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Everything posted by fansince88

  1. Oh, the humanity. And how did the authorities find out about this wedding? Why, a snitch, of course, because that's the America we live in now: My wife babysits for a NYS Trooper. She claims half of the 9-1-1 calls are people complaining about business that have too many people inside or groups of people gathered on front porches over the limit.
  2. Thanks my good lady! Im definitely going to look into this.
  3. I predict in the distant future we find out he released the Chinese virus to stop the protesting.
  4. Better question is who was ready for it? Riddle me this? And a better answer then this please?
  5. I'm ok (not happy with but ok) with the lockdown till May1. After that lets get this thing going! Back to work guys. Nothing to see here.
  6. LOL. You guys and "this isnt the common flu". NOBODY IS SAYING THAT!!!
  7. Same here. Sore throat. Spiked a fever and Bronchitus within hours. Good ole salt water, gse and vitamins brought me through it
  8. Once again. I was replying to the chart that shows otherwise.
  9. If Coumo sees this he will try to one up her.
  10. There are so many ways to make up that loss of revenue
  11. Neither is foot fungus. The point is lives are being turned upside down by this yet not the flu.
  12. Agree with all of this. Now people will say you and I dont think this is a serious situation or claim we are saying it is just the flu. NOT WHAT IM SAYING. I am saying that numbers dont lie.
  13. Well, I will have you know that the air quality in NNY where we have had 1 death of 135 cases is much better then the air quality in NYC. I have lived in both environments. It is different.
  14. Who was the one that decided the prayer in the Whitehouse was a great time to ask a dumb " what is your thoughts" question? Come on people! At the end of this? I wonder if the polution they breathe every day has an impact in mortality rates? I wonder if the polution they breathe every day has an impact in mortality rates?
  15. How many screen names does Tibs have?
  16. Is that why he didnt bother rebuilding the stockpiles that the CDC needed?
  17. OR Trump did a great job and the Left could have done better....OR Trump did a great job and the Left would have screwed it up royally. OR Trump did an ok job with a virus like which we have not seen in 102 years but the left (media, Q, Tibs and the like) wouldnt take a moment to recognise. I believe the the last is the best option.
  18. I will read about it in the morning.
  19. Im quite sure I will be sleeping though the evening of day 1.
  20. Well, with our leaders in NY there is evidence of the former but could be sabotage.
  21. Here is a good slanted broadcast to prove your point.
  22. Week of the AFC and NFC championships I had exactly these symptoms. Thursday I got a real sore throat about noon. Thursday evening I spiked a fever. Friday I called in sick with Bronchitis. I did not go to the dr as I have been able to self medicate viral Bronchitus many times in the past. Took about 2 weeks to totally clear up. But was feeling well enough to go to work Monday.
  23. Nailed it!!! LOL, sorry @JaCrispy, couldnt help it. While I do not share your pessimism on Josh I do understand what you are saying. Im excited to see his growth in year 3. Hope it happens. Via the internet will have to suffice for now. There is a virus a foot!
  24. So you are opposed to a great America? Yes, great but in the toilet. Now we are going back on top!
  25. So, I see you cant read sarcasm to make a point. Obviously Chicken Little was wrong too when he ran around yelling the sky is falling. It was stated to make an impact. Turn on ANY news program and it is Debbie Downers all day long. Trumps positive poise is welcome in my eyes.
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