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Mike in Syracuse

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Posts posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Put aside your personal bias and homophobia aside and listen to my logic. We simply cannot get a better 2nd at this point. Here's my reasoning.


    1. He knows this offense.

    2. He's played for Mularkey and Clements

    3. There is no one we can sign that can adjust faster

    4. We still don't have a "slash" player

    5. He can play, he was in the pro-bowl two years ago.

    6. He's mobile, if Drew goes down he might be able to stay alive.


    Flame away

  2. I'll give you the bumper-sticker version of how I wound up here:


    After the Pats got shellacked Week 1 last year, there was an influx of Bills fans onto a Pats board I post on.  I believe you refer to such opposing fans as "trolls".  ;)

    When the worm turned (and the Pats would not stop winning), a few of us from the other board wound up here (where a few of the Bills fans over on the Pats board came from.)  I enjoyed the give and take with Bills fans, found some comrades that see the truth about Bledsoe, and discovered a different perspective on *my* team.  I'm not a Bills fan, but at the same time I don't loathe them either. 


    I do, however, loathe Drew Bledsoe.  But I think you may know that already.  ;)


    At this point, I don't think I'm 'envious' of your online community, I prefer to think I'm a part of it.  :) 


    Every fansite should have an official ball-buster, someone who sways from the party line, and someone who stirs things up a little... it keeps things fresh.


    I'm the official TBD Voice of Pats fans...  :lol:  Nothing wrong with a little outside perspective, right?


    And, believe it or not, I've made friends on this board other than Hollywood Donahoe or Thurman's Helmet.  :)




    I'll give you credit for being well mannered and literate. I'm still a little concerned about your obsession with Bledsoe though. I don't know many Bills fans that followed Flutie, Johnson, Smith or Thomas around after they were traded or cut.


    I think your "interest" is a little unhealthy :)


    PS: It's ok to admit that TBD is better than any Pat's board in existence :D

  3. At this point, I'd say McGahee is showing a talent level below that of Shaud. His speed to the hole is pathetic, there is no elusivness and he clearly isn't breaking away from anyone.


    With that said, he's still a year away from being judged. If he plays all this season his confidence and ability should return. He had the talent, the question is, will it come back.


    I guess this just shows how stupid the "trade Travis" statements were.

  4. also, M Williams needs to play better, he keeps getting pushed back in to bledsoe and giving up sacks. Jennings also gets pushed back, but didnt give up any sacks,(that i saw).


    our O-Line needs to do ALOT better..... but i did see a screen pass, so im happy.


    aiken caught a pass, we should use him more. Evans hasnt done anything, but hasnt been on the field that much.


    if we go with 1 WR and 2 TEs in a "jacks" formation we will run the ball and only get 1 or 2 yards. if we go 3 wide, we will pass the ball, they will blitz and bledsoe will ball up and just try not to fumble.


    i have faith in McGahee and Henry to run out of a 3 WR set. just let them try. you dont have to be in a 2 TE set to run the ball.


    Clements runs to the sidelines to much on punt returns. and doesnt know how to put 2 hands on the ball. i see him fumbling a few more times. how hard is it to use 2 hands???


    Smith should not be allowed to return kicks or punts. and may get cut. Reed and McGee should be our return guys, i like clements but fumbles WAY to much.


    our ST SUCK. i mean come on. who missed the block for that punt? how hard is it NOT to kick the ball out of bounds??? and i say if there return man gets past the 35, than all our special teams players should be fined. o, and if our kicker or punter has to make a tackle, the fine should be 1 game check (except for the tackler).


    did i mention i saw a screen....  :blink:  if we do those more often it might cut down on the blitzes.


    no team will jsut sit back in zone and let bledsoe search for a WR. if we show pass, they will blitz. i will even take a sack, just DONT FUMBLE!!!!




    I'm just curious, how drunk were you when you watched the game? Judging by your post , you were either completely hammered or you were watching a different game.


