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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  2. So I'm a "jerk" because my opinions are different from yours? Interesting.
  3. No, it's hard to be intimidating when you're 7 months pregnant.
  4. She's been doing this for years and says this is the busiest she has ever seen it. She said there were HUGE lines this morning before 6:00am. Don't know what that means but perhaps people are finally starting to understand the importance of voting.
  5. Fair enough, the label wasn't necessary. My apologies to BiB Ya know Ken, I really wish I had a party I could align myself with. Unfortunately the two major parties seem only satisfied with the extreme. I'd rather wallow as an independent than be labeled by a party.
  6. To make your head really hurt, I think that some of the products that they are talking about "importing" from Canada are actually made in the U.S. The issue on prescription drugs is one of pure capitalism. Manufacturers in the U.S. can charge whatever the market will bear, in Canada the prices are regulated by the government. Pick your poison.
  7. You slammed Islam as being a fundamentally violent religion. That may or may not be true, I honestly don't know. My point is that before you go labelling religions you and your toadies seem willing to ignore that Christianity has a damned ugly history when it comes to the slaughter of non-christians. Hell yea Christians have killed a LOT of Muslims, some point to that as the start of all this almost two thousand years ago. We seem to forget the the U.S. was active in the outright slaughter of THOUSANDS of native american women and children because the were "unclean" and "ungodly". This wasn't incidental, this was a planned military slaughter of not just men, women and CHILDREN. I guess it was "enlightened" when we were cutting the penises off of dead indian men as trophies. Try to step out of your party line box and look at everything in context. You seem like an intelligent guy, try working at it a little more. Just for a moment ponder this...not everyone that disagrees with you is wrong.
  8. No, you called a group of people "fags"...big difference.
  9. Damn, people actually sell them. To think of the hours I've wasted trying to make my own.
  10. I don't believe anyone is trying to suppress anything, there's way too much scrutiny this election. I'm just having fun with someone's paranoia.
  11. Dude, There were 5 hour lines in Florida for most of the day yesterday. Were you here bitching about that? Probably not because it serves your interest.
  12. My only prayer is that someday people will not be identified and labeled by their party affiliation. That someday each individuals values will actually matter. It's much to easy to bash people across party lines don't ya think.
  13. Why do you assume that it's a "democrat" tactic???
  14. Wouldn't that "tactic" favor the Republican's then. It's my understanding that the consesus is that the more people that vote, the better it will be for Kerry. It must be tough living in a schizophrenic world.
  15. It could only be the evil democrats behind this. The eternally honorable Republican party would never ever do anything questionable to win an election. I'm sure tonight the black helicopters will be over your house, better put your aluminum foil hat on.
  16. The guy allegedly graduated from Yale and flew fighters for the military. You don't find it odd that he speaks English worse than most illegal immigrants? Even if you support his policies, you have to admit that the guy is dumber than a box of rocks! "internets" wtf?????????
  17. I guess that depends on how you define progress. Maybe some of the more knowledgable folks here can conduct an analysis for us. Which religion is responsible for more deaths, Christianity or Islam? I'd be interested in knowing the answer although I think Christianity wins in a landslide.
  18. Yet another image added to my collection of: "Things I did not need to see"
  19. Is a scoreless tie with a plethora of injuries possible?
  20. After watching the Steelers/Patriots game, I'm still marveling at Hines Ward. Not only is this guy a kick ass receiver but he blocks downfield like a mother. Why oh why cant Josh Reed be this intense on the field.
  21. You need to do some research on the history of Christianity.
  22. I was thinking the same thing. Wouldn't that be GREAT!!! Considering the way the Pat's are playing, they look cursed.
  23. We should extend his contract...or not Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  24. "Lots of fags" You know, up until this post I didn't agree with many of your opinions but I respected your point of view. Thanks for revealing that your nothing more than a small minded homophobe. For someone that's allegedly involved in "intelligence" you show very little.
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