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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. At the end of the season no one asks you how you won the games, the only thing that matters is how many. At the end of the season no one cares how many injuries you had. At the end of the season, the scores of the games don't matter. One persons "break" is another persons "great play".
  2. Really Tom? You're smarter than this. At least I thought you were. Follow the money trail. It starts and ends in lower Manhattan but there's a lof of accomplices in this train robbery.
  3. Really, I don't recall laying this is all on Wall Street. Care to point out where I said that? There's plenty of blame to go around and a lot of enablers.Just follow the money!
  4. Here trying reading this. it's a bit dated but it the philosophy is sound: http://www.theamericanconservative.com/article/2008/oct/20/00006/ I don't disagree. The CRA combined with the deregulation policies of Reagan, Bush and more importantly Larry Summers set all of us up for the perfect storm. When there's no accountability, greed becomes the master.
  5. Just yell TWO BILLS DRIVE and I'll find you!
  6. The problem with words like "regulation" is that they tend to be used to broad brush everything. I don't consider the CRA to be either, it's more of an intrusion into private sector business that the government doesn't belong it. The CRA is a shining example of what happens when the government oversteps their bounds. The government shouldn't be in the mortgage business. If you don't qualify for a loan then you don't get one, you shouldn't be given a house just because your poor or lazy. For almost 100 years banks worked like they were supposed to. That changed with Reagan and Larry Summers. Deregulation has allowed a borderline criminal, incestuous relationship between the government, Wall Street, Investment banks, traders etc. Business has got to have a "regulatory" body that insures that they comply with the law and engage in sound financial practices. The "meltdown" is evidence of what happens when the kids are allowed to run the kindergarten class. History has not shown that capitalism is capable of self regulation.
  7. Really, is your business worth $141 million because mine is. Spare me the lecture...thanks. For clarification though, I'm not talking about regulation of small businesses. I'm specifically referring to the regulation of Wall Street. People don't invest their retirement portfolios in your business so if you go belly up no one other than you or your family gives a ****. When the general public has a vested interest in your success or failure than you should be required to act in a manner that's financially sound.
  8. I really don't care about the OWS movement because it's a waste of time but are you sincerely arguing that deregulation has had a positive effect?
  9. I'm not sure it's possible to overstate what's been going on for the last 20 years. The fact that no one forfeited their wealth or went to prison is astounding.
  10. I'm no fan of excessive regulation but "free enterprise" just finished destroying the world economy. Perhaps you missed all the discussion on derivatives, CDO's and credit default swaps? Perhaps we should just completely dissolve the SEC and judiciary and let lower Manhattan finish the job?
  11. What I would love to see is Maybin get a wide open shot at Brady and simply bounce off of him. As far as we know Brady might weigh more than Maybin.
  12. That's great for a Stanford vs. East Bumble game. Try that in the NFL and some DB or Safety is going to take his head off.
  13. Heard is everything you want in a defensive tackle. He's huge, strong, plays angry and is likely borderline homicidal. He needs to be on the field more.
  14. Gee, I always turn to "Fox and Friends" for their insightful commentary with country singers about politics and world issues. The guy made a career out of riding his dad's name. A guy with questionable talent that just shitted away the one no-brainer gig he had. Enjoy playing backwoods bars for $250 a night for the rest of your career.
  15. The Bengals were stacking the short routes because they had no fear of being beat deep. This is why there was a defender on every WR as soon as the ball was caught. The deep routes were thrown to try to get the safeties to back up. Marvin Lewis exposed the Bills offense yesterday. Unless the secondary thinks you can throw over the top of them they're going to jump the short routes.
  16. You can't be serious! You're crying about the guy with 2 catches for 45 yards FOUR GAMES into the season. Yeah how could we live without that kind of production?
  17. I wrote this on the "official" Bills forums. I think Merriman's injury is much bigger than we think. Here's my theory. Until I see him on the other side I'll continue to believe he's hiding something.
  18. It might also have something to do with the fact that our OL was being blown off the ball and there were 3 Bengals DL and an LB in our backfield most of the day.
  19. So i'm watching the Jets game and I'm almost starting to feel bad for Sanchez. Whether you like the guy or not he took a freaking beating last night. A couple of times he just got dump trucked by the Ravens. So on one particular pass play in the 2nd half I see Sanchez throw what looked like a 20 yard out. Thing is, a blitzer was bearing down on him hard and fast from the Ravens secondary. The second Sanchez lets go of the ball he hits the deck. He literally threw himself on the ground to avoid getting blasted. I've never seen a QB do that before. It looked hysterical and the timing was perfect. OBTW, the pass was incomplete!
  20. He's basically a third safety. Sure he can run around like a beheaded chicken but don't expect him to stop a run at the point of attack.
  21. Let's not forget that Fitz bears the burden for WR's who seem to drop the first 3 passes thrown to them.
  22. You know, that's an oversight on my part but more of a condemnation of Davis. We've got a MLB that I haven't seen make a play in 4 games. Something I failed to mention in my initial post. With Dareus and Williams taking up 4 blockers, LB's should be free to make plays and they're not. This sends a clear message to opposing coaches that we don't have impact LB's. If we had just one LB that coaches had to gameplan for it would make a huge difference. Someone needs to step up. I agree with the comments about our "hybrid" defense. We seem to be obsessed with showing different fronts rather than playing a single front really well. I've long been a fan of getting your best players on the field at the same time. I'm not sure what defensive alignment does that but it's pretty clear that what were doing right now isn't working. It almost appears that our defense is playing passive and letting the play come to them. I'd like to see the coaches take a more aggressive approach. Is Wade working? The guy was a crappy head coach but a defensive monster. Hell he put together a defense that made John Holocek look all-world.
  23. Four games into the season and I'm starting to get a little concerned about our LB'ers. We've been giving up a ton of yards and we seem to be struggling making impact plays from the LB position. With Dareus and WIlliams taking up 4 blockers there should be guys free to make plays and it's not happening. Merriman is nowhere close to what we saw in pre-season. He's currently somewhere around 60% effective. Barnett is playing his ass off. Did Morrison even play today? Moats? Batten is a gamer but he's still very raw. Kelsay is Kelsay, always around, playing ok but never making that OMG play. I'm thinking this may be our first position of need for next year. We need more impact from that squad. Anyone else concerned?
  24. One bad call does not a game make. The Bills were outplayed today and that's the end of the discussion.
  25. I won't go so far as to blame this loss on hype and distraction but I will say that it occurred to me last week. Fitz was doing 3 or more radio interviews every day and people couldn't get enough of the new Cinderella boys. Now they can get back to work.
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