starting. I wonder if Nate Soldner has ever met Marcell Darius. I expect Marcell to have a HUGE day. With Hernandez being out, Brady's not going to have one of his favorite weapons. Damn near every member on their defense is injured with the exception of Wilfork. If there was ever a time for the Bills to beat the Patriots it's this Sunday. http://blogs.buffalo...r-out-for-pats/
  8. I really really want to hang 50 on these guys!
  9. I disagree. Thurman Thomas was averaging over 6 yards a carry in SB XXV. There's was no defensive "genius" involved. The plan was to keep the Bills offense off the field and Parcells, not Belichick, had a perfect gameplan. All this talk of Belichick being a defensive genius is a a bunch of hogwash. He stumbled onto the Joe Montana of our generation. Since he got caught cheating, he hasn't won a playoff game.
  10. He got 13 wins because he had a fairly solid group of players and played a weak schedule
  11. It's not and you're wrong. To evaluate the efficacy of capital punishement you have to go back a LOT farther than 1967. In medevial England there were hundreds of crimes that were punishable by death. Pickpocketing was one such crime. As people were watching public executions of people accused of being pickpockets, other pickpockets were working their way through the crowds. The death penalty doesn't work as a deterrent because the individuals who commit capital crimes don't believe they'll be caught. Our law enforcement system does not prevent crime, it reacts to it. Very rarely does a cop walking down the street or a passing patrol car actually prevent a crime from occuring. We have a response based system. Unless you can invent a system that insures that every criminal will be caught within hours of committing a crime you're never going to get deterrence.
  12. And where exactly in the bible does it say you have the right to take someone's life? I can't seem to find that passage. Actually, in most of these cases you can't be 100% certain that the convicted person is not innocent. That's really irrelevant. There's no provision in the bible that says it's ok to kill someone under these circumstances. Jesus never mentioned a loophole that allows us to execute convicted felons. You can't say you believe in a religion and it's teachings and just ignore the parts that are inconvenient.
  13. How is it possible to be a Christian, be pro life and pro death penalty all at the same time? I don't know much about this guy or the case but I do know that there's weren't any special exceptions to the "Thou shall not kill" commandment. I also know for a FACT that history has shown for almost 400 years that the death penalty does absolutely nothing to deter crime. Sure, it gets rid of the perpetrator but if I remember Sunday school correctly I'm pretty sure I was told not to judge others. If we're going to continue executing people I would hope that there would be capital punishment for all those involved in executing someone who is later proven to be innocent. After all, capital punishment is the ultimate form of pre-meditated murder. That included cops, prosecutors and jurors along with whoever pulls the switch or injects the drug.
  14. McKelvin and Wilson should've picked off the pass as well. Every game comes down to should have's and could of's.
  15. I love it when I hear quotes from a coach like that. I think it's around the 8:15 mark. One thing is for certain, the Bills aren't going to play passive on Sunday. Expect them to throw the house at the Patriots. They may not win but it sure as hell should be entertaining! Chan's PC
  16. You know full well that the NFL is a business. This isn't a feel good exercise and owners aren't usually prone to paying players (who are currently under contract) more money because the fans happen to like him. Is there any precedent for a feel good raise in the NFL?
  17. I'm sure it's helpful that reporters are constantly asking him "Hey Fred, still no new contract?"
  18. With Roscoe on IR Brian Galliford reported that Brad Smith is getting more reps at WR. I don't know how reputable he is but if what he reports is true I like it. Smith is dangerous in the open field and a fairly good target. I'm wondering if they'll kick Nelson out wide and use Smith in the slot? Buffalo Rumblings
  19. This is absolutely true IF you let his WR's and TE's release with a 5 yard cushion. You know what I say, !@#$ that, jam the **** out of them at the line of scrimmage. There's absolutely no way Welker should step a foot across the line of scrimmage and not get knocked on his ass. Roll coverage and have Byrd or Wilson bust has ass as soon as he tries to get out into the pattern. As Dick Jauron would say "It's hard to catch passes when you're lying on your back". Everyone tries to out-think Brady. Well you can't do it. You can mix it up and try to confuse him but he's going to burn you. What the Patriots are susceptible to is physicality. You have to physically beat the **** out of them. Their WR's and TE's need to be pounded, grabbed, thrown and flung into the backfield. Do that, and Marcia will cry like a B word and the Bills will win the game. They're a finesse team now and they're extremely soft.
  20. Nix has said repeatedly that we will re-sign our key players. Stevie and Fitz will get deals. If Fred keeps performing the way he has been he might even get a bonus! Now can all the rollercoasters please stop crying "Ralph is cheap" and "we don't re-sign players".
  21. Not sure about that but I do know one thing, Barnett is a freaking beast and his sideline to sideline play has been stellar!
  22. If he's going to be out for 10 weeks or more I don't think that we have a choice. We're a bit thin at WR and we're going to need his spot. If you can't stay healthy you can't play. If you can't play you're worthless to the team. Put CJ in the slot and watch the sparks fly!
  23. These guys are young and hungry and they may not win next Sunday but it won't be for lack of effort! Chris Brown's Blog
  24. I just had a thought that borders on tinfoil hat territory. Hear me out and tell me if I'm nuts. Our first two games are against teams that are run freaking crazy. We line Merriman up as a DE and he plays most of the snaps in both games with his hand on the ground. He clearly was told to set the edge and I didn't even see him try to rush Campbell. The one time we absolutely need a sack was on the last play of the Raiders game. The guy beats a double team and if it wasn't for a blatant holding penalty(he was basically tackled in the backfield) he would of had a sack for sure. In the preseason Merriman is virtually unblockable. Now all of a sudden we're being told that he's not ready to play a full game. That he's still trying to get to game shape, that he needs more time and a slower pace. Is it possible that this entire situation is nothing more than a carefully orchestrated charade? Is it possible that Merriman has been playing possum? I've got to believe Gailey had this game circled on his calendar. Could this be an instance of brilliant gamesmanship?
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