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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. When you'd draw THREE blockers you ARE elite. You don't have to get a sack to make a huge impact. That said, I want to see him dominate the 1 v. 1 matchups!
  2. On third down on KC's second possession Mario was held so blatantly that he was almost spun around completely. It happened right in front of the official but no call.
  3. Are you saying the carry the actual game? I use the app and WGR was silent from 4:15 till almost midnight. Of note, you can pick up the post game show on the Rochester station.
  4. WGR is not allowed to stream from the start of the first game on Sunday until the end of the last game on Sunday. It's got something to do with NFL rules but there was nothing wrong with your app, they were just offline.
  5. Not sure if I'm over reading into it or not but Nix was on with Howard Simon this morning and he was downright prickly. For a station that's supposed to be the "official station of the Bills" he didn't seem to thrilled to be participating.
  6. I don't disagree with Ryan, his scrub got the best of Williams. He may not have "seen it" but I can absolutely envision a scenario where Howard was told to do EXACTLY what he did. Don't forget, this the same Rex Ryan who had to suspend one of his coaches for trying to trip a Dolphins player from the sidelines! Maybe someone could forward this picture to Rex. One thing I'm sure of, the officials will be watching Howard closely when the Jets play the Steelers. If he doesn't do it and has a ****ty day we'll all know the answer........
  7. I heard Joe B. on the WGR audio vault and he said he looked at the film and it was pretty clear that the pick six to Cromartie was on Nelson. JoeB said that it look like Nelson cut off his route and Fitz threw the ball to where he thought Nelson was going to be.
  8. I gotta think the Bills went into this game thinking "stop the run" and force Sanchez to throw to beat us. After all, they'd been gashed on the ground the prior six games. Not adjusting at halftime was a bad decision. There is a positive to this though. The Jets got a freebie and forced the Bills to fix a week area. It'll be a LOT harder to do this in December!
  9. That's the thing I always find most puzzling about games like this. It was clear after the Jets first few possessions that this wasn't going to be a "ground and pound" game. lt was also clear that Mark Sanchez was playing pretty well and the Jets knew that they would have to neutralize our pass rush. I'll give Rex and Tony credit, they game out with a far superior game plan. What I don't understand though is where were the adjustments from our super bowl winning coach? It's not like they Bills had to wait till today to see the film, they have camera shots of every possession from the minute the game started? If everything was going to be super quick why not switch to a cover 2 or to a nickel? Why not use zone drops to at least fill the passing lanes. And why, oh why, don't you jam the WR's at the line. It was obvious that the replacement officials were going to allow a higher level of physicality, take advantage of it. Maybe in the end, the Jet's did the Bills a HUGE favor. This game exposed a flaw in their defensive mindset that they can now fix. They have to, because every team they play this year is going to try to beat them with quick passes. This game was a wake up call that it doesn't matter how you "look on paper" you still have to play the game.
  10. You ever heard of Tom Brady ? Whining to the refs can be VERY effective, hell, sometimes they'll even throw flags for you if you ask them.
  11. I don't know, she's got that crazy look in her eyes. That Glenn Close Fatal Attraction type of crazy. I've been through that once and it's not fun.
  12. You seem to have forgetten about the time Bruce was a no show for a playoff game because he refused to get a flu shot an actually got the flu. Or the playoff game where he was absolutely dominated by Tony Boselli?
  13. I don't like the way Mario took his issue to the media but it looks like his claims were legit. If I was Williams I would have told him that if you touch my facemask again, I'm going to rip your !@#$ing head off. The next time he touched it I'd grab his facemask and twist his helmet so the !@#$er was on backwards.
  14. So in other words, if Nelson had turned up field he would have been wide open for a TD
  15. That's actually a very interesting thought. They'll have to wait until we get the report on Nelson's MRI. If its as bad as they think he'll got to IR. TJ is already on the active roster. They could move Easley up, bring Roosevelt back, or go to the market.
  16. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know Fitz sucks and the threw three picks but that's not the only reason why the Bills lost this game. I'll give one of the scores to Fitz on the pick six but two of those picks required long sustained drives from the Jets. Not forcing a punt until the 4th quarter? Are you kidding me? If this over hyped defense forces the Jets to go three and out on one pick and settles for a field goal on the other this could have been a VERY different outcome. Sure Fitz played poorly but our secondary was non-existent yesterday. Probably doesn't help that our special teams fell asleep..........
  17. Chan was on WGR this morning and he had a few things to say: 1. Fitz did not play well and he took responsibility for some of that. 2. Confirmed that one of the interceptions was of the wrong route variety, one was a late throw, don't remember the third. 3. TJ will move up into Nelson's slot positiono 4. The reason TJ was inactive is because he simply wasn't ready to play. He's going to have to get ready fast. 5. He said after reviewing the film, the pass rush wasn't awful but they got the ball out really fast. He did say that our CB coverage was too soft.
  18. From everything I've read and heard it seems that Gailey's offense is reaction based. If you see man coverage you run this, if zone you run this, cover 2 run this. Is it a matter that Fitz and the WR's aren't seeing the same thing? If so, why? They're the same guys. Is the offense overly complicated? Would the Bills be better served "dumbing it down"?
  19. Can't disagree with any of this analysis. What's most puzzling is that there aren't a lot of new pieces on offense. The core players are there from last season yet Fitz was really late on a LOT of throws. That's what's caused 2 of his picks. I'm also concerned about the number of times that Jets WR's were wide open. It was pretty clear that the Jet's game plan was to get the ball out quick so Sanchez didn't get killed. It was set up today as a pure timing offense yet our DB's are playing 12 yards deep. Why in God's name they don't get into a wrestling match and jam them on the LOS is beyond me.
  20. Per Gailey: Urbik practiced and should be fine. Pears is full go McGee is full go
  21. After reading a lot of posts over the past few months, I'd say that a lot of posters don't even watch football.
  22. You could throw flags on every play with the regular officials. Their job is not to call every single infraction, if they did games would last seven hours. There's holding on every snap in the NFL. Their job is to make the game fair, enforce the blatant infractions and NOT IMPACT THE OUTCOME OF THE GAME. As long as they call if evenly, I'm fine with it.
  23. You're probably right, maybe we should scrap the plan and just go back to the days of Mike Malarkey and Dick Jauron. Then again, maybe the Giants defenses was tired this game, they spent the entire offseason carrying around THE !@#$ING LOMBARDI TROPHY! Seriously dude, you need to think this stuff out better before you post.
  24. Rex seems to be ignoring the fact that the guy who invented the wildcat is on our staff. Frankly, I'm less concerned about Tebow in the wildcat because he's about the worst passer in the league.
  25. I'd like to see the Bills run hard and often at Mr. Revis. After spending a few quarters tackling Fred, CJ and Dickerson I'm sure he'd be feeling a little slower!
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