    Jennings got pushed back?? JENNINGS DIDN'T EVEN PLAY!


    We had 10 men on the field for the punt, so the guy who missed the block was likely standing on the sideline.


    We ran about 5 screens


    McGee was hurt and didn't play.

  5. Who would you rather have, Schoebel or Jennings. That's likely the choice this offseason. TD is being prudent.


    Personally, I think Schoebel is solid but not exceptional. That's a lot of money for a "solid" DE. Teams actually have to gameplan around Ogunleye and Ellis. I doubt anyone is game planning around Schoebel.

  6. It's not Lee's fault.  :P


    I love it when people make excuses for their binkies against all evidence.  As always, ignorance is bliss, and the post above is straight from Eden!!


    In time Evans may prove to be a good player, but for now rookie WRs don't often make an impact -  especially rookie wideouts on teams with QB questions.





    The post you refer to is completely accurate. Evans was WIDE OPEN on that play and was 5 yards in front of the defender. I also agree with your theory that rookie WR's rarely produce in their first year.


    What puzzles me more is your fascination with the Bills. If you're truly a Patriots fan, why do you spend so much time here? Speaking as a Bills fan, I could care less what people are talking about on the Patriots board. Perhaps you've discovered the depth of kinship that exists with Bills fans? Perhaps you're envious of our little community? :P


    My intent is not to slam you but rather to find out your obsession with us. Please help me understand why you like to hang out behind enemy lines? :blink:

  7. Of course! This is Buffalo! We haven't had crisp execution since 1994. Every play's like skin of the teeth...from Flutie to RJ to Bledsoe to whoever, it's always a miracle the play works.


    Aggravating. We could have had Coughlin. We could have had Dennis Green. We could have had a coach that brings a disciplined system.


    We got Mike Mularkey.



    I'm just curious, is there anything at all you're happy about.....ever? :doh:

  8. Teams know that Bledsoe is immobile. They know that if he gets pressured he makes bad decisions and bad throws. They also know that if you give him time he will absolutely KILL you. Therefore they throw lots of blitzes, stunts and pressure packages at him. If our OL can protect him just enough to allow him to burn the opposing defenses deep a couple of times then they will have to stop bringing the heat. Last night we saw a lot of short dump off routes and we did move the ball. The more we do this, the less heat teams can bring.


    I put a clock to his drop backs last night. On average he has about 3 seconds to make a read and throw the ball. That my friends, is not enough time for anyone to succeed. Granted Sullivan was an absolute sieve so getting Jonas back will help greatly. I only saw one pressure from the right so despite his initial struggles, Williams is re-emerging.


    I flipped to the NE game during commercials. Brady isn't a scrambler but the fricken guy can make a sandwich back there if he wants!

  9. Rich,


    While I agree with the position of your post, I think there are significant factors to take into consideration for last night gameplay. For example, you cannot draw any conclusions on the play of the O-line because that was not our starting group.


    You also can't make a determination on the running game because Henry didn't play. They also used extensive two TE sets to compensate for Jonas's absence.


    I agree with you but there are caveats to last nights debacle.

  10. More brilliance from the elected stooges. Let's continue to cut funding and revenue streams from the local municipalities and shift it to the massive money sucking machine that is State government. NYS would be far better off if we replaced every single senator and assemblyman/woman with monkees. :doh:


    What a pitiful mess this state has become.

  11. Why is it that the board "celebrities" with 5,000 or more posts act like they are so knowledgeable?  I find this hilarious.  In actuality they are just highly opinionated and verbose - not the same as knowledgeable and wise.


    I guess I will always see TSW as a good place to kill time, but not a source of any particular football insight.




    Why do you care how many posts people have? Many of the people you are indicting have been contributing members of this community for many years. I suggest you repair your self esteem and massage that fragile ego of yours!


    If you don't like it here, please feel free to leave.

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