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Mike in Syracuse

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Posts posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. They were...as an interim solution until the FAA (and ultimately the DHS) could take it over properly.  I flew a lot for business back then, and saw the National Guardsmen in the airports with loaded M-16s (which I always thought was kind of silly...an M-16 in an airport lounge is bound to do more harm than good.)


    But that's beside the point...which is, precisely HOW would you deploy the military inside our borders to provide a greater level of protection?  All well and good if an armed Humvee cruising your street gives you a warmer, fuzzier feeling at night than your teddy bear...but what's it supposed to accomplish?  How do you think martial law is going to keep "extremists from randomly blowing things up?"  Please...expound on your idea.  Your plan, after all...surely you can give some operational details about how it's supposed to work?


    Or just maybe...you're creebing about deploying the army on your local neighborhood watch because you don't know how it's supposed to work.  Hmmmm...  :unsure:



    How about using the Navy to assist the Coast Guard in patrolling the harbors and interdict shipping to the US. That might help with some of the obscene customs delays that are occuring. Instead of using police officers on overtime (which is costing all of us a FORTUNE) to protect the nuc plants here in Oswego, how about marines? Your in DC, there's military all over that city providing security. Christ they've got Patriot's deployed on the freakin rooftops. The Air Force has multiple airborne sensors and systems. Maybe we could use the 10th to secure this sieve of a border between NY and Canada.


    I'm not the expert in counter-terrorism but there are numerous uses for the military with our own borders.




    The think that's really being overlooked in all of this is the cost domestically of all the additional security

  2. With oliver the wiesel as defense secretary (hey, a 10 month military career can't be all bad).


    Our only mission is to fight and wipe out the terrorists (french included).


    President Bush is the one who has started the job and will continue it for 4 more years.


    A vote for President Bush is a vote for security for the United States.


    A vote for that kennedy "wanna-be" Kerry is a vote for a tax raise, your money given to anyone but you and french will become our national language.


    Chief Corky...BILLS fan and Bush supporter in jagwad country



    Did you just imply that we should invade France?

  3. You know I would watch out, those Navy folks like to hot bunk, if you know what I mean.  There is a reason jarheads are the only ones on ship who don't hotbunk and are allowed to carry weapons.  It's so the output pipe remains one way only, around the squids.


    And for the Navy folks, WTF is the idea when you cross the friggen equator of having some cheif grease himself up, and stick a friggen raisin in his belly, so you guys can suck it out as some sort of initiation for crossing an imaginary line.



    Maybe the hope is that they'll hit a big wave and the raisin isn't the only thing that gets "sucked out".


    I'm not in the Navy but I can assure you, I'm not sucking anything out of another mans belly!


    Why does the Village People song "In the Navy" keep going through my head.

  4. hey Tom, delete them.  I would lose sleep tonight.  Not paying your taxes would effect my paycheck.  Then Id lose sleep....


    This is a message board folks.  I could care if or who gave a crap about me.  You dont know me.  You may one day and you may not.  Not that it matters.  You dont like what I post, dont read it.  Try paying some time with your wife, it keeps her from going to people like me......



    Actually I would delete them if it wasn't so much fun watching you make an idiot out of yourself.


    You're an embarrassment to Navy!

  5. I'd love to hear how that's supposed to happen without people going ape stevestojan over violations of posse comitatus and civil rights.  I'd also love to know, in practical terms, what lining troops up at the border is supposed to accomplish precisely.  I'd also love to know how fighting terrorists isn't REALLY fighting terrorists if it's done in foreign deployments.


    And to answer your question about security in NYC...gee, you think maybe that's an anti-terrorism measure in itself?  Just maybe?  Didn't they already catch two gomers plotting to blow up subway stations?  And I'm sure, too, that the REALLY effective anti-terrorism measures you'll never see, they're so deeply hidden.



    Do you really believe that post 9/11 anyone other than the ACLU would have a problem with the military providing security at US airports.


    Personally, I don't give a rat's arse if the 10th Mountian Division is driving humvees around my fricken block with a .50 cal sticken out of the roof. I'd much rather have that then extremists randomly blowing crap up.

  6. I like the street scene too.  All the fags/anarchistic/racists/arabs are doing Bush a great favor, making him look great and the Dems like a bunch of idiots.  Its like it was planned!


    M. Moore was put to shame, I bet he had 6 big macs insted of the normal 4.  He was depressed...




    Beautiful, just beautiful but you left out the blacks and the jews. Surely you don't want to omit them? How about those Mexican's? <_<


    I guess I shouldn't be surprised :doh:

  7. Here's a simple little exercise for you.  Look at my post again.  Figure out who I was talking about.  Now that you are done with that, smack yourself in the fuggin' head for bringing up George Bush when it has ASS to do with the post YOU replied to.


    Give yourself another nipple pinch for saying I support President Bush or the War in Iraq.  When you're done, understand that I am a combat veteran who has seen VERY good men die for this country.  I don't need some pissant to tell me how that goes, because I didn't see it on cable from the comfort of a fuggin' LA-Z-BOY.



    Actually, if you can set your Alaskan sized ego aside, you might realize that my post wasn't actually a response to you. Unfortunately I quoted you in my post and that was my error. The post was really my position statement on this mess the the Bush administration has gotten us into. If you think it was directed at you then I apologize.


    For what it's worth, you're absolutley right I have never served in the military nor have I seen combat. That doesn't make me have less of an appreciation for life than you do. You don't have to watch someone die to understand the value of life. My point is that there are over 900 dead American men and women. Many of them were just kids. What did they die for? Are we safer because they died? Personally, I don't think so. This "war" has been nothing but a distraction from the real war we need to be fighting.


    When 9/11 happened I was very happy that Bush was the President and I thanked God that Gore was sleeping somewhere in Tennesee. I don't know what happened to the man that led this country out of that darnkness but the guy running for re-election isn't him.

  8. I'm horribly dissappointed in John McCain. When he campaigned he was a straight talking, no stevestojan candidate. I liked him so much I would have volunteered to work on his campaign. Unfortunately the party didn't agree with me.


    It appears that he has sold his soul in a bid to be the nominee in 2008. It's very very dissappointing.

  9. Nah.  How could a guy who assists in planning and counter terrorism for a living have any insight?


    The simple fact of the matter is that we are more at risk than any time in history. Our response to the horrific acts of 9/11 has been underwhelming at best. Here's something for you to ponder:


    1. Rather than engage in this ridiculous war in Iraq, perhaps the administration could have deployed our troops to secure THIS country. There are, at present count, 974 dead U.S. soliders. I bet their parents would have preferred that they stayed home and secured our borders.


    2. The war, which no one at the convention wants to talk about, has cost over $130 BILLION dollars. Ironically, our fiscally prudent president doesn't talk about paying for it.


    If your concerned about security, here's a chart that might help you out:




    It's easy to support Bush when it's not your child that's dead.

  10. man, we can't find anyone better to play center?


    Exactly how did Teague play tackle in Denver?  I mean he get pushed around so easily.  I know the ends are smaller (but quicker) but he plays whimpy ompared to the guys lining up across from him.



    I don't know how to break this to you but Teague has played exceptionally well this preseason. You need to go back and look at the tape!

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