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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. It's refreshing when a professional sports publication writes what I've been saying since January. Losman doesn't have to be great, his bar is much lower because he just needs to be better than Drew.
  2. I agree with you on this point. During the prime of his career there were only about a dozen serious competitors to Jack at any given point. The tour was in a major transition where the field was not entirely made up of the societal elite. At one point, either your dad was a pro, you came from a filthy rich family or you snuck in because you were simply too talented (ala Arnie). Today professionals are coming from everywhere, even Fiji!! PGA players are emerging from all over the globe. The collective talent pool has exploded and college golf is enhancing the talent development. Jack's major record may not ever be equalled but Tiger faces greater competition.
  3. My vote goes for the Zweigel's commercial that airs incessantly during Bills camp. Someday I'm hoping to meet "Parker Stevens" the all pro LB just so i can punch him in the mouth.
  4. I saw a special on this over the weekend. One of the physicists described it as "trying to hit one bullet with another bullet then have a third bullet take a picture of the collision. The mathematics alone are mind numbing.
  5. This is one of the most uninformed things I've ever read on this board. Do you have ANY concept of the technological advancements that have been direct results of the space program? Here, go learn something: http://www.sti.nasa.gov/tto/apollo.htm
  6. That fact that POKER has turned into a spectator sport is a clear sign that the apocalypse is upon us.
  7. I'm just curious, after reading this monstrosity is it possible that "pickle juice" is a euphamism for "man pudding"?
  8. Right after a score, Shout sounds fanatastic. Then again, right after a score ANYTHING would sound fantastic. I hate "Shout" more that I can ever explain. Unfortunately the Bills will never change this overplayed, overused geriatric piece of garbage.
  9. Being a complete moron with regards to scientology this thread has enlightened me. Since Cruise doesn't believe in pharmaceutical intervention, he better remain in perfect health until he dies! I'm not a drug pusher but I work in healthcare and I'm smart enough to know that drugs are the cutting edge of medical intervention. We'll see how committed he is to his beliefs if he ever has a heart attack and needs some clot busters. Hopefully, his penis will go flacid and his cholesterol will skyrocket!
  10. This idiocy was on the Today show earlier this week. If I remember correctly, it was done by some Swedish guy because his friends thought it was hysterical. He said he was just imitating a motorcycle. His 15 minutes of fame is down to 5.
  11. I don't know who her attorney will be but I know it won't be Johnny Cochran. If a cop tells me to get out of the car or he's going to taser me he won't get the opportunity to tell me a second time. I'll be lying on the pavement with my hands behind my back!
  12. Nice read, you'd have a difficult time finding a better situation for a pseudo-rookie QB to be starting in. It's rare that a QB has the sole attention of a coach as qualified as Wyche. It's going to be an exciting season!!!
  13. When I left the film I felt somewhat dissappointed and unfinished. I was looking for a sort of closure on the storyline and I just didn't get it. When you look Episode 3 in the context of all 6 it's a perfect fit. Visually it was stunning and the storyline tie in's were perfect even if they were rather fast. I find myself wishing that they'd redo 4,5 & 6. With today's graphics it would be just sick! Only problem is that the characters/actors in the first trilogy were fantastic. I think Hamil nailed the character of Luke and Ford IS Han Solo. Sad that it's over and I'm not even a huge fan.
  14. "The other area that didn't bother me as much as other people is when Vader first stands up. People say he looked goofy, kind of like the Frankenstein monster.....People, HIS APPENDAGES WERE CHOPPED OFF!!!!! That was the first time he'd ever taken a step with his artificial limbs! I dare say that if any of you who criticized this scene were to stand up on a short pair of stilts for the first time, you'd be wobbling around a bit, too!" Did anyone notice that Padme (sp?) was still pregnant at her funeral? Interesting addition to the plot tie in. I have to agree with others though, the last half hour of the movie was clearly the best and clearly made you feel like you felt at the end of ROTJ. I just wish it wasn't over
  15. I found it interesting that Lucas made me feel some sympathy for Anakin. The way they set the story up makes it hard to completely hate the guy for the first hour. He's being played by the chancellor and he desperately wants to save his wife. I was sypathetic right up to the point where he wastes the "younglings".
  16. If T.O. sits out and Philly starts the season 0-3 it'll be fun to watch!
  17. http://www.extremeskins.com/banghaha/kw.swf
  18. I'd be interested to hear your reasoning behind a 3-13 season. If JP is sub-mediocre this season his performance will be equal to that of Drew. Based upon the facts, your argument has no merit. If you want to idolize Bledsoe that's fine, build a shrine to him in your basement.
  19. I was wondering if any of the parents out there have any experience with sending their kids to camp? There is a group called "Campfire USA" that's running a week long camp for kids just north of Syracuse. It's essentially a day camp with no overnights. It covers the basics, swimming, boating, crafts etc.. The cost is $120. Since I can't get the "Canteen Boy" image out of my mind I was wondering if anyone has experience with this kind of thing? If it's worthwhile I have no problem with the cost. Of course, I'm assuming he's going to be safe and not get molested!!
  20. I used to believe that if you hid under the covers and didn't move then the monsters couldn't get you!
  21. I'm right there with you. My six year old son is absolutely loopy about seeing the new Star Wars. He's has watched all the others and didn't find them scary at all. However, I've seen the trailer for this one and as a parent I'm a bit concerned. Revenge of the Sith appears to be a whole lot darker and a whole lot more violent than any of the proceeding episodes. Now is it Jason X, no but I'm am a little...well...nervous about it.
  22. Ok, you've show me that he can get crushed. Now please show me him getting up!
  23. Didn't he get cut by the Steelers? I say sign him up, boy can't run but he can catch.
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