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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. That was Eric Wood and I'm fairly certain that if he gets the opportunity he'll try to kill Aaron Maybin. Wood hates the guy.
  2. What signing Fitz allows Gailey and Nix to build a team around his strengths. Chan and Buddy realize that Fitz doesn't have a huge arm but they know the guy is smart as hell. They will put the pieces in place to allow Gailey and Fitz to outthink the opponents. What Fitz lacks in pure physical athleticism he makes up for in smarts. You can't coach that and no amount of weightlifting will make you mentally stronger. The longer Megamind Gailey and the Cranium QB are together the better they will be.
  3. THAT would by hysterical. Here's a little pro tip for you: God doesn't give a **** about your TD pass, your tackle or your interception. I'd like to think he has more important things to worry about than your game on Sunday.
  4. You all are missing the bigger question: HOW DO WE STOP MAYBIN????
  5. Have the Jills go barefoot. Rex will be so distracted he won't even be able to speak. The Jets running game doesn't scare me. The Bills have been damn solid against the run so hit Sanchez in the mouth and he'll throw picks galore. The 12th man will be HUGE this game!
  6. I was a bit nervous coming into this game about Levitre having to match up against Orakpo but the dude did well. It doesn't seem to matter where you put him the guy just mauls people. On a couple of running plays he just dump trucked Orakpo and Freddie had huge runs! Way to go Andy!
  7. Local guys, national guys, scouts, analysts, pundits, talking heads etc. There's horde of them that have proven that they don't have a clue. And it all starts with our village idiot, Jerry Sullivan!
  8. A bye week does wonders for a young body!
  9. Dude's gotta eat and he's got a family to support.
  10. I wish I could agree with you but I think it took about two games worth of films for opposing OC's to realize that Merriman had lost his athleticism. There's reason they lined him up as a DE on every snap and NEVER moved him around. I don't think opposing offenses were all that worried about him.
  11. I always find these "porn star" issues to be comical. Everyone acts all offended and enraged when they're linked to athletes or celebrities. Yet a lot of these same people don't have any problem downloading and sampling their work for "certain" reasons!
  12. Yet another tirade by some idiot with an overinflated ego who wasn't good enough to make it anywhere on his own. So instead he takes his frustration out on children. Hey coach, maybe if you were "a man" you'd understand how to control yourself. Just because your career didn't amount to **** doesn't me theirs won't.
  13. http://www.buffalobi...08-d6df5235663f So long "comeback".
  14. Oswego has the absolute worst weather on the planet. It's not even close.
  15. We're making progress and we look like we belong on Sunday. This team is no longer an automatic win for other teams and that's all I wanted to see this season. We're still missing 3-4 pieces and our WR corp is decimated.
  16. It might also have to do with a fair number of injured offensive players.
  17. I wonder what Rex Ryan's reaction would have been if it were a Lions/Jets game and Harbaugh did the same thing. I bet there'd be a fistfight!
  18. Yeah, like Aaron Maybin!
  19. Ralph may be many things but one thing he's not is dirty. This guy is slime from top to bottom.
  20. I don't know if any of you heard Stevie on WGR (WGR is VERY pro-Bills atm) but he had an amazing comment about Gailey. It kind of gives you an idea where this teams head is and what they think of their coach. He said of Gailey "He took the job that no one else wanted". He went on to basically say that Gailey was willing to coach a bunch of no names on a team that was in disarray and that the players won't forget that. GOD I LOVE THIS TEAM!
  21. I don't disagree with this at all. There were plenty of individuals who were willing to line up for NINA loans knowing full well they couldn't pay them. They deserve to be treated with the same level of disdain that the banks do. I would like to know what the total percentage of the "bubble" this represented though. The difference as I see it is that those dirtbags will eventually wind up homeless. The thieves who made millions on their willingness to take those loans keep every penny they earned.
  22. I don't have a breakdown of the loan details but I think "forced" is a strong word. The only way to force a bank to do anything is to rob it. Still, that doesn't absolve them of their borderline criminal/incestuous relationship with the ratings agencies. What they are guilty of is complete and utter financial fraud.
  23. That brings up and interesting question. The Tea Party was dramatically changed due to the intrusion of the far right. I'm sure the OWS movement will be changed due to the far left. Is it possible to have an independent political movement anymore without the big 2 parties trying to adopt it?
  24. When in doubt, follow the money.
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