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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Fixed that for you. There are dozens of other factors that influence McKelvin's performance as a CB.
  2. If you camped next to the kill site you're even luckier to be alive. A bear's sense of smell is insanely good. I've seen estimates that bears can smell carrion up to 18 miles away. I've watch black bears pull the trunks off of cars, I can't imagine what a brown is capable of.
  3. You actually pitched a tent next to a giant pile of butchered moose? Dude, you're lucky you're even alive, that wasn't exactly smart. Your life isn't worth a pile of meat. When I camp in the Adirondacks I keep all food in a bear bag well downwind from camp and we only have black bears to worry about.
  4. No but I'll tell you, these pheasants were so stupid we used to have to stop running the equipment in the field because they wouldn't get out of the way and they'd get sucked in and shredded. When the "hunters" would pull into the field and the pheasants would run to the truck looking for food.
  5. There's all kinds of rumors up on the hill that the Southerland investigation turned up a whole lot more than what was reported. Not saying it's true but last year you had the Fab Melo scenario, this year Southerland and now Hopkins is out interviewing?
  6. We used to allow the local fish & game club release pheasants on our farm so they could "go wild". These "sportsmen" would show up a week later and shoot the pheasants and they were walking around out in the open fields. Not flying, walking. The pheasants were essentially nothing more than chickens and they called this "hunting". We got so disgusted that we stop the practice after a couple of years.
  7. How small does your penis have to be before you decide "I need to take a high powered rifle and kill one of the most amazing animals on the planet"? I think they need to change the rules. You want to kill a lion? Make it a fair fight, here's a knife, good luck. We're supposed to be an "evolved" species yet our desire to prove our manhood by killing **** just because we can is proof positive that we're still cavemen. Trophy hunting is disgusting and ranks riugh up there with whaling imo. Watching a bunch of rich white guys killing some a magnificient creature is nothing short of repulsive.
  8. Why do people keep bringing this up? It wasn't like Scott was the one who designed the defensive gameplay for the Patriots game, It might alsot be worth pointing out that Tom Brady does that against every team he plays. That's the EXACT reason why Pettine said that if the offense knows what you're doing prior to the snap, you're already at a huge disadvantage.
  9. Bill Bellycheat has made a living grabbing 2nd tier players and putting them in a position to succeed. Let's hope we can figure out how to do that.
  10. The biggest thing I've always HATED about SU basketball, their inability to play any defense other than zone. With the talent that JB's had over the years, one national championship is disgraceful.
  11. I said to my neighbor right after the game "this team has absolutely no leadership". I don't know what happened to Triche? MCW seems to be regressing and Jim B. looks like he's thinking about his retirement destination. Disgusting! Time to hand the reigns over to Hopkins
  12. I've got to think that Pettine's input is part of some of these decisions. He was in part responsible for defending against the Bills for four years. I'm sure he's watched enough film of Buffalo's offense to provide input into who is good and who isn't.
  13. Where is all this "Nassib has a weak arm" stuff coming from? The guy has a HUGE arm. In some cases to his detriment. He's like Elway was, he throws everything at 90mph.
  14. What we should be looking at is ways to make the game safer and rule changes that affect game safety. I think banning football is a stupid idea but here's a few things people need to consider: 1. Many of the kids today start playing sports at a MUCH younger age then we ever did. You've got 5 year old kids on football teams now, many of them aren't there because they want to be, they're there because their dad wants them to be. By the time they become Jr's in high school they've been playing football for 10 or more years. That is a HUGE toll on the body at such a young age. 2. When many of us played football it was a very different game. We didn't have year round weight training, speed camps and all sorts of other ways to make us bigger, stronger and faster. If you look at what's happened in the NFL, you now have LB's that are the size of what OL used to be and these guys are running a 4.6. The potential for catastrophic injury is immense. 3. There's a lot of different ways to let kids play football withough forcing them to beat each other to death. If the goal is to reduce concussions, Soccer is definitely the wrong sport to be offering as an alternative. The concussion rate in girls soccer is staggering right now.
  15. Jim Kelly turned his life around due largley in part to his wife Jill. Let's not forgot, he was a complete douche bag early in his career.
  16. Nassib beat Geno Smith 3 years in a row and Smith looked horrific in the weather conditions he'll be playing in in Buffalo so by your logic Nassib's the better QB. See, it is simple!
  17. I don't necessarily have a problem with Manuel but those clips didn't do much to help his cause. I didn't see a single snap taken under center and highlights against some of the worst schools in D1 don't help.
  18. Ah yes, the New England Patriots, where wives call out teammates and other players and their fans taunt opposing players about their deceased relatives. A world of class in New England! http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000129704/article/torrey-smith-pats-fans-taunted-me-over-dead-brother
  19. Yeah, I just edited my original post. This isn't the time or place for that discussion.
  20. EDIT: I'm fully aware of the potential insensitivity of my post. I've got my own positions on Mormonism that I probably shouldn't share in this forum so I'm going to just edit this point. I'll apologize in advance to everyone that I've offended
  21. Seems only fitting that a guy that practices a made up religion would have a made up girlfriend?
  22. I'm starting to think that Sullivan has some kind of personality disorder. Two weeks ago he was SCREAMING about the Bills going outside of the box and not hiring "retreads". So now they go out and hire a bunch of fresh, hungry young coaches and he's hammering them for that?
  23. So what of the statements on meeting her at Stanford and the trips to Hawaii?
  24. If he was the victim of a hoax, how does he explain the fake Twitter picture and the subsequent tweets?
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