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Mike in Syracuse

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Everything posted by Mike in Syracuse

  1. Gee, I said that yesterday and I got flamed by the apologists. There will be no hiding from this debacle.
  2. Grats to FEMA for being prepped. BTW, the Red Cross is NOT a government agency.
  3. Show me the proof, show me ONE article?? I'll be waiting..........
  4. Well here's your quote: "Am I the only one that heard the reports of rescue and assistance teams being assembled in Baton Rouge on Saturday and Sunday?" So help me out here, are you talking about??? Find me a number of the number of NG and SnR mobilized and I'll shut up.
  5. Well if your town is about to be hit with a Cat 5 you might just want to do something. Unfortunately I'm not talking about the police and fire deparments in Baton Rouge. Did you hear any reports of teams assembling in oh say Texas or Utah or Ohio or New York??
  6. Poojer, In many respects I agree with you. There was no possible way to prepare for an event of this magnitude. Perhaps in retrospect there should have been a mandatory forced evacuation and perhaps in the future there will be. I don't want to politicize this either but I will say that this entire responsive effort is indicative of the failings our government. It's not about Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. It's about the health and safety of a nation. Our goverment has become so large and departmentalized that it takes them 48 hours to get anything moving. I would have preferred that the rescue and assistance teams begin assembling on Saturday. Martial law could have been declared on Sunday night and troops could have been on the ground Monday afternoon. It's easy to second guess at this point, it's just terribly frustrating to watch people suffering.
  7. I'm doing what the President told me to do! Meanwhile, you sit in your chair making excuses, how typical.
  8. I'm sorry but that's simply a pathetic response to this situation. The USS Comfort HASN'T EVEN LEFT PORT! It's not going be anywhere near NO until NEXT FRIDAY!! How bout ya sling some pallets of water under Huey's or Blackhawks and set them on the bridges that the thousands of people are standing on? Hell, fill Cessna's with supplies and let the pilots throw the freaking things out the window. If I didn't have anything to eat or drink for 3 days my last concern would be if it landed in dirty water. There has been one questioned answered by this disaster. If there is ever a catastrophic attack on a major US city you can expect to wait 4-5 days for assistance because "it takes time". Unfortunately, time is not a luxury you have.
  9. Yesterday's argument aside, I realize the magnitude of the situation makes coordinating aid a slow and cumbersome process but it is Thursday and we're pushing 72 hours without with little to no relief for the poor bastards in metro New Orleans. As a parent I can't image my rage if I had nothing to feed my son or daughter for 72 hours. Why don't we simply fly a shitload of C-130's over the city and push a few hundred pallets of MRE"s and water out. We do it in foriegn countries as part of relief efforts all the time????? I would bet that the 82nd airborne could do a nice job of setting up a base camp and providing much needed order. I'm pretty sure that can do it under the authority of the Governor. It's just horrifying so see these people holding up infants begging for help in our own damn backyard.
  10. Not on this board sunshine, not on this board. Feel free to take it to PPP but not here, not on my watch.
  11. Is it possible for you to post without a GB reference? This is about the third I've seen this morning. Look, if you've got some homoerotic, conservative or religious hard on for the guy please keep it to yourself. Not everyone believes he's the messiah. Now on to the news at hand! If martial law hasn't been declared in NO then wtf are they waiting for?? If you're enough of a dirtbag to loot in during a tragedy of this magnitude then a 5.56 in the head is about all the justice you deserve.
  12. I was at Bill's a couple of weeks ago and I can assure you, there were no "snatches" on the TV that night. I'm sure if there were the crowd would have been bigger!
  13. No but I'll admit to being totally addicted to World of Warcraft.
  14. Somebody should make a huge batch of this and bring it to the tailgate!
  15. Not sure where your resentment for Mickelson is coming from but he's got a tour record that most tour players would be happy to retire with. By your measure, he's a failure because he's not ranked #1, that's just absurd. You need to research his rankings as well, I believe he's been ranked #2. As for labeling him a choke artist, I'm not sure that's entirely accurate. There are some rather good golfers on tour and sometimes they just play better! He's let a couple get away from him but he's far from a "choke artist". The announcers have a "love fest" for him because he is one of the least pretentious, most accomodating guys on tour. He's also a HUGE NFL fan.
  16. Can you imagine being the 200lb DB who tries to block this guy on a kickoff? That's gonna hurt!
  17. I didn't see the scrimmage but I was sure of one thing when I logged on this morning. I was sure that one half of the wall would be raving about JP's performance and the other half would be ready to start Holcomb. I can live with a rookie QB making the occasional horrific decision, I can't live with a 12 year veteran doing the same thing.
  18. Perhaps they're not supposed to "break off"? I seem to remember Sam Adams getting upset about not being allow to rush last season. I believe his words were "that's not what we're asked to do".
  19. One spot for me please! General is fine, I'll be there pretty early but I doubt it'll be by 7:00am
  20. I don't think we need to be making assessments on players after 2 practices for God sakes. After today we'll have 4 practices in, I'm pretty confident we can determine this years draft "busts" are you? Have any of you talent savants ever actually played a sport?
  21. You think that may be prudent to wait more than 2.5 practices before declaring the LT position void?
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