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Posts posted by fansince88

  1. 6 hours ago, reddogblitz said:


    if this ok and doesn't spread COVID, does that mean we can start going to outdoor football games and concerts?

    The only way that is an option is if you firmly grasp a picket sign. Can we carry them into the stadiums? 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Koko78 said:


    They had been letting people go who had less than a month left on a local sentence. Not quite legal, but no one was really going to challenge it. The article is unclear about what the criteria is for releasing these people.

    I have 6 in my family that are NYS Corrections Officers.  This is how it has been reported but this is not how it has been followed. Hope you dont find this suprising.  

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  3. 1 hour ago, Koko78 said:


    Under what legal authority are they going to release these people? Pre-conviction inmates requires a judge to sign a release, and post-conviction inmates cannot have their sentences interrupted (absent a resentencing by a judge.)

    NY State has been doing this for months. Not sure how.

  4. 6 minutes ago, wppete said:

    City district attorneys rip de Blasio over planned release of high-risk inmates



    Why is this a surprise? Just talking to my son who is a NYS DOC worker. Cuomo wants to close 8 more jails. Hmmmm, Just so happens to be the number of jails in the Northern NY region where he is not voted for. Also, if an inmate on a roadway work crew tries to escape. That cant shoot. They have to let him escape. Let this sink in!! Just let that criminal go.

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  5. 3 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    I was sent a letter from my mom's center saying that under the Governor's orders, COVID positive patients may have to be admitted to 'unused apartments'. They could not give me any reason why, and that they were fighting against it. This was the same letter that explained no one was to enter or leave the community for 6 weeks.


    I work in IT for a local University/Hospital system experiencing furloughs, so I have been a bit busy recently.


    I'm as likely to listen to Jimmy Dore as I am Hannity.


    Just come out and tell everyone: Democrat, Republican or Independent why this was done.


    Why did Cuomo put COVID+ patients into poorly equipped senior centers filled with people most at risk?


    It's a simple question.

    I just sold a motorcycle I had to a guy that is the President of his school board and both of his children are nurses at homes. They were told by Cuomo that they could either take the patient's or close up shop. Lost 7 people to covid in that home.

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  6. 4 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    Who are you?

    Figure it out man - least you can do for your parents. 

    Try Google.


    There were obvious reasons why Cuomo made these decisions - he has daily briefings - the info is out there. 

    This is chilling. https://www.businessinsider.com/nursing-home-given-body-bags-when-they-accepted-coronavirus-patients-2020-4

    And to think all I did was Google it like you said.

    • Like (+1) 2
  7. 4 minutes ago, RocCityRoller said:


    My parent was put at risk. I want to know why. Don't call me names.


    Tell me why COVID positive patients and Senior Citizens were mixed together by the Governors orders.

    How was putting positive COVID patients in centers not equipped for medical care of that level considered a good option?


    If it is so obvious, and simple, stop name calling and tell me why.


    I think many people here would like to know why. This is your big stage to educate and blue pill a lot of people.


    Nonsensical ad-hominem attacks don't help you state your facts or your view point.


    Why did he do it?

    Because he wanted them dead. Babies and elderly. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, BillStime said:

    So instead just listening to Hannitys talking points - you, @GG -  never thought to figure out why Cuomo made these decisions? You can criticize them because your news sources can only share sugar coated Trump news.

    I do know why Cuomo made this decision - and it’s really sad that you claim ignorance and bash the guy at the same time - freakn hack


    So you dont have an answer?

    • Like (+1) 2
  9. 23 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    Have them remove all their barriers and give them buckets and scrub brushes to clean up their mess. Fine them and use the monies to clean up. No taxpayer dollars should be used to restore the neighborhood back to its original state. 

    Hey, US law says they loose their citizenship.  

  10. On 6/26/2020 at 8:12 AM, 123719bwiqrb said:

    No prob.


    My point of all this is I will be pissed if they reverse course and blame it on just reopening the economy.  Obvs the mixing of angry people in the streets at the orders of the MSM had nothing to do with it.

    So, >30 are the increased numbers? Thst would explain the fact that hospitalizations are not skyrocketing. Without tests I would bet they wouldnt wven know they had it

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