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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Whaley - GM Bill Cowher - HC Chan Gailey - OC Dick LaBeau - DC Nix - Director of College Scouting I could live with that but it'll never happen. Merry Christmas!!!
  2. Dude, seriously? You reference Suspicious Minds and you link it to Dwight Freaking Yokam? God...........
  3. Liberal? Just because I think Nugent is an idiot? That all you got? Read the Patriot Act and then come back and talk about the Constitution.
  4. Nugent is an idiot. If he gave a **** about the constitution he'd be SCREAMING about the Patriot Act every day.
  5. That's the biggest fundamental problem with this team. They go into a game with a specific plan and once their opponent changes, they're entirely incapable of adjusting. See NY Jets, NE Patriots, SF & now Houston.
  6. So this tweet comes in from the Bills this morning: Buffalo Bills ‏@buffalobills Fitz: #Bills may look at more downfield plays, involve speedy WR T.J. Graham. WTF? No seriously, WTF? I can't even .............God....... I expect the next tweet to be: "Bills going to attempt to score more points" sigh
  7. I've turned into Captain Barbossa: " For too long I've been parched of thirst and unable to quench it. Too long I've been starving to death and haven't died. I feel nothing. Not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Nor the warmth of a woman's flesh". That's pretty much my Sunday as a Bills fan.
  8. I just can't bring myself to care.
  9. It would take Newton 3 years to learn Gailey's offense. On top of that he's a QB that struggles with accuracy. Don't we already have that? Besides, Newton's not going anywhere. Maybe part of the reason he's struggling is because NC's offensive line is horrific.
  10. He made that statement to one of the media members right after the game. It wasn't that he didn't care what they thought, he doesn't care that we actually expected him to perform. Now it's made the national media: http://profootballta...s-expectations/
  11. There's one way to put an end to this bull ****. Pull the entire team together in a room and watch the film. ALL OF IT. If a guys not giving 100% then it's up the the coaches to call them on it. If they're afraid to do that then they shouldn't be coaching an NFL team. These guys may not be motivated by the media or fans, perhaps being called out in front of their teammates might do it.
  12. How dare you call me a "bandwagon fan". I was here long before you, back to the HyperBills days. I'm sure that despite my frustration, being well past the boiling point, I'll continue to show up. Besides, where did I say I was "quitting" the team? Perhaps you need better reading comprehension? I said I was considering taking a "leave of absence". Perhaps you don't know what a leave of absence is? I don't need your approval, nor do I give a **** what you think. I'm tired, tired of pouring my heart, my soul, my belief and my income into a team that gives me precious little in return. So here we are, halfway through another season and we're looking at yet another losing record, yet another rebuilding project on the horizon.......
  13. And yet week after week Morrison remains inactive. It's !@#$ing mind boggling. So Morrison is worse than Shep who's constantly out of position and missing tackles?
  14. Actually, the more I think about this, the more I've come to a different conclusion: This defense is bad because it's filled with players like Nick Barnett who is clearly retarded.
  15. Well if that's the case then everyone on that freaking defense should just admit they're not good enough to play in the NFL. It's blatantly obvious that the Bills base defense is incapable of stopping anyone. So as DC what do you do, do you continue to run the base defense in the hopes of something happening or do you start moving people around trying frantically to find that spark? Mario Williams said during an interview yesterday "I don't care what anyone thinks". Fine, put his ass on the bench and put Carrington in. There's no way that Carrington and Merriman could be worse as DE's than Williams, Kelsay and Anderson because they've been virtually non-existant.
  16. Burden would at least hold guys accountable!
  17. I would chalk it up to no talent but for one thing, players leave the Bills and have GREAT careers with other teams. Look around the NFL, there a former Bills players starting everywhere.
  18. What's most incredible, they have very few injuries.
  19. If you fall off an escalator, that's just Darwin doing his thing.
  20. Being a fan of this team wouldn't be so bad if they never gave us a reason to hope. Every offseason they do just enough to suck you back in. I was blown away by the offseason. I was actually stupid enough to tell someone " this might be the best defense the Bills have ever had. That's the part that's so soul crushing. You go into the season thinking maybe, just maybe, this is the year they take that next step. Six games in and you're thinking "I'm a !@#$ing idiot", In many ways it would be easier if they were just a bunch of guys who fought hard a just weren't good enough.....
  21. I'm willing to give Marcel a pass. He's got some fairly traumatic off the field stuff to deal with. His heart might not be in it.
  22. I want to disconnect, I really do, but it's hard not to care. Maybe if I didn't give a **** this futility wouldn't be so painful.
  23. The NFL is the only professional team sport I care about. I've been a Bills fan for almost thirty years and all of my time and loyalty goes to them. The Bills are the only team I could imagine rooting for but I just can't bring myself to commit my time or money to such a poor product. How many years of futility can a fan be expected to endure, or maybe a better question is how much should we be willing to endure? I truly, and stupidly, believed we were on the right path and that this might just be the year. I know the season's not over but does anyone really think this team is going to win in NE or Houston? I'm still a Bills fan in my heart but I think it might be time to take a leave of absence. I won't be putting any more my resources towards this mess of an organization. It just hurts to much.
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