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Mike in Syracuse

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Posts posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Um, I'm pretty sure RJ graduated that that's why he didn't play. The NCAA frowns on that kinda stuff.


    I read that Greg Paulus (sp?) has already signed with Duke for bb but that he might just be the best HS quarterback in NY. This my friends is a big problem. If local kids loaded with talent want nothing to do with Cuse, the program is in big trouble.


    Last years "presss conference" was the tip of the iceberg, this season is gonna be a train wreck and unfortuantely another wasted year.

  2. Here are the Patriots cuts:


    Michael Jennings

    Chas Gessner

    Ricky Bryant

    Christian Morton

    Terrell Buckley

    Je'Rod Cherry

    Kory Chapman

    Malaefou Mackenzie

    Justin Kurpeikis

    Eric Alexander

    Buck Rasmussen

    David Pruce



    Wow, cutting Buckley is a surprise, especially since they won't be able to mug people this season.

  3. This is an absolutely pathetic performance...on all sides of the ball.  UB may actually win next week.


    What's the chance that PP gets fired tomorrow?



    It's unlikely as long as that douche bag Krauthammel is still there. He's more of a problem as Potatohead.


    These morons are still living under the McNabb shadow.

  4. Paul Puddinghead my be the most arrogant coach in college football. Ironically, he's done virtually noting to be arrogant about. He thought he was being cute all week not telling anyone who the starting QB was going to be. He an Krauthammel think they're smarter than everyone else and they treat the fans like utter dog****. I hope they don't win a game this year.


    And they can't figure out why that can't sell tickets...morons.

  5. There's nothing heroic about any of it. And I truly wish that we didn't have to consider any of it, after all I have a perfectly serviceable Iran and North Korea to idle away my time with. and I didn't mean to write a sympathy post, it's just how i view things now.


    What I would like anyone reading this thread to come away with is that these things aren't created in a vacuum by a politician. President Bush is advocating a strategy that has literally thousands of hours of work behind it's creation, and was recommended to him by the folks who would be making the same recommendations to a President Kerry. Like it or not, that's the way things work. I can't say it any plainer than that. A big bunch of military and defense people were charged with creating a warplan for homeland defense. We did that. We continue to refine it. We would have presented the same plan to President Mickey Mouse. It doesn't matter who sits in the office, unless they choose to reject what they are given as a reply. and, I have to say that is probably not a wise choice.


    As for success, this country has not been attacked since 9/11. 3/4's of AQ's leadership is dead or in prison. There is a global structure in place with the cooperation of most of the world to root out and destroy cells at their source...it goes on. We ain't doing too bad, folks. As for Iraq, don't blame me-never had any hand in that one until it was way after the fact.






    Since you are a lot closer to any of this, perhaps you can help me with one of my major concerns. Iran seems relatively content to keep to themselves but North Korea is run by a true egomaniacal madman that HAS nuclear weapons. Do you and/or your team envision a scenario where he becomes a target? I would anticipate that in such a conflict, the loss of life would be staggering. I pray it never comes to this.

  6. These Muslims need to be wiped off the face of the Earth.  I just hope that day comes soon.  How much longer must humanity suffer for them?



    This is horrific but religious and political terrorism in this region is hardly new.


    The fundamental problem lies in the extremists. Whenever one group tries to impose their will on another, violence is always the result.


    You simply cannot lump all Muslims into this category. There are millions of Muslims all over the world that find this kind of act barbaric. If we engage is this type of widespread stereotyping, aren't we becoming our enemy?


    It appears from the initial reports that a large number of the deaths may have been the result of a horrifically poor response to the situation. I read a quote earlier that said that locals with firearms actually starting shooting at the building.

  7. After reading this board for the last couple of weeks I've come to the following conclusions.


    Two moofs are running for President, both are complete and utter puppets of their party. Both have positions on issues that are hugely important to all of us and we may never know what they really are. Both parties are fiscally irresponsible and morally barren. This entire election is a rolling series of talking points . Lobbyists and special interests control Washington. I hate what the political process has become. Both sides lie to us all on a daily basis and use the media to manipulate us.


    If you need proof that the system is on the brink, watch the speech of that disingenuous fruitcake Zell Miller. What an embarassment to both parties.


    Is there any hope that this will ever change?

  8. As a resident of NYS and hostage of Pataki's adminsitration let me offer you this advice. If Pataki were to run and was elected you'd all be better off moving to Brazil.


    Pataki's economic and financial strategies are on horrific. Basically it's about shifting the burden and calling taxes "surcharges". Cuomo ran the stay for years and fugged up the financials, it appears that Pataki is trying to "out-fug" Cuomo.


    You don't have to believe me, go do some research.

  9. Both parties are equally guilty of extremely poor fiscal management.  Pretending it's different is disingenuous.  Passing the 1995 Balanced Budget Amendment would have happened had the Democrats not fought it.



    Ding ding ding, we have a winner.


    I'm not sure what's worse, tax and spend or don't tax and overspend?

  10. What's really dissappointing about this whole incident is that Miller is a United States Senator. Regardless of his party affiliation I would hope he would set an example of professionalism and conduct.


    Unfortunately, those are just pipe dreams when it comes to politics on either side.

  11. Kerry keeps saying all these things he is gonna do as President, but I have yet to hear him ever say how he intends to accomplish any of these plans.



    Careful with your stone throwing. The current administration has yet to address how they are going to pay for the war in Iraq and the War on Terror. Unfortunately, those bills are going to be due someday.

  12. WTF is THIS?


    "Local people who were armed also then opened fire on the bandits. This did not allow the special forces to do their work effectively." -- Regional FSB security service chief Valery Andreyev".


    Don't the Russians have the equivalent of SWAT teams or hostage rescue specialists? Jesus if not why not ask for some help??


    Let's just pray that the wackos don't decide that school hostage situations would be a good tactic here.

  13. I'm still rooting for Willis. I have little choice. You don't gamble on a damaged RB with a #1 pick... does nothing year one and still looks slow year 2. Shaud Williams and Simonton should never look better than this guy. They are both longshot undrafted FA's and make pennies. Yet both DO look better.


    What's ironic is that MaGahee may score 10 TD's if used in short yardage situations. He's so much bigger than the other backs. Is a short yardage specialist worth several million dollars ?





    I think you ask an intriquing question here. If McGahee presence means we score TD's as opposed to FG's then he is absolutely worth the money. Especially when you consider that he will be taking the goal line pounding and helping to keep Henry fresher. I don't think McGahee's value will truly be known until we trade him. I'm bettting TD parlays Willis into a very low first round draft choice. Of course, that's contingent on Willis's return to form.

  14. I can't wait for them either.  I would love to know how we're paying for all these new programs AND making the tax cuts permanent.


    I guess we've been real good so the money fairy is going to help us out these next four years.



    Don't worry about it, Reagan didn't and the guy's a fricken legend.

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