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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. If the Raider OLB's have trouble operating in space their gonna love the Bills passing game. But then again, who knows what happens once the ball is snapped.
  2. Great pictures Kelly, thanks for ruining my anonimity. And for all you pigs lusting after Nikki, get over it. She's well protected by the TSW elders to keep animals like you away from her!
  3. Don't listen to SDS, he's crazier than a shithouse rat.
  4. I think Pollack's article is supported by the fact that there were no individual introductions during the pregame. The defense was set to be introduced but they were introduced as a unit. Perhaps a seed has been planted?
  5. Steve, This is funnier than hell. Thanks for making me laugh!
  6. Many of the "standard" movies channels that are supposed to be HD are just scaled up crap. TNT is the bust example I can think of. I'd go with option number two because I believe you can get Starz for like $3 per month.
  7. I'm thinking about making a trip out and I'm wondering if anyone has a ticket they might want to sell? Send me a PM if you do.
  8. I say we leave stevestojan as it is but make the following change: T-Bone = Vomitous Mass
  9. Boring yet predictable.
  10. See what happens when you stop taking your meds!
  11. I'm not a Dr. but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn last night (really, I did). If he didn't just break that ankle I'd be shocked!
  12. There's nothing better than someone trying too hard to be sarcastic. Especially when they screw up the details
  13. Steve, Win or lose, my issues are the same. Something is very different and very wrong at RWS! However, there was one two minute period shortly after the Spikes hit that made it real again. The place was going bonkers and I said to AiO..."this is Bills football"! The magic is there, it's just smoothered under a two foot layer of fear and anxiety. We used to dare teams to come to RWS and beat us. Now we're running from 50 yard field goals.
  14. Maybe Mark is right then, it's worse in person.
  15. It was probably Bob Gaughn and Jerry Sullivan!
  16. Maybe it's just me but I was absolutely repulsed by the incessant advertising at RWS. I don't ever remember it being this bad. The only thing missing was the proping my eyelids open and forcing me to stare at the jumbotron. Is is any wonder that the fans aren't paying attention, their brains are numb from the incessant advertising blitz. Fuggin bus races for Christ sakes, do we really need to be conducting a bus racing contest? Top's launching t-shirt s and people clamoring like they just discovered clothing And if you want to give a free seat away, yea for you but I still ain't flying your fricken airline. If someone has a spare RPG in their closet, please fire it at the freaking jumbotron.
  17. It's hard to believe that anything was more annoying than my commentary We should have thrown the fat tard off the upper deck.
  18. Happy birthday. After meeting you yesterday I must say, you don't look 57
  19. I saw Wire whiff on that play and I pointed it out to anyone within shouting distance. I'm not sure if it's a good thing that one of your CB's is a leading tackler. That means the RB's are getting into the secondary and that is definitely NOT a good thing!
  20. You got it. Wish her well from all of us!
  21. It's more than that, much more. Perhaps we all just desperately want this to be 1990.
  22. As Jay said, after the first two series it became much quieter. Moorman's punt and Drew's TD to Mould's brought the noise back up but that was temporary. I can't prove this but it sounded to me like they were pumping sound in late in the third and early in the fourth quarter. It sounded to me like there was definitely some enhancement to the crowd noice coming out of the speakers. It's not just about noise though. To me it's like there is almost a palpable sense of dread that we're going to do something stupid to lose the game. I think it's permeating the fans and we're just waiting for the disaster. Perhaps last seasons disembowling after such a promising start is partly to blame. Oh, and the morons doing the wave when we had the ball was a stroke of pure idiocy.
  23. I'm sitting here in the hotel room just pondering what went wrong today. As others have said, it appears that most of the pieces are here yet we seem to be missing something. We seem so close but yet so far. What is the intangible that's absent from the Bills psyche that will allow us to finally get over the top? That "something" is the difference between 8-8 and the playoffs. I simply don't know what it is. Intensity, playmakers, leaders or maybe all three? It's horrifically painful waiting through the offseason, watching every move we make only to be stuck in the same place. I said to AiO halfway through the game that I had to force the emotion for this game and that mistique that I once knew as a Bills fan is all but lost. All I know is that I have this empty semi-naseaus feeling knowing that we should have won this game and didn't. I'm not sure I can take another season of his kind of emptiness. You're right Mark, it definitely was worse being there. If it wasn't for the TBD'ers, opening day would have been a horrific experience
  24. For those of you that don't know, Ingtar is a former NFL scout so yes, he knows what he's talking about! http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...game_primer.php
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