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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Fictitious stories about suicide are rarely, if ever funny. The good news for you is I decided against punting you for a week. Maintaining order in this zoo is hard enough without people efforting to be a smacktard.
  2. Yes and Mr. Gonzales is still pissed
  3. Don't get me wrong, I think Brett Favre is a great guy but we're all going to hear about ad nauseum for the next three hours! I'm predicting an absolutely intolerable levels of Madden stammering about how great he is.
  4. I'm afraid this coaster is dangerously close to flying off the track.
  5. Great responses,I keep them coming!
  6. Let me first say this, if a miracle happens and the Bills do make the playoffs I hope Drew plays like a madman. His play today is most certianly a loss during a playoff game. So what happens if we make the playoffs and Drew absolutely stevestojan's the bed? Let's say he puts up another performance like he did last Sunday night in New England. Will you still support him going into next season or will you jump of the bandwagon? I'm just curious if your loyalty is to the man or to the team.
  7. In HD it looks absolutely stunning!
  8. A little early to be drinking heavily isn't it?
  9. Here's what kills me about all the Drew support. He's performing at a level slightly above Rob Johnson, yet we couldn't wait to get rid of RJ. I also believe Johnson had a LOT more road wins than Drew but I don't have the time or energy to do the research. If that doesn't put your support in perspective, nothing will. Let's see if you feel this way after watching him on the road today. My guess, he does his best impression of Kyle Boller.
  10. Were you there for it's original opening?
  11. He's only 36, it not likely he remebers much of the "war" .
  12. Personally, I've got a list of about a dozen people I'm about a post or two away from booting forever. It's gets pretty tiring playing hall monitor in this nusery school.
  13. Actually, you should be well versed in the art of the "cheap shot". Your starting safety all but perfected it. I do believe he is one of the most fined in the league isn't he?
  14. So for sake of argument lets say the Bills pull off a miracle and go 10-6 and by the grace of God somehow make the playoffs. Do you think there's even a remote chance they could win a playoff game on the road? I don't. Keeping Bledsoe as the starter only serves one purpose, to delay the inevitable. Bledsoe is a great guy but it's time to pull the plug. You don't draft a guy in the first round so you can keep him on the bench for two years. When JP is mentally and physically ready, throw him in. The sooner Drew sits, the sooner we move on.
  15. I didn't know that veterenarians measured cholesterol.
  16. Maybe Mularkey wants the Rams to prepare for Drew as the starting QB. Wouldn't they be surprised to see JP in the first offensive series. Are we that smart?
  17. With the Bledsoe era coming to a quick close I've got a question regarding the offensive identity of this team. Last night when Losman came in the playcalling changed instantly. I believe the second or third play was a rollout. I know with Drew at the helm the Bills have used a lot of two TE and max protect sets. With Losman inevitably taking over the reigns, how much will this offense evolve? I would think we'd see a lot less max protect and even less of the two TE set. Any of you offensive gods want to venture a guess?
  18. Never have truer words been spoken. Sad, but true.
  19. IMO, this is Bellichek's greatest strenght as a coach. He finds a way to exploit the biggest weaknesses you have on your offense and defense.
  20. Well to be fair the kid hasn't played a whole lot of football since August when Vincent popped him. I'm sure he didn't get a whole lot of snaps this week. I want to see him with a weeks preparation, then I'll judge.
  21. I'm a long time PC gamer but I also own an Xbox. I divide almost all of my time between flight sims and tactical shooters. I tried the original HALO to see what all the hype was about and I simply can't get used to the imprecision of the aiming. IMO, you basically wind up shooting at an area. Compared to a mouse and keyboard it's just not comfortable for me. The other issue to consider is the eye candy. I know H2 is going to push the Xbox to it's limits but it's not going to look or play anywhere near as amazing as HL2. The drawback is that PC gaming is definitely more expensive becuause you're constantly chasing technology. In the end, I'll likely wind up owning both though! Even dispite the fact that the GTA/console crowd makes me want to puke.
  22. I don't think that pork gravy will fit through an IV tube. They could however shove a porkchop up his ass.
  23. Here's what's likely coming in 2005 courtesy of Pataki, Silver, Bruno & crew. 1. Increased NYS income taxes 2. Statewide sales tax increase 3. Increased property taxes 4. Some kind of horrific tax to pay for the Medicaid/Medicare re-adjustment. Thank you and good night.
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