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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Just more evidence that we don't have a clue as to what's going on at OBD. We now return you to your normally scheduled speculation.
  2. Is this the same Newsday that said that Jonas Jennings was signing with the Jets and that they were flying Pat Williams in for a visit? Award winning journalism right there.
  3. "former standout"....holy crap! Yeah he stood out but for all the wrong reasons.
  4. Anyone remember that thread early in the season about Travis's agent showing up at Pinto Ron's after the game? If I remember correctly the story was that Henry's agent was drunk and was spouting off about how Travis was going to fug the Bill's. This was shortly after Travis was benched and his agent was screaming about respect.
  5. It was reported that the Bills spent some time with Walter Reyes from Syracuse. Maybe that's the direction their thinking? I wouldn't be shocked if they go after a "utility" player like Antwann Randel El to fit him into Mularkey's scheme. I was hoping Reed would step up and fill that role but he apparently decided to concentrate on sucking.
  6. Great, now Rosen's gonna read this and start demanding that he be buried with a panda.
  7. Frankly I don't see what all the concern is. You basically substitute a rookie that will make bad reads and throw stupid interceptions for a veteran that makes bad reads and throws stupid interceptions. We know he wins the athleticism battle so if JP can hold onto football then we've already gained over what we had. Christ, you'd think Bledsoe was Elway the way people have annointed him.
  8. At least the guy that got the sh-- kicked out of him can take solice is this. The beating he got is nothing compared to the ass raping that fat POS is going to get when he gets in prison. Enjoy the next four years biotch.
  9. That's fine, you can disagree with me all you want. I'm far from knowledgable. I will take umbrage with one of your points though, have you forgot about the "package". That's the defensive formation where Williams and Washington played together for weeks at a time?
  10. I like Pat William a lot as a person. As a player he's been leeching off superior talent around him for years. He rode Ted Washington's dominance which inflated his overall value and now he's doing the same thing with Sam Adams. When you watch Bills games you will notice that that Sam Adams is double teamed on EVERY SINGLE PLAY and yet he still manages to make big plays in the backfield. Ask yourself this, when was the last time you saw Williams make several big plays in a game? Pat's a good DL but he's average by NFL standards and does not deserve elite tackle money. There are simply too many other need areas on this team. If he truly wanted to be an elite tackle, perhaps he should lose about 75lbs.
  11. Oh but for just one night!!! Man, the filthy thoughts......
  12. He said the same crap when he was dumped by the Patriots. Now we know why BB wasn't worried. He came into Buffalo and talked about all his skills and wonderous abilities. All I heard today was blah blah blah. .... In a year or two they'll be having the same conversation in Dallas. .
  13. I noticed on the video they are showing Drew scrambling! I wonder if they realize that happened twice in about three years. Wait till they get a load of pat pat fumble.....
  14. Speaking of "Odes", anyone know if Petrino is still alive. I haven't seen him in weeks! JOHN!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!
  15. I've met you and you're definitely a "tough guy". I'm going to cal you "Uber-pack" from now on
  16. Here's my favorite quote: While admitting possible interest in Bledsoe, who was released by Buffalo this week, the Cowboys certainly don't appear as sold on him as he is them. I think it's completely possible that Drew does not get a starting job this season. I wonder what that will do to his immense ego.
  17. If the premise of this article is true, then Bledsoe should have been benched on the spot. I'm not a coach but I am responsible for people working under my direction. If I gave someone explict instructions and they diliberately went against me, they'd be looking for a new job the next day. BUT, with that said, thebiggest reason to dump Drew was his combined performances against Baltimore, New England and Pittsburg. You count on your QB to step up for you in big games. Unfortunately when Bledsoe tries to step up he just throws interceptions. I for one will not miss him...
  18. Yeah, I'd much rather have a shy, mild mannered zombie. Why would you want someone with some confidence and fire in their belly when you can have a guy that's capable of lulling your offense to sleep in the huddle. It's much better to have your leader and key offensive person be an introvert. Welcome to the smacktard hall of fame.
  19. Why not just do the logical thing and give them both to ESPN. They do a better job anyway and their HD coverage is outstanding.
  20. Since when do "facts" have anything to do with this place? Did I miss something? TBD is a bastion for the overly vocal yet uninformed masses.
  21. I could really give a rats ass about hockey and whether they ever play again. What's really unfortunate about this mess are the "innocents" that are being crushed. There's hundreds of others that depend on that sport for revenue and they're getting screwed. Not everyone involved with a pro sport makes 7.65 million per. Some of them sell hot dogs to feed their kids.
  22. It means that the offenses lack of production is a sum of it's parts rather than the failing of one man. JP is acknowledging that he's part of team and for the team to be successful, all parts must work together. At least that's my interpretation.
  23. That was a lot of fun to watch. Check out the throw at about 3:14 into the clip. Off balance, a flick and a perfect pass....wow. When does camp start?
  24. Thank God he wasn't in that when it fell over. He could had been pinned for several seconds at least.
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