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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. So we ended the draft with a Gronk from Boston? Would that be fitting?
  2. Agree with this 100%. That said, I am thinking Shady had better compete in preseason if he wants to stay.
  3. Good stuff. I would like to see a catch percentage per throw. Did they not use him alot YET he caught them all?
  4. Lots of people on here hate this pick.....Must be the steal of the draft then
  5. I believe you are right. @Inigo Montoya, dont have so much fun that you dont remember it!....for us!
  6. If he has real short arms he couldnt draw a holding call.
  7. Because of that line, although I would not have normally read on, I fully support your idea. Had you not put that lead in I would have thought you were insane. but @Gugny you my friend, are a genius!!
  8. Would you be mad if I started a post speculating which Mod closes the most duplicate posts tomorrow? Seems nessassary.
  9. He has a girls name???
  10. Nice! You know the significance of that day people? It is my Wedding Anniversary!
  11. Pancho: Health comes 1st, still in the hospital for a few more days. Therefore, my trip to the #NFLDraft has been cancelled. Please con't to pray for me & my family. Thank you for the support from #BillsMafia & Fans across the #NFL. Much Buffalove! #PanchoPower #VivaLosBills
  12. 47 hours and 12 minutes to go!!!! will we make it?
  13. Ahhhh, this makes sense now. Much more sense!
  14. BTW, What pick # is it? We will care if it repeats itself....or will we?
  15. Im more disappointed in this post then I ever was for the trade.
  16. Been a pleasure conversing with you over the years. reading your 'No particular order" posts are informative. Sometimes pick me up and sometimes drag me back down to earth. Keep it coming my friend! Edit; Hey, I am not even that much good to this forum and I'm at 3760. I guess 5k isn't that great of a deal after all @Virgil
  17. I still dont care. We got Josh. Im rooting for Josh. Not Patti.
  18. (in loud chanting voices) DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!
  19. Last year I was on vacation out west seing the sights. My coverage was @mead107vision. It was the best!
  20. We dont care when he has BAD things to say. We do care when he has GOOD things to say as long as we agree.....In my best Kevin Malone voice.
  21. PM me! I want to tell you about my dying uncle. He lives in southern Africa. He is a Prince and has access to a ton of money. All I need is your SS# but wouldn't want you to share it publicly. That aint safe!
  22. Latest from our friend Pancho: Im being discharged from hospital and I get a HUGE surprise visit from ex-#Bills player, (now Texans) JOE WEBB!! Thank you to the Houston Texans for proving football is family! Much Buffalove! & I quote "No Fanbase like #BillsMafia"
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