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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. We tried this solution in 2000 and won three games. Please try again.
  2. If we draft at TE with our first pick in next years draft my time as a Bills fan might officially come to an end.
  3. McNally is right, he's a guard. There he can excel but he'll never be a great RT.
  4. Actually, I believe that RJ is better statistically.
  5. Here's what I'm struggling with. Drew didn't play well today but he didn't play poorly enough to shoulder this loss on his own. Are his limitations as a QB enough of an issue to bring down the rest of the offense. The line is not good but as we saw with Flutie, a mobile QB makes your line better. If you're forced to run "max protect" schemes all the time to have to severly limit your offense.
  6. As I sit here watching the conclusion of yet another horrific effort to play football my thoughts are turning to next year. Where do we go from here? Our players can't make plays, we look lost and there is no substantive sign of improvement. I'm just aghast that the season is over and it's the sixth week! What would you be thinking if you were Ralph Wilson and what would you do?
  7. I've been saying this for years. I believe Edwards has could play LDE in much the same way Reggie White did. Your LDE should be all about the bull rush. I like Kelsay but he isn't bulling anyone.
  8. Dude, That chick's got more silicon than Intel.
  9. Wow, how enlightened of you to quantify a half dozen states in one single pass.
  10. Not being a major baseball fan here is what I find most amusing. The Yankees who are the clean cut, no facial hair dynasty are being whipped by a guy that looks like he belongs in a B.C. strip.
  11. Summary: I amd sick and tired of the political ads from both parties here. I have no idea who they are trying to presuade. I know nobody that is even remotely undecided. All or most are simply waiting for the 2nd of Nov. The ads seem to be mean and useless from both sides equally." What's truly sad is the tens of millions of dollars that are being spent to jam this useless drivel down everyones throat. Luckily I live in NY and neither party is spending much here. I can't believe the horror show that Ohio must be.
  12. Rosen you have WAY too much time on your hands.
  13. Dude, Did you see the guys at the Republican convention? There is no way they're getting more p*ssy then the Democrats. Did you ever consider that maybe the Republicans are wearing more sexy things because they're butt-ugly? It's just a theory but I'm willing to go with it.
  14. Wouldn't that be "we we French"? Do they actaully draw up papers or just drop their weapons and run.
  15. I was in Canada this weekend, Ottawa specifically. The hatred for President Bush is overt. We stopped telling people we were from NY because the next statement always went to the President and the war. One struck me in particular, my wife was asked by a store owner "Doesn't your President understand the danger he's putting the rest of us in? How could a nation as intelligent and powerful as the United States stand behind such a man." Not a criticism, I'm just relaying a story.
  16. It's interesting that he's finally chiming in now. Perhaps all that nuclear material floating around his country has got him a bit nervous. If Bin Laden or Al Zarquari gets their hands on nuclear material, 9/11 will look like freaking day in the park.
  17. I think it means we'll be cutting, trading or benching Mould's any day now
  18. So we attacked Iraq????.......BRILLIANT! Over 1000 dead U.S. troops and ZERO WMD's. Yup, that was a good call. How exactly does that help us get the guys that were behind 9/11? The logic on this board is mind boggling.
  19. I'm sorry, did Iraq attack us? Perhaps we should invade Saudi Arabia!
  20. http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/557/557971p1.html Ah, a reason to be truly thankful
  21. Ya know what Darin, I'm not sure what I believe anymore. I can't trust the parties, I can't believe the news and there's so much partisanship that it makes me want to move to Canada. All I know is this: We are at war and supposedly fighting terrorrism. The reason we went to war has been proven false. American boys and girls are dying at an alarming rate and it disturbs me greatly. I've got friends and neighbors serving in Iraq and they're telling me that it's an absolute clusterf*ck over there. I'm not sure if Bush plans on invading Iran, North Korea....... I want sudden massive change...more change than one election is going to bring.
  22. Tom, You're smarter than this! You don't find any irony in the fact that our representatives have ONE fricken child currently serving? You don't think that the vote on the war would have gone differently if there were a couple of hundred children of our representatives serving? When was the last time you saw a Senator or Legislator wailing and screaming on a sidewalk in Washington because they just found out THEIR child had been killed? Support the war, send your own kids!
  23. That's a pretty convenient "out clause" you've come up with. I hope it helps you sleep better at night.
  24. I agree, it's much easier to send other people's children.
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