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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. I love the Fitz story and what he's done so far this year. However, there's a reason the Bills might not be in a huge hurry to sign him to a franchise deal. Every game starts with somewhere between 6 and 12 horrific passes. Teams also know that he's not a huge deep threat so they will bring the safeties up unless he shows that the can throw deep. Let's let the season play out before we sign anyone to franchise deals.
  2. Yet another post on how Freddie is underpaid......... Yes and when he signed he new contract he was the #2 back on the depth chart. That's a pretty good salary for a #2. I'm not saying that he doesn't deserve a raise but it isn't going to happen mid-season. He's not struggling to pay the mortgage and his family isn't going to starve to death. It'll either get done or it won't. If it doesn't it'll give the perpetually miserable Bills fans something to B word about for the next six months.
  3. Impossible, Jerry Sullivan said this team was devoid of talent. That opinion was confirmed with an small army of "rollercoasters" who apparently were former OL or OL coaches.
  4. "D one play at a time they're gonna make some plays thats the reason they paid that ******* 30 million dollars! .... grid em up just like we did last week lets go" I just love me some Kyle Williams. It's also gives you some AMAZING insight to the Bills defensive philosophy is you're paying attention!
  5. There's no way you can read that article and not like the guy. He's clearly got his head on straight and will be a HUGE assett to the team and the community for years to come. I don't care what anyone outside of Buffalo says, there's something special about this group of guys and what they've formed with Gailey. They're not just a team, they're a family. God bless the Buffalo Bills!
  6. Considering everything Gailey has said and done to date I don't think he'll allow this team to overlook their next opponent.
  7. In an article today in the Buffalo news Kyle Williams confirmed that the Bills gameplan was not to go after Brady but rather put pressure in his face. "We mixed it up a little bit, hardly any blitzes at all," So we're three weeks into the season and we have yet to launch a full out blitz package. I'm guessing Andy Dalton might get some of it this week. No lights out, no problem!
  8. Fair enough. I didn't mean to imply that there was some super secret or telekinetic method. I'm not questioning that he IS calling them, I just meant that I hadn't seen him do it. I feel like I'm trying to explain the pythagorean theorm to my six year old daughter...........
  9. Damn, it was a simple question. Is Gailey calling in the plays or is someone else? I haven't seen him do it so I was wondering if others had. I'm not sure what all the hysteria is about. If others have seen him actually call in plays this year then just !@#$ing say it. Sometimes this place is like trying to have a conversation with a classroom full of five year olds.
  10. I'm sure he does but my point was, I have yet to see Gailey actually call in a play. Granted, I'm a prisoner to tv coverage but I was wondering if anyone had actually seen him call in play.
  11. There's been lot of discussion on the quality of Chan's play calling the last couple of weeks. Fitz even mentioned how good his calls were last week. Strange thing is, I haven't actually seen him call in a play?? Has anyone see him send a play into Fitz? Do that have someone else doing it? How the hell is he doing it?
  12. It's a little known fact that the Buffalo actually grows stronger with crowd noise. It's kinda like King Kong with electricity or Hulk Hogan with chants of USA..USA..USA!
  13. I'm not sure the scheme is any different from last year. I think the playbook my be a bit deeper but now we just have guys that can actually play and know what they're doing on the field.
  14. On the pick six Brady was making a half hearted effort to make it look like he was considering tackling Florence. Byrd had him completely lined up and could've knocked him the !@#$ out but chose to pull up. I'm sort of torn. I'm happy Florence did the right thing and didn't hammer Brady but I can't help but wondering if Fitzpatrick would get the same consideration.
  15. Best thread necro ever! Someone needs to cut and paste this article and send to Jerry asking him about his football background and how he got some knowledgable.
  16. I love this one: "War the hoodie making Brady walk back to Massachusetts in his Uggs"
  17. I was thinking "seeing him wheeled off the field on a gurney" but that just seems mean!
  18. When did this guy become a total Bills homer? He's gonna knock Berman off the mantle!
  19. Vince Young has phenomenal athletic ability. So does Tim Tebow. The "system QB" is a slippery slope. Brady has been called a system QB for years and he's got 3 rings. Fitz may not be the most athletic guy on the field but his pre-snap reads are solid and he generally puts the ball where it needs to go. There are a lot of starting QB's in the NFL basically the same or worse than Fitz.
  20. So who's the genius that wouldn't pay the NUMBER ONE rated QB? I'm guessing Denver or KC.
  21. It's not often that you see offenses running rampant against the Patriots. Yesterday in the 2nd half the Bills were gashing the Pats in every possible fashion. The reason is Gailey and the offense he's built. Gailey does not get enough credit for the offense he's built. The good news is that it's only going to get better. The longer the team and the players use Gailey's system, the better the execution gets. That's one of the dynamics the Patriots have had going for them for the last 10 years. Players play better when they don't have to over think the game, they just go out and focus on the details. This team suffered immensely because we changed GM's and coaches every 3 years for almost a decade. Now we have guys that know wtf they're doing and bring in the guys to match a solid scheme. I'm not going to go so far as to predict a playoff run this year but something is being built in Buffalo and the next 10 years might be quite enjoyable!
  22. Before the first game of the real season this place was a cesspool of "experts" who were willing to tell us how much the Bills are going to suck. There were guys predicting 2 wins, talking about how bad the OL is etc ect etc. Anyone have the balls to put your name to this post saying "I was a doomsayer an I have no idea WTF I'm talking about"!
  23. I'm really hoping Lee Evans plays next week. He always has big games against the Jets.
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