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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. If QB's ever starting doing thirty step dropbacks Aaron Maybin will lead the league in sacks. No one gets to a point 25 yards behind the LOS faster.
  2. The better question is "why is everyone so enamored with a WR that had one good season four years ago?" Realistically, it's not like this guy lit it up against mediocre competition at Tenn St. I know we would love to find a gem but maybe, just maybe, Da'rick isn't that good!
  3. If you look up the word "skank" in the dictionary it should have Paulina's picture next to it.
  4. You don't throw bombs against the cover 2. Marrone said in his post game they wanted to get some running game work in specifically because of the fact that Minny plays a lot of cover 2. Tom Brady has appeared in multiple super bowls throwing dink and dunk passes to a guy named Welker.
  5. The reality of last nights game was that Ponder didn't throw a single pass without having a Bills defender in his face. When you can put that kind of pressure on a QB it has a cumulative effect. The clock in his head starts to speed up and the result is bad decisions and bad throws. The fact that a certain QB in our division HATES to get hit and hates having people in his face makes the prospects of this season that much more promising.
  6. Well for starters two of them were absolutely ridiculous. The pass interference call, I think it was on Brooks, was absolutely absurd and Easley's penalty for taunting was just silly.
  7. McKelvin has all the physical tools to be a great CB in the NFL. The area he struggles with is turning to see the ball when it's in the air. My hope is that a much improved defense will mean that he has to hold coverage for a lot less time. Nothing improves the play of your CB's like a DL in the QB's face!
  8. First time I've seen this anywhere and I LOVE this. I'm happy the current coaching staff isn't afraid to try anything. Zebrie and Cordy on the left side is a !@#$ing wall!
  9. All of the great QB's throw picks. They throw even more TD's but they all throw picks. You know who doesn't throw picks? QB's like Trent Edwards. EJ can throw 2 picks every game as long as he throws 4 TD's and CJ runs for 2 more!
  10. Sullivan makes TMZ look like 60 Minutes.
  11. No the spear chucking thing was a challenge that was issued many many years ago. I don't even remember who was involved originally. Basically someone challenged another poster to a contest where they would throw spears at each other. It was back during Hogboy and ICE's reigns of terror!
  12. Maybe he got into a spear chucking contest with Hogboy.....and lost?
  13. Poojer, I don't dislike JW but I think what he did yesterday was unnecessary. If you follow the sequence of his questions it appeared to me that he just wasn't going to let go until he got something from Marrone. That would have been fine if early in the line of questioning Marrone hadn't already told him that he didn't have any further information. Marrone was pretty clear on that point and JW wouldn't let it go. My point on the tweets is that there are millions of sets of eyes and ears out there that see and hear things. Professional media is limited on what they can see, hear and even report. Their stuff needs to be confirmed so it's often well behind the breaking news. That's a double edge sword but social media is outpacing the mainstream media and it's not even close.
  14. Worth noting: Mario's return to camp and Mario's presence on the practice field this morning were tweeted by fans, not by any media outlet. Or he could follow the precedent set by Bill Belichick, don't tell them a damn thing. Every response to a player injury question should be "we don't talk about player injuries".
  15. Lets not lose sight of the fact that all of the Buffalo media is essentially competing against each other to get a "scoop". A press conference is a feeding frenzy of writers all trying to frantically gulp down information. They're like baby birds fighting for morsels from mamma birds mouth!
  16. Can someone please tell me the last time someone in the Buffalo media actually broke a story about the Bills? For a bunch of local guys they seem to have absolutely no inside sources nor are they fed anything newsworthy by the team. Buffalo sports "journalism" seems to have devolved into a form of hackish sports version of the National Enquirer. Sullivan has the audacity to call himself a sportswriter when he's nothing more than a opinion columnist and Warwrow and Graham have turned into his lapdogs. You can stay far more informed about the Bills from other sources and completely avoid the local media meatheads. I'm actually starting to miss Coach Dickerson, at least he had a partial clue.
  17. Love the optimism but I'd settle for 10-6 with a playoff game!
  18. I think people who have never had a back injury or back pain don't fully appreciate just how debilitating it is. Back pain isn't like muscle pain, there is no "playing through it" or "toughing it out".
  19. I predict a bunch of revelations of financial shenanigans followed by a bankruptcy all culminating with a bunch of people getting !@#$ed. That's how these things usually play out.
  20. The bigger question here is "how the hell does Florio get an NFL column"? Seriously, he's in competition with Jerry Sullivan for the least effort per story award!
  21. Hey, look at it this way, taking Brady off the field isn't a bad thing for us.
  22. I'd call it the S.S. Lonnie Freakin Johnson If not "Punt Catcher" would work!
  23. Have you ever spent some time in the Bills parking lots prior to the games, not a lot of eloquent speech going on yet somehow we want our LB to be James Earl Jones?
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