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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Funny, Sanchez didn't seem to have any trouble completing passes against us??
  2. It's going to be fun to watch these !@#$s implode and turn on each other. I can't wait for them to start blaming each other. Fat Rex needs to check his ego and win some freaking games.
  3. Three weeks ago, Chan was "megamind" and was widely considered to be an offensive genius. Now he's an idiot? At some point players have to step up and make plays. If McKelvin turns 1/2 second sooner and interecept that pass the game may have gone very differently. Same is true of the half dozen plays that Florence blows every game.
  4. Where is Moats anyway? A lot of people here acted like he was the second coming of Derrick Brookes. He seems to have fallen off the map.
  5. Did you see Maybin running around last night getting juked by the barely mobile Brady? Watching that fool crawl on the ground near Brady's feet was just pathetic!
  6. I hate to ask but wtf is "Ace of Spades"? Is that really his receipt?
  7. Look at how Dallas played our WR's yesterday. They're still stacking but the DB's are just playing off. Since no one is running anything more than a 10 yard pattern the don't worry about being beat deep. For Christ sakes, yesterday on a 3rd and 3 Donald Jones ran a freaking 2 yard pattern!
  8. This is a really nice idea but it seems to ignore reality. It's wonderful to say we should run the ball 40 times a game but what happens when we go 3 and out on our first three possessions and our sieve of a defense gives up 21 points on the first three series? This isn't a fantasy world where we can just do whatever we want because we think it's the solution. I agree that this team probably should be running the ball a bit more but you can't ignore two very visible deficiencies. 1. We struggle to run because opposing defenses have absolutely zero respect for our ability to go deep. If you watched the Dallas game you notice that on almost every play their entire secondary is within 10 yards of the LoS. 2. Our defense is giving up yards in MASSIVE chunks. In the beginning of the season we were at least somewhat effective against the run. The last two weeks we've been horrific on both sides of the ball. If you're going to advocate that we run the ball 40 times a game you better figure out how we're going to get first downs and maintain long scoring drives because our defense can't stop anyone.
  9. I hope Belli runs the score up! I hope they replay that prick LT's pre-game rah rah just so he can look stupid!
  10. At least the Patriots have accomplished something in the last decade. The Jets talk incessantly and haven't won ****.
  11. I really wish they'd show that !@#$ "fireman Ed" every time the Patriots score.
  12. Tom Brady could make a freaking sandwich with the time he has back there.
  13. When Spencer Johnson is one of you're starting LB's, you shouldn't be running a 3-4! We simply don't have the personnel at this point to run a 3-4 but we insist on trying....and failing.
  14. I think what you all hate so much is that he's not a Buffalo homer. It appears he's far more right about this team than we are.
  15. I think we all got caught up in the early success, the comebacks and the euphoria. The "goon squad", "no names' and unheralded 7th rounders is a nice story but it appears to have come to an end. To win games in the NFL you can only rely on a scheme so much. In the end, our players need to be able to line up and beat the players across from them. We have not proven that we can do that. We're still a half dozen players short from being a legitimate playoff contender.
  16. Has he even been playing. I can't recall the last time I saw him on the field? What happened to Belli's ability to polish turds?
  17. Maybe at some point we should stop pretending that all of the "no-names" on this team are as good as legitimate 1st round talent. Jones and Roosevelt are at best average WR's in this league. They don't scare anyone and they're aren't the type of players that are going to get you to the next level. The harsh reality is that this team has about 6 guys who are feel good stories but are average talent. If you look around the league, the best teams have legitimate stars at their respective positions. We have guys that make us feel good. If you don't agree with me, ask yourself these questions: 1. What WR do we have that forces opposing defenses to have the safety roll their way on almost every play. 2. When was the last time we had a LB that had to be accounted for? 3. Who is our "shut down" corner?
  18. The Jets have absolutely ZERO respect for the Bills and LT said that in the pre-game. Sadly today's game didn't to anything to change that opinion. They think we're soft and we played soft. This team needs a defensive player that punishes people. Perhaps a linebacker that's an absolute animal?
  19. Did he play? I didn't even notice him. Then again, that's been true for most of Maybin's career!
  20. When the season started I didn't expect the Bills to make a legitimate run at the playoffs. What I wanted to see is a team that was improving and a team that looked like they belonged in the NFL. Thus far, they have exceeded my expectations. I still believe we're 2 years away but we're getting better.
  21. Bottom line is, our DL is not up to the task of the Jets OL.
  22. The unfortunate reality is that the Bills have just one player that requires extra attention and that's Marcel Darius. Our team is filled with great guys who are middle of the road players who are good but not amazing. We don't have a single WR or TE that scares anyone. If we had just one WR that forced a team into double coverage out offense would look very different. Imagine if we had still had someone like Eric Moulds that scared the **** out of defensive secondaries. I love Stevie but he's no Moulds. Perhaps this offseason we can build an offense that doesn't count so heavily on players like Roscoe who can't stay on the field for more than a few games. I didn't expect the Bills to make the playoffs this year. I just wanted them to look better and like they are improving. They've exceeded my expectations so far. Oh and one more thing, why did we sign Brad Smith?
  23. Played well enough to win? The Jets have had the ball for 3/4 of the damn game. Not a lot of 3 and outs by my count despite the Jet's having a bunch of 2nd and 15's and 1'st and 15s.
  24. The Bills look flat, unemotional and overpowered. In other words, it appears the LT is right.
  25. You simply have got to challenge the Jets deep whether you complete the pass or not. If you don't they'll just crowd the line and make it virtually impossible to run.
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