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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Who's bringing the coffee? Can you drink beer at 7:00am and not go into shock?
  2. During the Syracuse pre-game show, someone mentioned that the "Orange" always seem to be looking to the sidelines for direction. Whoever was speaking said that Holtz gave all his players shirts the said "SHUT UP AND HIT SOMEONE". Good to see that some coaches still believe that simple is better.
  3. I think Jay has movies where that kind of stuff happens!
  4. Careful, let's not prod the bear!
  5. Get back in that pool you big sexy beast!
  6. On the first play from scrimmage Trey Teague will explode out of his stance and lay a block of biblical proportions on Marcus Stroud. The block will be so powerful that it severs Stroud's left arm. The resulting force will throw Stroud into the Henderson and leave both of them flat on their backs. Henderson will be unconcious and Stroud will be bleeding profusly. Drew will run through the resulting whole for a seven yard gain.
  7. If you don't think that Teague has been solid in the preseason you're not paying attention.
  8. No but he did take an unforgivable sack because he was intent on throwing a TD pass. That was a very bad mistake on his part.
  9. I noticed something last night right before the Colts last possession. When Manning was coming out onto the field his head was hung so low that he could have tripped over his chin. It looked like he had already resigned himself to the fact that they were going to lose the game. I have yet to see him pull out a win in a big game.
  10. Well regardless of who wins this game one thing is for certain, when forced to play within the rules, the NE defense looks pretty average.
  11. I thought you were talking about Jessica Simpson and Tony Braxton. Personally, I've payed plenty of attention to them.
  12. Man little man (Benjamin) starts tomorrow. He and mommy did the orientation to day but we're both walking him to the bus tomorrow. It's going to be rough day for his daddy
  13. Given the people attending the tailgate, it'll likely get you mocked
  14. Was Billy pushing or receiving?
  15. But Hoge HATES the Bills. I think he slammed every one of our draft choices???
  16. Don't you have some erection drug you should be testing you vomitous mass?
  17. Darin, You touch on a very important piece that's central to a lot of out issues we're facing today. We, as a nation, can't continue with the "An enemy of my enemy is my friend" philosophy. We supported and armed Saddam when he was fighting Iran! We supported and armed Bin Laden when he was fighting the Soviets! Our past is biting us in the ass! Unfortunately neither party seems willing or able to figure this out.
  18. I heard a rumor that Crouthamel is leaving retiring and the end of this year. There might be hope?
  19. "Shout" is old, tired, worn out and nasty. Personally, I can't stand that song and it belongs on the rack next to Mony Mony and Celebration. Perhaps we could move into this century?
  20. Um, I'm pretty sure RJ graduated that that's why he didn't play. The NCAA frowns on that kinda stuff. I read that Greg Paulus (sp?) has already signed with Duke for bb but that he might just be the best HS quarterback in NY. This my friends is a big problem. If local kids loaded with talent want nothing to do with Cuse, the program is in big trouble. Last years "presss conference" was the tip of the iceberg, this season is gonna be a train wreck and unfortuantely another wasted year.
  21. Wow, cutting Buckley is a surprise, especially since they won't be able to mug people this season.
  22. Maybe you can bring him home and chain him out back? You know, sorta like a pet.
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