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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. I'm with Steve on this one, the "Get off the shed" skit was absolutely hysterical.
  2. If you take the time to look into the incident you'd actually realize that you're completely off base with this. Pennington's spot on with his assessment.
  3. You'd better eat your Wheaties and start throwing some iron before you start contemplating slapping people. There are some rather robust people that frequent this place. Just some friendly advice.
  4. I guess I'm supposed to feel bad about this, after all the guy is injured. It's nice to see karma bite back after watching him act like a world class ahole for two years. Maybe he should have had a sharpie in his sock to reduce the bending?
  5. Da Bills 84, da Bengals 3 Time for some sausages.
  6. Is it possible to Rosen the wall all the way from Cincy?
  7. Sorry boys, "Ted Williams Frozen Head" was the best name EVER on TSW.
  8. Rather than intervies, shouldn't he be practing his fake injury routine? You know, the one where he's torn every ligament in is leg only to return on the following play?
  9. Gruesome as this it, it is hardly new. Didn't Manson do the same thing to Sharon Tate? I'm sure whoever did this will get caught, tried and aquitted because they were insane from eating Ding Dongs or something. Everybody will scream about judicial reform and we'll start the merry go round all over again. Are we still sure communism was wrong?
  10. I used to work with a woman who was a practicing "witch". I sincerely believe she was responsible for breaking a string of horrific bad luck I was having. It started when my brother, who was in high school at the time, made me a present in art class. He was into sculpture and made me something that looked like an indian totem mask. It was black and grey and really kinda strange looking but hell, it was a present. So he gives it to me and I take it home. For some reason I kept it in my dresser drawer because I wasn't eager to hand it up, it really gave me a creepy feeling. Over time, I started to feel bad and hung it on my wall in my apartment. For the next six months I had a string of luck that was just horrific. I had all sorts of weird, unexplained and strange illnesses, my car engine exploded, I broke my ankle and on and on. It really felt like I was cursed and my friends even started to make jokes about it. At the time I didn't pay attention to it, but every time I would walk past my brother's "present" I would get kind of a creepy feeling. On a whim one day I decided to take it into work and show it to my "witch" friend. She said she'd take it home and do her thing. The next moring she comes into work and comes almost running into my office. She sits down next to me with a kinda frantic and semi-scared look and says "is your brother involved in the occult". I look at her like she's out of her mind. She then asks me "is there any reason your brother would want to hurt you"? Again, I'm thinking she's nuts. I asked her what she found an she said that my brother's little present is "consumed with negative energy". She described it as outright "EVIL". She told me that if it wasn't intentional, that my brother may have unknowingly tapped something as he was creating it. She said that young people sometimes have that ability. I would normally have disregarded most of this if not for a discussion my brother and I had about a year ago. My brother told me of an bizzare experience he had when he and some friends we're goofing around with a ouiga (sp?) board. He discribed it as "scary as hell" but wouldn't say anything else. So I ask my friend the witch "what the hell do I do"? She says "you have to let me destroy it". I said fine, she took it home and I never asked her what happened and she never mentioned it. About a week later, I met the woman who is sitting next to me, my wife of 10 years I'll just say that from that personal experience I have learned that there are things we just can't rationally explain.
  11. That will be a tough win for the Jags cause it's going to be freaking cold up there! Well considering how we started, it's encouraging that we're at least we're still talking about playoffs
  12. OhBF, Great message and an excellent reminder of what this season is all about. My niece was diagnosed with ALM two years ago. They went the chemo route at Milwaukee Children's Hospital but unfortunately she did not stay in remission. She had a bone marrow transplant this summer and thankfully, she is doing great. What amazed me the most is the strength that can be exhibited by a 6 year old girl. She also taught me some things about life I may not have have learned on my own. Experiencing a challenge like that helps keep all the pissing, moaning, whining and bitching that goes on here in perspective.
  13. Fishing for a vacation are we? I would advise you that now is not the time to prod the moderators.
  14. The $85 doesn't include RR or the Digital Phone service. That's another $75
  15. Well here is some irony for ya: I have a message on my answering machine tonight. There's a Time Warner focus group in Syracuse on Monday night and I've been invited to attend. Maybe they want to focus on taking more of my money. This ought to be fun
  16. Great, then he'd be out for the season with shaken baby syndrome!
  17. Ya know what, if the doofus linebacker in New England can catch a TD pass I'd put Fletcher or Spikes at TE anyday. Hell, can Posey catch?
  18. Fez, When was the last time you looked at Voom? I checked their site and they not seem to have a "cable favorites" option. They've also got a package right now so you no longer have to buy the equipment. They've also got 21 HD channels! I wish I knew someone who was using them.
  19. Yes but you don't have much of a choice, they barely have power where you live boondock boy.
  20. With all apologies to Harriet....... I just looked at my TWCNY bill to see the impact of some recent additions to my cable service. I almost had a stroke when I added up the numbers. Since we got HDTV we added the HD package (which sucks ass I might add) but we have ZERO premium services. The cost for TWC has gotten absolutely ridiculous. Half the fricken channels on "digital cable" aren't digital and the other half are unwatchable. We also just found out that the freaking rates are going up AGAIN!!! I'm keeping Road Runner but they can take their DVR and their recievers and their digital phone service (which sounds good if you live in a submarine) and stuff them up their digitally enhanced butts. I knew when they built their beautiful new offices in Syracuse that we'd be getting hosed soon. Anyone have specific preferences on DirectTV, Dish Network or Voom?
  21. This is an absolute nightmare. Welcome to the abyss now known as Syracuse football. I guess when you lose to Temple and finish 1 game over .500 you deserve a lifetime contract. The Dome is going to be fricken VACANT next season. You may see attendance figures around 10,000. Congratulations on your committment to mediocrity.
  22. Yes, they are literally "college students" but it's a very different form of college from what the rest of us experience. This issue is about money, pure and simple. As soon as they figure out how to keep the bowl gravy train in tact and develope a playoff system we'll see a legitimate national champion. It's ironic how they claim to be concerned about the "poor kids" missing another week of school yet they have no problems when the basketball team goes to a tournament at the beginning and end of each season.
  23. NO IT WON'T
  24. Very well then, you may go back to working in your field.
  25. Fortunately, you are surrounded by people making idiots out of themselves on a regular basis. Funny thing is, they aren't trying to be overtly stupid, they just can't help it. Therefore your transgression appears minor. Sadly, you actually put effort into being stupid. BTW, on this board I'm part of the ruling elite so I'll be sitting by my mailbox waiting for my tax refund.
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