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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Why doesn't this surprise me? You hate everyone
  2. This is perhaps one of the most ill informed and misguided responses I've ever seen. Perhaps if you could step outside of your white supremist militia camp you'd have a better perspective. To imply that Woods doesn't have a heart is just ignorant. I'll think I'll refer to you as "Fuzzy" from now on.
  3. Yet another misguided and unfortunate contribution. If you can't appreciate what he is doing and what he means to the sport then you're knowledge of the game severely lacking. His dominance has elevated the play of EVERYONE on the PGA tour. If he has sucessfully retooled his mechanics and is in fact more consistent, he will crush everyone else on tour. Maybe you should stick to basketball or baseball.
  5. If you haven't been banned at least once you're not trying!
  6. Just for clarification, I didn't threaten to ban Rudy. I asked a question that was similar to his. Personally, I like his posts. His miserable, anxiety riddled world makes my life seem that much better.
  7. You really should try decaf, either that or get a sense of humor. And OBTW, you can leave anytime. I won't cry.
  8. As long as you continue to live in a world full of despair and loathing, let me post a parallel, albeit hypothetical question. Is it safe to say that Rudy will get banned for sucking the life and fun out of this message board? That would be too bad cause I like Rudy and I think he's a decent guy. But when you lookat his propensity for posting the absolute worst....... Try being a little more positive, it'll make you a happier person.
  9. I've seen a lot of posts here that resemble that!
  10. In Buffalo it's definitely Charlie the Butchers. If you happen to be in Olean, there is a restaurant called "Beef and Barrel" that has a simply outstanding BoW.
  11. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the Pats were awarded three additional draft picks for their "losses" during last years free agency. It's truly an excess of riches in Foxboro.
  12. Is Travis required to play out the last year of his contract? If he choses to sit doesn't he remain a Bill until he fulfills his contractual obligation?
  13. I heard someone on sports radio the other day and they were addressing this issue of free agency. The guy being interviewed made the following statement: "Outside of the rare exception, guys like TO, free agent signings often hurt the team who lost the player more than the help the team who signed the player" I think he was spot on. Throwing money a people just because they are a free agent is flat out stupid. If Demulling isn't any better than Tucker then why should we sign him? It's also interesting how our former players like Prioleau and Jay Riemersma are viewed as other peoples treasure. Until after two seasons they flame out and are cut by their new team. Anyone remember Nate Odom's? Thomas Smith? Jeff Burris? Peerless Price? Ruben Brown?
  14. Two words: tackle eligible!
  15. I'm fairly certain that you and three or four others actually understand it anyway.
  16. I'm fairly certain that Rudy has some kind of a Munchausen syndrome working. I'm just to disturbed by it to look into it.
  17. I have a cat that looks EXACTLY like that, except, his name is Carmello. And yes, he was named after Carmello Anthony and was born during the year of the Cuse's championship run. And no, I didn't name him.
  18. I agree Labatt, I think Nate is setting himself up for an epic contract. Unless he has a HUGE drop off this year he is going to command and ungoldly sum of money for his services. I love Nate as a player and want to keep him but everything has a limit. The reality of today's NFL is that you can't mortgage the future of the team to pay one elite player. Indy's learning this with Manning and he's worth far more to his team as a QB than Nate is to ours as a CB. I think Clement's leaving is a done deal. I'm not happy about it but we can get two players for what he's going to cost. Mike
  19. Sorry, meant Kelsay. Denney's emerging as......well I'll get back to you.
  20. I didn't say he was too light to play DE, I said he was too light to play LDE on a regular basis. Taylor is a 255lb speed rusher, I think he'd struggle if he was moved to LDE on a regular basis. He's also about 20lbs too light to be a proto-type anything. The point is moot, there is no way, no how the Dolphins are contemplating trading Taylor for Henry. Even they aren't that stupid.
  21. 1. Schoebel was just resigned to a multi-year contract. 2. Schoebel has performed at a level almost equal to that of Taylor. 3. Denney is emerging as a solid LDE. 4. Taylor is too light to play LDE on a regular basis. So in a word "NO". We don't need this guy on our team, we have other areas that need to be addressed.
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