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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Just because a news source goes against ones political opinion doesnt make it worse then one that agrees with ones political opinion. It just makes one biased. Im sure if you found an article you agreed with on said news source you would use it as leverage.
  2. True. The company I work for is employee owned and we hear the profit/ loss statements. We do grocery and drugs so we are esential. Currently making 300k a day more then average this time of year. They do not need nor should they get a bailout. Also, I have not lost a dollar of income, although my wife babysits and has lostbout on 225 a week, so I do not really need a check. Will probably donate it somehow. Oh, and Nancy is an idiot.
  3. This is actually 59049 isnt it? 1×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3×3=59049
  4. Awesome. Didnt see that thanks. BTW, I work for a Drug Chain distribution center based out of NY. We are having trouble procuring thst product at the moment.
  5. Is it claimed to keep you from getting it?
  6. bac·ca·lau·re·ate /ˌbakəˈlôrēət/ noun 1. a college bachelor's degree. 2. an examination intended to qualify successful candidates for higher education In case any other "lower educated" person was wondering
  7. Has anyone seen any stats on use of this to treat here in the USA?
  8. He was artfully Dodging the truth.
  9. I dont know. Seem like a small burrito.
  10. Actually the President announced today that (I believe it was Hanes) the underwear company was refitting their factory to make facemasks instead. Que the mass hysteria of people not buying toilet paper and now buying out underwear
  11. I was not alive then but my mother in law said she lived through the Polio epidemic and even through thst the media didnt hype it up. In fact, her claim, is they talked people down. Attempted to keep a state of calm. She said this generation fears death too much because medicine has advanced so much to save our lives. The wisdom of an 80yo! Well! Thats an original idea. That dates back to before the Catholic church was organized 1500 years ago. Bout time!
  12. Here is where I am. Have any of the other members thrown stones? If not is it because they all live in glass houses? Because this seems like something the Dems would run with if they are not guilty also.
  13. I agree qith this 100%. Some think you should die. I dont. Was just thinking about 9/11 and the freedoms we gave up then. This isnt going to end well if we dont end it soon.
  14. It is real hard for me to unload trucks containing pallets of Chloroquine from home....just saying.
  15. Levitt explains one of the reasons why the spread of the disease slows: Levitt also concludes that most people are naturally immune to COVID-19: Let’s hope that proves to be true. The cruise ship experience seems to be powerful evidence that it is. . I believe the cruise ship offers the best medium to compare mortality rates as well. .85%. These people were stuck on the same ship for 3+ weeks.
  16. Id more than likely call you a moron
  17. Call me a nerd but I find these interesting. Love learning about naturally overcoming bugs.
  18. Has Philips signed somewhere?
  19. 10 mill....pass. This crew will replace him. Not worried.
  20. Lets be clear. NY here is NYC for the most part. The people live on top of each other. Of course it would spread like that. https://syracusecom.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Embed/index.html?webmap=c927d20b0e024193af82cd8795429c1c&extent=-79.4269,41.5579,-73.5767,44.198&zoom=true&scale=false&legend=true&disable_scroll=true&theme=light
  21. Because of all the Italians there?
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